

20 April 2017
Last Seen

7 years ago


United States

6 Players

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2 Topics
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5 Posts

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Hi! I'm Nature Girl. I love animals and nature.(other than mosquitoes!) And of course I love my pets! I also love to read. I have read the Harry Potter series, the Percy Jackson series and now I'm working on the Fablehaven series(I'm on book 4).

Creatures (2)


sharaya26 • 31 May 2017, 3:53 PM

would you take 60,000 ec for your 3 Daisypus? I can add alittle bit more if needed 😊

naturegirl • 24 May 2017, 8:00 AM

@luv what's that?? ps your creature is SOO cute!!

luv • 23 May 2017, 8:51 PM

Do you need Tim's, doll?

naturegirl • 22 May 2017, 10:50 PM

almost all my creatures are in danger of dying! Someone PLEASE HELP! :'(

raregem1996 • 18 May 2017, 5:37 PM

I'll give you 15k for ___oejfoe the Soltore

veritaspunk • 12 May 2017, 5:57 AM

~ Hi :-D I can offer 20k each for your Sparktails ~

monsteraz • 10 May 2017, 10:24 AM

What foy your Eartha, Mo,and Cotofly.?

telekinec • 9 May 2017, 9:58 PM

50cc is usually worth 50k EC. Mo, Luminese are creatures from the cave.

naturegirl • 9 May 2017, 9:53 PM

@jean561114573609 sorry, i did not know what the things on your message were. i am terribly sorry

naturegirl • 9 May 2017, 8:05 AM

its ok 😊

saturna • 9 May 2017, 12:11 AM

I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused :<

saturna • 8 May 2017, 11:53 PM

Sorry, but only the trigren might have been uft. Thanks for the offer, but now that I have my own Eartha, I'm satisfied.

spiritie • 6 May 2017, 7:32 AM

I am sorry but the amount you offered isn't worth that lot...

saturna • 1 May 2017, 12:46 AM

I can also offer EC as well if you would like.

saturna • 1 May 2017, 12:36 AM

Hi! I know there are a lot of people asking...but is there something from my cove that would interest you in exchange for your Eartha?

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