Forum Daily

in Site Feedback & Ideas

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15 posts


glaphordesa • 9 May 2024 at 10:06 AM

Idk why I can't reply to other forums now, but I really don't like the daily forum quest or the commenting on profiles quest. While it is only 3 comments, I think it really does encourage spam, especially since a lot of threads are old and sometimes I just don't have a whole lot to add.

10 posts


minervaandmars • 9 May 2024 at 12:20 PM

I know, forum dailies are a pain. But I tried posting in the Word Association thread, and that counted towards my dailies, even though it doesn't count towards my actual forum posts. Maybe try playing some of the forum games?

I wish there was more activity on here though. The site is so nice!

1,793 posts


minnie298a • 11 May 2024 at 12:33 AM

As stated, the Forum Games count towards the daily and is where most of my posts go. As for the Profile/Wall daily, you can post on your own wall and it will count.

In regards to the not being able to post, I know there is a "cooldown" for new accounts before they can do certain things. I'm not sure what the limits are though, it's been a while.

4,632 posts


mastergemma • 1 week ago

Topic moved to Site Feedback and Ideas.

Thank you for your feedback! This definitely was on our minds when the daily tasks were implemented and due to the Forum Games section and users being able to delete their own wall comments, we judged that users would be able to complete these tasks while not creating any spam.

I acknowledge how daunting it can be to write on another user's wall but there is no stopping you from just posting on your own wall. If you have any further concerns, please feel free to contact me.
