Wall: firedawn

mrsgiggles • 16 Nov 2015, 7:10 AM

Thanks, hehe. The Thief Shop WILL NOT BEAT US!

periwinkle • 16 Nov 2015, 7:01 AM

Hello ^^ My day was okay,just a little bit upset. How are you? (:

loumina28 • 16 Nov 2015, 5:23 AM

I see. Some people don't like the idea because of the values. I don't care about the creature changing value. Some other people care...

hayleysmith • 16 Nov 2015, 5:21 AM

thank you for my prize ❤️

loumina28 • 16 Nov 2015, 4:49 AM

I see. Maybe someone should suggest for a new item (probably a cc item) that can change the stage of your creature! What do you think?

loumina28 • 16 Nov 2015, 4:46 AM

another deton that hasn't already evolved to the stage yours has.

loumina28 • 16 Nov 2015, 4:44 AM

Thanks. I've just got some hypothermia. Other than that I'm okay! What about you? @status oh. You know, you can trade your deton for

ushafuse • 16 Nov 2015, 3:45 AM

That doesn't really make sense too, but, who cares. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ushafuse • 16 Nov 2015, 3:33 AM

Wait, no. Change it to "Finds Gobbler on the 'Found a Gobbler page' and finds Gobbler on the 'Found the Gobbler page'" Yes.

ushafuse • 16 Nov 2015, 3:30 AM

@status You need to add a 'finds a Gobbler' in the middle. Then it'll make sense.

thebest • 16 Nov 2015, 1:15 AM

Yes they both are uft 😊

immortalraven • 15 Nov 2015, 11:20 AM

It's fine x3 I didn't really think so. Mine are worse when I do xD

bang14982 • 15 Nov 2015, 9:36 AM

Fed all 😊

thebest • 15 Nov 2015, 9:16 AM

thanks 😊

thebest • 15 Nov 2015, 9:09 AM


asi • 15 Nov 2015, 8:57 AM

Thanks (: Yours seems to be going nicely, though that's some list you have there! C':

thebest • 15 Nov 2015, 8:33 AM

hi how much ec for the trinket travel jarob stage 1 and 2

samugarichan • 15 Nov 2015, 8:20 AM

Can u reply to the mails I sent you? It's been about 4 days since you last replied.

raitonchidori • 15 Nov 2015, 7:53 AM

I don't remember, to be honest xD. Just traded.

promise • 15 Nov 2015, 7:09 AM

Probably not unless for a bunch of higher wishlist creatures

promise • 15 Nov 2015, 6:39 AM

Panic and tea cup for 20k?

loumina28 • 15 Nov 2015, 3:11 AM

Yes! It's incredible and really nice of her! So many cc creatures can be won in these contest. That's all. Have a nice day!

loumina28 • 15 Nov 2015, 2:25 AM

Thanks a lot! I wonder where does @byfelisa find all this cc. Anyways it's really kind of her to give these gifts! Don't you agree?

18kittyrox • 15 Nov 2015, 2:24 AM

😊 I'm really getting addicted to this game... 😃

rurukis • 15 Nov 2015, 2:21 AM

Thank you! ❤️ 😸

18kittyrox • 15 Nov 2015, 2:21 AM

I got a Punbundu!! I was just going on for a quick look around (I was supposed to be sleeping 😉) and I stumbled across it!I was so excited!

18kittyrox • 15 Nov 2015, 2:19 AM

oohh....... I suddenly realized what it means!!!

18kittyrox • 15 Nov 2015, 2:18 AM

What does @status mean?! Someone said to me '@status! Congratulations!' and I still have no idea what it means... XD

18kittyrox • 15 Nov 2015, 2:09 AM

Fed lists! 😃 There's no need to feed back... 😃

rurukis • 15 Nov 2015, 2:07 AM

I'm so awful at using the forums. (___) I submitted a creature suggestion, by the way. 😱 Would you be interested in checking it out? 😸