Display collections?

in General

7 posts


gal2349 • 26 August 2023 at 9:26 PM

I have been working really hard to collect all of the holiday themed items available (still kind of a long way off but have collected a good few) is there a way to display collections? I do not want to use my shop as a display as I try to put duplicates there or things that are not holiday related there so other people can complete quests. thanks!

1,309 posts


daisycat • 26 August 2023 at 9:36 PM

I wish there was an option to display collections, too! There are so many cute items to collect and the possibilities for gallery themes are endless. You should totally comment on this topic to show your support for Egg Cave to add a gallery feature to the site. 😊

1,744 posts


minnie298a • 26 August 2023 at 9:47 PM

There is currently no specific gallery type feature that can be used to just display items.

Some do use their shops, but this can effect questing as the item appears to be for sale (a metric that quests items are judged on), but isn't really due to the outrageous price tag.

You can collect the items by using them on a creature. It will show up on their profile in a way. For example if you click on my featured pet Weft, you can see in the stats row she has 6 items collected. Clicking on that number takes you to a page that shows the items, sorted by shop. So while it starts with the two General Food items, there is also 2 under toys, and one each under Travel Agency and Library. The disadvantage to this is people need to go hunting to see it.
