List of my Ideas

in Site Feedback & Ideas

1,186 posts


lbowe_elbow • 2 July 2016 at 8:06 PM

Some of these are other people's ideas that I highly support!

1. Upgrade the trading center. Many people trade items for creatures, creatures for CC/EC and to have ONE trade center would make this all so much easier.

2. A way to gift things like creatures and EC. This would also make transferring between accounts a lot easier.

3. The click exchange needs a tiny update! Instead of getting 35 eggs on the first load then 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. Maybe just make a max of 20-30 eggs per load. That way you don't end up clicking 1 egg at a time.

4. Consider removing the livepulse ping rule. Many users enjoyed being pinged into topics. And the ones who don't should ignore it.

5. A chat for the whole site so people can speak to each other with ease. This could easily be implemented by using a host chat site coded into eggcave with access for just eggcave users. With the removal of livepulse pings it took away the chat-esk feeling of the forums. Many people would like to be able to live chat with anyone online with eggcave. Ask people who wants feeds. Get views on your creature. Ask about trades. but in a more instant arena than the forums.

6. A whose online now list so people can communicate with people who are online easily. It's hard to meet new people when a lot of people don't use the forums and you've pretty much met all of the regular forum users. This would allow other members to be dragged into the community in eggcave. Which would hopefully increase the amount of people who stay with eggcave for long amounts of time.

7. It would be very convenient if the cove lists could be more like a checklist like when you're selecting eggs at Tim's. This was it is much more user friendly for people with larger coves, or people who don't know their creatures names/don't care about names as much. Maybe add this as a second feature? There could be more than one way to select creatures to add to your lists.

8. Wall post times and ESPECIALLY personal mail times should be shortened, or allow for edits. Especially for mailing someone different than the person you just mailed. It's silly that I have to wait a minute to reply to the next mail in my box.

9. Also when trying to send a mail and you do it before the allotted time, it kicks you back and saves your message. Which is awesome. But it is less awesome because because messages appear with breaks. For example I want to send the following message:
"I would prefer


I can offer a lot of EC. I have been saving up"
But when I sent it too fast, and EggCave saved my message for me, it saved the following:
"I would prefer<br />
<br />
Eeriek<br />
Flover<br />
EC<br />
<br />
I can offer a lot of EC. I have been saving up"

10. To help with cove sizes you should be warned when offering on too many creatures so that you might g over your cove limit. It is very hard to fix this if it happens on a side account where you barely feed.

11. A universal wish list search: this will make trades easier. This would also require the implementation of an in0site wishlist! This should be allowed for travels and items as well. Having multiple wishlists to the ability to add comments to your wishes would be good, that way you could add a priority or freeze/gender preferences.

12. A list of species you do/don't own built into the site. This should be allowed for travels and items as well.

13. More than 140 character wall posts! I understand limiting them but 140 character is SO short and is super annoying when you can only post every 20 seconds

14. More customization for your profile! Many site allow your "about you" section to be 100% you! I love that and would be really fun to have background images and stuff!

15. Add in an ecode for linking to topics! We can link to topics but it uses the whole URL. It would look much prettier with a built in ecode!

16. A way to sort your items inventory/storage! I wish I could sort by name!

Please tell me what you think of any of these ideas.

2,158 posts


prairie • 2 July 2016 at 8:12 PM

The <br/> I agree is annoying, lol

I love the last 2 ideas. 😊

3,331 posts


carter • 2 July 2016 at 8:17 PM

110% Support these ideas. The site really needs to be more streamlined.

Edit: Number 14 probably wouldn't go the best, considering, but the rest of the ideas sound great so far!

1,186 posts


lbowe_elbow • 2 July 2016 at 8:18 PM


Added another idea! (And about to add another)

Please ping people you think will be interested in these ideas. It is important to get support if you want to see changes

1,801 posts


cirrus • 2 July 2016 at 8:57 PM

@lbowe_elbow I agree with nearly all but few.

First off, #7, I like the way it is now. 😊

Number 9, I've never experienced that before.

Number 11: I'm not against it, but I'd want the ability to create multiple wishlists similar to how you can have multiple cove lists with the ability to name each list so you can have a wishlist for like high priority creatures, things that you just kind of want, etc.

Number 12, I'm not against it the idea, I just don't particularly care for it. I wouldn't care whether or not it's implemented.

Lastly, I don't know why but I just don't care for number 14 too much. I'd rather just keep profiles the way they are now.

But all the other ideas I agree with 100%.

1,186 posts


lbowe_elbow • 2 July 2016 at 8:59 PM


Thank you for your support! I will add your ideas to #11

3,584 posts


lailaluckyseal87 • 20 August 2016 at 3:13 PM

@lbowe_elbow I have wanted the whose online thing 4ever, the only thing is i absolutely hate background images on sites. It gives me a headache and is confusing. I have left 4 adoptable sites because of it.
