Wall: zero_chaos

nroosangel • 9 Sep 2012, 2:01 PM

fed all^^

92firebirdgirl • 9 Sep 2012, 1:38 PM

how much cc for your roo?

soldier4 • 9 Sep 2012, 12:18 PM

Fed your creatures

lucas • 9 Sep 2012, 11:41 AM

mind checking my creature sugestion? =) http://eggcave.com/forums/topic/21474

panda-chan • 9 Sep 2012, 11:28 AM

fed all back 😊

carter • 8 Sep 2012, 5:28 PM

Fed All ^-^

newlife • 7 Sep 2012, 10:51 PM

Fed your mortals. (:

iulianna1 • 7 Sep 2012, 8:05 PM

Thanks! Fed all! and whoa! cool! my cove used to be 15 creatures but i expanded it so it would be easier to trade 😸

marie_lily • 7 Sep 2012, 6:49 PM

Fed all.

sunshinecat • 7 Sep 2012, 6:04 PM

Do you want to trade your Tenalp for my Unipeg with a pink space travel? ^^

Meteoroid • 7 Sep 2012, 3:15 PM

What exactly do you mean by "all centered alignment" in the forum?

karenna19 • 7 Sep 2012, 1:12 AM

Thank you! Fed all 😊

x_arya • 6 Sep 2012, 7:19 PM

Fed all 😊

schusteralex2 • 6 Sep 2012, 5:47 PM

Thanks, fed all back 😊

carter • 6 Sep 2012, 4:43 PM

Fed All

mirtel • 6 Sep 2012, 7:03 AM

Hi thanks but you didn't answer that: is one of your Aerlos+ draid+ Kinump uft?if they are what do you like for them?

dracona • 6 Sep 2012, 5:29 AM

thank you, fed all again

carter • 5 Sep 2012, 9:06 PM

Fed All

iceyfira • 5 Sep 2012, 7:06 PM

Fed all mortals! 😸

mirtel • 5 Sep 2012, 2:20 PM

plz read my comment in @Zero_Storage

mirtel • 5 Sep 2012, 2:18 PM

fed all😸

lunacharm1037 • 5 Sep 2012, 11:43 AM


avengeful_lime • 5 Sep 2012, 6:46 AM

fed all

dracona • 5 Sep 2012, 6:30 AM

fed all

jupiter_hollow • 5 Sep 2012, 4:43 AM

But you fed so much! 😱 I fed yours, but pick two more coves for me to feed. ^^ I feel like I'm short-changing you. ☹️

inkpelt • 4 Sep 2012, 11:41 PM

fed all 😊

ilikesmiggle8884 • 4 Sep 2012, 9:07 PM

fed all! πŸ˜ƒ

crystal_dragon1997 • 4 Sep 2012, 7:52 PM

Thanks (: Fed All (;

lunacharm1037 • 4 Sep 2012, 6:59 PM

fed all & may I say You have a very pretty cove 😊

carter • 4 Sep 2012, 5:38 PM

Fed All