sony • 13 Nov 2016, 1:45 PM

also could you please tell me the name of the cheapest immortalize service person out there again? xD i forgot... lol... thank you! c:

sony • 13 Nov 2016, 1:38 PM

- the Grisal // if i ever manage to find one // but thanks! 😸 rn i have just too many deadlines to catch lol im dead

sony • 13 Nov 2016, 1:38 PM

yeah... hmm, well names dont really matter to me xD it just sucks that i lost a good name lol but nvm i'll find sth to replace it on -

sony • 12 Nov 2016, 3:54 PM

- thanksgiving is coming and teachers are giving us furloads of work to make it up for the week off aaarrghhhhhhh. are you doing anything?

sony • 12 Nov 2016, 3:54 PM

and my grisal used to have a cool name that came w it but since it died someone else took it :c bummer. i have snowed under work bc -

sony • 12 Nov 2016, 3:52 PM

- i'm like what... o.O i havent replied since and i'm just ugghhhhhh mine could have been alive if i hadnt dropped out of eggcave lol...

sony • 12 Nov 2016, 3:52 PM

- im fine xc im just too tired now, but honestly the man cannot be president xD hmm, bc someone asked me to pay 300k ec for a grisal and -

sony • 12 Nov 2016, 3:51 PM

pweeeetttyyy oscoaaaaaaaa *-* lol idk cause i feel like politics' a sensitive subject? xD idk idc now just dont tear the country apart and -

promise • 12 Nov 2016, 8:12 AM

Not as much as the older wishlist. Plus I may have a trade for one in the works. If you get more creatures, feel free to offer anytime.

senkou • 11 Nov 2016, 12:12 AM

U interested in my narlock? 😱

shironami • 10 Nov 2016, 10:11 PM

Yeah, it can be.

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 5:38 PM

dang how much is a grisal worth? xD i need to get my dead one back and i dont have cc but like they should be at most 100k true?

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 5:33 PM

- lol if you could vote who would you vote for? xD and ahhh i felt like i could have won that ZInzall auctionnnnnnn!

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 5:32 PM

- knows i'll give him a chance cause now that he's the president there's nothing you can do abt it -- and sorry i've been going on and on -

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 5:32 PM

- burn it or anything xD tbh im scared tho... but the woman wouldve made me lowkey scared as well cause she's kinda evil but eh -- who -

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 5:31 PM

- president, and i wont even bother protesting xD cause im whatever with whoever, as long as they run the country well lmao just dont -

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 5:31 PM

and i don't know, the guy is just stupid imho and the woman is too devilish, but the results are out now, i'm gonna acknowledge him as -

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 5:30 PM

- about it. oh gee... and i think that's kind of the whole general situation of the world politics lol everyone's scared of our leaders.

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 5:29 PM

oh wow xD and nah, there's nothing absolute in politics, if there has to be one absolute thing, then it is corruption haha, nothing good -

promise • 10 Nov 2016, 2:58 PM

Nice cove but I have of lot of these creatures already. I am looking for a few wishlist or to trade up with my solis

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 9:04 AM

- enough to vote xD do i come off that old? .____. and ughh i wouldnt have voted if i could either theyre both equally horrible...

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 9:04 AM

- read over it's basically people paying recording what they got and did not get haha, all kinds of ec is in there xD and lol im not old -

sony • 10 Nov 2016, 9:03 AM

oh wow, see that's my problem with the thief shop, you never what you can get, there's a thief shop log topic in the forums and if you -

iridescence • 10 Nov 2016, 2:10 AM

Oh nah haha~ I might save one or two, but I'm hoping to get enough stuff from the auctions to get a good friend a nym for christmas~ ^^

iridescence • 10 Nov 2016, 2:06 AM

Hey hello ^^ thanks so much haha~ ❤️

sony • 9 Nov 2016, 10:29 PM

xD election stuff haha and hmmm, dang it i wanted to be in that auction, i forgot to check ughhh do you know who won?

sony • 9 Nov 2016, 10:29 PM

>status oh no what happened? is it the thief shop or is it a real thief? and oooh one thing we've been forgetting to talk about - preside

immortalraven • 8 Nov 2016, 9:44 AM

It was x3

shironami • 7 Nov 2016, 10:14 PM

I might be able to do the Narlock...?

shironami • 7 Nov 2016, 9:09 PM

What do you want for it?