Seeking to Buy CC

in Trading & Auctions

3,806 posts


sparklefox • 19 September 2023 at 6:23 AM

Once again I'm looking to buy some CC. Currently have enough EC to buy 2,000CC using the usual conversion rate (100CC = 1million EC). Not looking for any particular amount of CC at once, main goal is gathering at least 1K total for October.

Alternatively, I have two trades up; an unhatched genderless VEND Tawny for 200CC and an unhatched male Nyacos for 2,000CC - both prices were taken from various value guides. I can also accept CC + EC or CC + creature(s) for the Nyacos. (Both creatures are immortal and come with decent-ish word names.)

Responses will most likely be kinda slow, sorry.
