Virtual Pet Sites Unoffical Masterlist

in Entertainment

14 posts


sleepycalaban • 10 October 2023 at 2:00 AM

Hello! The other day I decided to make a section on my website dedicated to being an unofficial masterlist of at least somewhat active virtual pet sites. (This site is added to it already!) I'm on the hunt to see if I'm missing any even if they're new/in beta!
Some signs of activity I'm looking for are at least a few people online or a very recent news post.

You can find my masterlist here to see what I've already added:

Feel free to share your usernames as well if you're looking for friends on any of the sites already on the list or on the site you're telling me about for others to find. 😊

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 10 October 2023 at 3:55 AM

Welcome @sleepycalaban I think it's really neat you made a Neocities page on the subject! Another neocities user's page had convinced me to finally join Eggcave (yearrrrrs after I had hung up my virtual pets hat.)

It's a pretty good list you have there! ^^

I've long forgotten most I played on and many no loner exist (besides Neopets,) but one that is still active
(Not sure if one would consider it a virtual pets site, so much as it is a Sim, but they do have user forums, and a collection aspect...) is Wolf Quest. (I can't speak for the newer versions though, I last played it before the new company took it over from the Minnesota Zoo.)

14 posts


sleepycalaban • 10 October 2023 at 4:32 AM

@snowywinter ty for the suggestion! I considered adding the animal sim ones but decided to keep it just to pet collecting for now. If you liked wolf quest though you may like wolvden. It's not 3d but you manage your own wolf pack. The creators also have another game called Lioden which is basically the same thing but lions. I believe it was their first game.

1,967 posts


opalquinze • 10 October 2023 at 6:41 AM


this is pretty neat of you to make a list of pet sites that you’ve encountered on the ‘net! there’s a few i recognize (mainly the more popular ones like Neopets and Subeta), so idk if you want what i recommend since it hasn’t exactly launched past its upcoming screen (the staff behind are still updating it, albeit slowly)

it’s a “revamp” of the original that’s been since defunct (and turned into an NFT thing (that didn’t go too far fortunately)), so yeah idk too many (revamp is in quotes since it wants to be separate from the NFT version, but still have some of the recognizable pets). there was some drama behind the original and revamp, but i’m not sure if you wanna hear that

just wondering if you’ll include a “defunct” section or put a “defunct” label next to those under your Other Virtual Pet Sites list that you come across? i think there have been some lost to time and that would be neat if some info still exists somewhere. if you wanna focus on more active/available ones, then that’s fine! this is just me saying that i think would be nice to those who might recall a few that they’ve joined, but are no longer accessible

14 posts


sleepycalaban • 10 October 2023 at 4:39 PM


Yeahh as I was looking up different pet sites I heard about some of the stuff with neopets. I personally don't play though especially since last time I tried it kept switching between the new homepage layout and classic layout every time I went to a new page making it very confusing lol. For now the list is just a place of active places though, maybe in the future I may add a section for older games that don't work anymore! That list would probably be without links though since those games have gone down.

1,967 posts


opalquinze • 10 October 2023 at 4:52 PM


yeah, i heard bout the same thing what NP has been doing for a while (and didn't like the mobile layout cuz it was so awkward the last time i've played)

glad you'll think bout putting a section for defunct ones! not saying you have to include a link, so maybe put a short description of it instead? i know a few that i've played before (does PetPet Park ring a bell? i know that one was on par with NP since NP used to advertise it a lot), so i'm looking forward if you ever decide to put it sometime in the future!
