At least 1 LE egg a day during their release

in Site Feedback & Ideas

2,115 posts


dionaea • 25 October 2011 at 6:38 AM

I've noticed the unequal spread of limited edition eggs a long time ago, some people find lots, while other people hardly find any.

So my suggestion is:

Make the last egg found every day one of the LE eggs when limited edition eggs are released, with regular odds for all the other steal attempts.

This way everyone will be able to find at least some and release periods can be shorter, because everyone will ALWAYS find some. This is better than the current situation where the release period is long and some people end up with lots of creatures and some end up with hardly any to none at all. Also the creatures will probably become rare faster with a shorter release period.

So whaddya think?

*prepares for flaming by lucky people*


887 posts


peppermintcowboy • 25 October 2011 at 6:50 AM

*brings out the flame thrower*

Haha - I kid! 😋

Personally, I'd just find it less fun if I already knew with certainty I'd get a new LE every day during a release. I like the randomness of the current situation. (And I say that as someone who hasn't managed to get a single new egg in three days! XD )

After a few days of release, the TC becomes swamped with the new eggs anyway and they get quite cheap to trade for. Not as ~magical~ as getting a new egg from the cave... but better than nothing, I guess. 😊

2,115 posts


dionaea • 25 October 2011 at 6:57 AM

Ok, fair enough, I prefer to steal em myself though, makes it more special. 😊 I personally don't have trouble trading, all the halloween (cave) creatures on my profile were traded for, but some people might have problems getting the pets they want.

Deleted • 25 October 2011 at 6:59 AM

@dionaea 😸 good idea!

887 posts


peppermintcowboy • 25 October 2011 at 7:01 AM

@dionaea - Oh, I can definitely see your point of view, don't get me wrong. I'm sure your idea will get a lot of positive feedback. I just didn't really agree, but it's no biggie. I can see the value of it. 😊

2,115 posts


dionaea • 25 October 2011 at 7:14 AM

I know 😊 And I can completely understand your point of view too. Because if you do get lucky now it makes the creature extra special 😊 I haven't traded my Garo away yet only because so far it's the only creatures I've gotten myself XD I was only saying why I think that for some people it might be a huge improvement. 😊

881 posts


elluwah • 25 October 2011 at 7:19 AM

Even if I was to be lucky enough to get lots of these latest Halloween creatures (which I haven't, haha), I'd support something like this. I can completely understand the reasons why this sort of thing wouldn't be wanted in Egg Cave though... but let's face it, it's really unbalanced lately.

Another thing that bugs me, is when people say "but then they wouldn't be as rare!" ...why do people want all eggs, all the time, to be rare? >.< Is that all that matters to people?

All that matters to me is the ability to collect the creatures we want to collect without having to worry about how we're going to get them. 😊

927 posts


lyricgeek • 25 October 2011 at 7:29 AM

People want them to be rare so that they can trade them, or atleast have a chance to, trade them for pets on their wishlist.

Personally, I think this would greatly drop LE levels down to common and many people would not have anything to trade for dreamies...I also quite enjoy searching for eggs and I'm afraid that it will take the fun out of it but I do understand your point of view and hope you allthe best luck and support 😊

2,307 posts


lizardfeather • 25 October 2011 at 8:05 AM

I kinda like this but here's how I would modify it.

~You can choose one LE but get NO cave or asteroid tries for the day, and if you already have used one you can't do it.

~You can only do this once per event available.

Maybe? Dunno lol

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 25 October 2011 at 8:19 AM

I don't get how the idea works, but I agree with the problem, it gets really annoying, especially just because of luck.

431 posts


schwartz • 25 October 2011 at 9:54 AM

@dionea I got 6 of them today

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 25 October 2011 at 10:18 AM

Well, I think it makes it less fun /knowing/ that you're going to get an LE. 😋 While it's an interesting idea and it just might work if LEs become harder to find in regular cave tries, I personally like it the way it is. 😉

160 posts


hawk_fan • 25 October 2011 at 9:52 PM

maybe just increased odds but still no guarantee, after the event is over they would be rare again and tradable 😊

Deleted • 16 November 2011 at 11:30 PM

how about you get at least one for the entire release, but you might get lucky and get some more?

995 posts


haunted • 16 November 2011 at 11:34 PM

@dionaea I like it being random but this idea is not bad.😊
