shine • 18 January 2025 at 2:52 AM
So I haven't played in four years, oops. Back in 2021 there wasn't much to do around the site on a day to day basis, but I see that they've since added dailies which incentivize questing (even with a small CC reward) and actual polls for the re-releases. Speaking of the re-releases, I'm pondering whether or not to try and trade for Greem and Nym since I missed those in 2023... There's a lot of old pets I love at VEND too, and I haven't even looked at the past four years of new releases yet. So much for trying to keep a small cove.Anyway, it seems to me that the site is much more engaging and active than I remember it being so I was wondering, would you say this impression is correct? What are some of your favorite new features, and what would you improve on?
minnie298a • 18 January 2025 at 4:31 AM
@shine Welcome back.The dailies have been around for almost 2 years, and help with motivation for a lot of the different aspects of EC. Each day there will always be a feed task (100, 200, or 300), a "social" task (forum or wall posts), and a game task (Trivia, Alkub, Asteroid or Sandrodon). The other two come from a pool that include Click Exchange clicks, Using/Consuming items, Restocking or buying from NPC shops, Questing, donating items, Cave approaches and just regular clicking creatures. If you want more stats, just ask, I have collected some.Personally, I'm a big fan of the dailies. They have helped boost questing (despite all the complaining about those tasks) and interactions in the XC. They also gave me motivation to put travels on about 400 of my "keeper" creatures. The CC doesn't hurt either. Just keep in mind it's 25 days in a calendar month for the CC, and next month, February is a short month with less days that can be skipped.The other exciting thing is beta testing for galleries began earlier this week.
shine • 18 January 2025 at 6:01 AM
@minnie298a Thank you! It's good to see that you're still around, and with the same avatar too ❤️Thanks for sharing these stats as well, I'm glad to know what to expect for each day 😊 I'll take advantage of my break and try to meet the 25 days in February, but if I don't, ah well.I'll have to see if I'll even commit to daily login or play more casually, but either way it's nice to be back and see the site thriving all this time.I also took a look at the Beta thread and that's indeed exciting! I may even retire my item collector Ornisment
minnie298a • 18 January 2025 at 11:23 PM
@shine I've thought about changing my avatar, and then get overwhelmed with choice and give up. Besides, Weft has been there since I got her in Oct 2015, it would probably feel weird to change her out for something different.October That's the stats for October 2024's Dailies. It shows what we where asked to do at the top, and what I personally got awarded each day at the bottom. Rewards are random and results will vary. And for that matter, while everyone does the same tasks each day, the tasks are kind of random as well. While there will always be a feed task, a social task, a game task and two of the others, with the exception of the social tasks, we won't be asked to do the same thing two days running. So if we have a 100 Feed one day the next will be 200 or 300. If we have to do 5 Quests, there will be no quest task the following day. The exception is the social one and we have had runs of 3 or 4 or more days in a row in the past.Also instead of totally retiring your collection creature, I'd suggest just leaving it until you have to Use or Consume items.
mindassala • 19 January 2025 at 11:16 AM
@shineYes, your impression is correct. The dailies keep me engaged, but my least favorite daily is forum posts. Sometimes there are few new topics and some are rather old. I appreciate those who run feeding contests. Another change on Egg Cave is the expansion of cove spaces. That is really necessary with so many species to collect! I'm glad you have chosen to come back, even if you are here infrequently.
heatherm19 • 24 January 2025 at 8:34 PM
I love @minnie298a's dailies stats, I refer to them often as I like knowing that sort of data. @shine I've only been around since 2022 but I definitely think the site has changed for the better just since then. I have seen some of the older players say it's not as active as it used to be, but just in terms of things to do and variety it's definitely expanded. The dailies are interesting to me in terms of expanding my playing, giving me a reason to do things I may not otherwise bother with. If you've looked at the Quests, you'll also notice that Quests in general changed the way they are run, no longer having 'pools' of creatures that you just have to take a chance on but now having the ability to buy any specific creature available with your tokens.One thing I didn't see mentioned (apologies if it was, I skimmed a bit of the thread) is the 'baiting' feature for cave attempts. Each day a (random?) selection of 3 cave-available creatures are chosen that you can use 'bait', ie an item, on to give a boost to the odds of getting that creature. It's *not* guaranteed (and in fact I've amassed quiet a collection of creatures I've gotten *after* using 'bait' without success), but it can be a fun little way to make cave attempts more interesting and get rid of some extra items.
minnie298a • 24 January 2025 at 11:23 PM
@mindassala Personally, I use the Games Forum a lot for dailies. While posts there don't count towards your overall tally, they do count for dailies.