Hello everyone!

in Welcomes & Introductions

11 posts


creeperlover649 • 25 March 2023 at 8:36 AM

Hey. I just joined and I have no idea what to do. If people could help me with this, I would really appreciate it. My name is CreeperLover649, but you all can call me Creeper, or Leaf, or Luz(not my real name). I'm super excited to get started on this game since I'm locked out of another one that I did all the time.

1,504 posts


wonder404exe • 25 March 2023 at 9:05 AM

Theres always more events coming up!
And there is the event happening right this second: dragold den
Go to the dragold
Every 15 minutes for rare travels that you can but on ur creature as background, creatures, EC, or they will steal some ec from you!!

Go the the cave
For some new eggies every 8-30 minutes!
Every month, there will be two new eggs to collect for ur cove

Finnish ur daily tasks to get 100CC
Cc can be spent in the Cash Shop Park

Edit: you have the wait 2days for ur account
After 2days you can fully access trades, auctions, and more

Have fun!

Join the nest
Or adopt a creature from the adoption center!

1,505 posts


froot • 25 March 2023 at 10:49 AM

✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿

@creeperlover649, welcome to eggcave!

first and foremost, do make sure to check out my
newbie guide for a comprehensive introduction to eggcave, as well as some tips and tricks!

below are some more helpful links:

EggCave's Player Guide
Creature Pricing Guide
Twinkle's Adoption Center (free creatures for new players!)
iceiceice's New Player MegaGuide

i've sent you a few creatures and items to start you off ♥
feel free to
pm me or post on my wall if you have any questions you'd like to ask!

✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿ ∘❀ ∘ ✿ ∘ ❀ ∘ ✿

thanks wonder for the ping!

1,303 posts


daisycat • 25 March 2023 at 11:26 AM

Hi Creeper! I'm Daisy. 😸 Everyone here is very friendly and helpful! Please ask any questions. 😊 Do you have any favorite creatures on here yet, or, favorite animals in general?

Feel free to check out my guild, The Nest. 😊 We are currently accepting new members! You can meet players, participate in contests, and much more. All the details are found in the main post of that link.

Thank you for the ping, Wonder!
