Too many feed requests! Please wait a few seconds, refresh, and try again.

in Problems & Bugs

62 posts


tehuti88 • 5 November 2023 at 1:05 AM

Why can I not feed my own creatures anymore? ☹️

I have literally never had this issue before. I'm not even feeding quickly, I'm on my laptop, which means I'm feeding even MORE slowly. I feed much faster on tablet.

Also, "wait a few seconds"? It's been a few minutes now and it still will not let me feed.

Very frustrating. I just wanted to feed my cove and get it over with.

EDIT: Interestingly, I'm not getting Gobblers anymore either. I had just noticed that they appear every 1-3 minutes, as described, when on laptop--but NOT when on mobile. On tablet they are much more unreliable, you can go for 10-15min. or more without encountering any. Thus I decided to feed on laptop, which is slower, but I might see the Gobblers as regularly as the game claims you can find them. They stopped appearing when this error started, I have to wonder if this is a way to limit my participation in the game, and if so, why? Other users are gathering far faster than I am.

EDIT: Is this related to Daylight Saving Time?? I just noticed my clock turned back. If so...when can I start feeding again? Will the Gobblers start appearing again then too?


Daylight Saving Time ended on November 1 in 2020...looks like this is indeed the issue. Just wonder why I'm apparently the only one complaining about it...and when it gets fixed. :/ Since it seems to be a recurring issue there should maybe be a page on it.

1,745 posts


minnie298a • 5 November 2023 at 7:58 PM

I noticed that I couldn't feed (and didn't see any gobblers) for about an hour last night. I'm going to say it was 1 to 2 am. As I'd already asked and had confirmed there was daylight savings shenanigans going on (I'm on the opposite side of the world) I put it down to that. I was going to make a similar board to this if it had of lasted longer.
