
Thank you everybody! I will never forget the years I spent on this site ❀️ 11 Jan 2025, 4:19 PM

1 March 2015
Last Seen



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604,222 EC
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14 Topics
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828 Posts

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Hi! I'm not active on this site anymore, unfortunately, but I am still very thankful for the time I spent here ❀️

Eggcave was a comforting experience to me as a shy, awkward, artsy teenager. It gave me a much-needed sense of community and let me concentrate my energy into something fun and creative while I grappled with a lot of difficult emotions. Admittedly, life is a series of journeys, a constant process of taking and leaving things behind. I have left Eggcave behind, but am nonetheless grateful for the journey and will always reserve a special fondness for this site.

Anyways, I hope this site leaves you with that same special sense of warmth and spark of wonder...

Good luck, and carry the past forwards with you, lovingly, every step of the way.

P.S. Special thanks to everyone who helped immortalize my Potoo, it was such an unexpected but lovely surprise to see this creature after my absence 😊


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sΙͺᴅᴇs: @luminette β˜… @artist ❖ @cosmomon β˜… // Impossible Wishlist ;u;

α΄„α΄ΚŸΚŸα΄‡α΄„α΄›ΙͺΙ΄Ι’: ᴄᴏsᴍᴏᴍᴏɴs, ʟᴜᴍΙͺɴᴇᴛᴛᴇs , α΄˜α΄α΄‘α΄‡Κ€ (sα΄‡Κ€α΄€ΚŸα΄˜Κœα΄€α΄‡ sᴛᴀɒᴇ 4), α΄€Ι΄α΄… ᴀɴʏ ʟᴜᴍΙͺɴᴇsᴇ α΄›Κ€Ιͺɴᴋᴇᴛs

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Hey. I'm weird. Surely you must be as well if you've decided to take a stop at my cove. Enjoy your stay. There's no going back.
- - -

I'm a relatively active user on the site, mostly spending my days feeding tons of creatures and reaping up tons of EC. Oh, and I do feed-backs, by the way. most of the time πŸ˜‹ Now, if ever in need of EC, just post on my wall and we can figure something out. (I usually just exchange it for CC though, 50 = 500k)

I also enjoy chatting, participating in contests/giveaways, along with giving feedback on creature suggestions and stories. Feel free to ping/invite me to these anytime! Or even try dragging me into a massive group conversation while I frantically attempt to escape... I'll probably end up enjoying it instead.

Creatures (30)


sydney • 2 days ago

omg i just saw the forum post for immortalizing your potoo. it warmed my heart.

okami • 16 Nov 2024, 12:58 AM

πŸ¦‰The Potoo has been immortalized πŸ¦‰ Congrats on your creature suggestion, hope you eventually return to see it ❀️

wonder404exe • 1 Nov 2024, 1:31 PM


valorieviolet • 1 Mar 2024, 8:24 PM


valorieviolet • 16 Feb 2023, 6:27 PM


murmurw • 12 Feb 2021, 1:49 PM

Hello! Do you have any CC or EC UFF? Sorry for bothering and thank you❀️

lunacharm1037 • 1 Oct 2020, 2:58 PM

Is Alkore on your side uft?

decay • 27 Apr 2020, 6:01 PM

Hey! I forgot to say thank you for all the opportunities and the Ornisiment and Ami (:
Hope you’re doing well!

sodabearjess • 20 Apr 2020, 6:24 PM

Fed all 😊

skymoare • 14 Apr 2020, 4:37 PM

hey, just wondering is the name Ultramoon UFT?

murmurw • 12 Apr 2020, 2:50 PM

Is one of your Poissons for trade?

surgeon • 8 Apr 2020, 7:13 PM

Thank you! 😊

surgeon • 6 Apr 2020, 4:51 PM

Any chance I could adopt a Dinni? 😊

lexypie2006 • 5 Apr 2020, 9:13 AM

okay thanks it is fine you are so kind

lexypie2006 • 4 Apr 2020, 1:15 PM

I can I please have the Scraggy the Zalaeth and MBi6r the Batteron and Snice the Swanice it is for a friend she is scared to ask

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