Site Blog

Egg Cave is quite the happening place! Visit our blog for the latest updates on everything new that we add to the site — new creatures, exciting worlds, account updates, and unique activities to do!

Big news: Public Beta on Monday next week!

March 24, 2011 at 11:52 AM 1266 Comments

We have huge, big news! The beta version 2 of Egg Cave will be publicly available for continued testing on Monday, March 28 at 6:00 pm ECT. Yup! You heard us right: everybody will be able to test version 2 now.

NOTE: This is not the final conversion of version 1 to version 2. This is larger-scale testing of version 2.

UPDATE TO PRIVATE BETA TESTERS: Please check the Problems & Bugs forum in version 2. All outstanding and unresolved bugs have been bumped to the first page of this forum. Let's get all of these resolved before we go public! <3 Love you all!


St. Patrick's Day celebrations ends tonight!

March 21, 2011 at 12:23 PM 784 Comments

The celebrations are now over!

St. Patrick's Day celebrations end tonight at 10:00 pm ECT!


We have some really exciting news to be announced later this week, too! Stay tuned! :D

St. Patrick's Day celebrations continues!

March 18, 2011 at 9:55 AM 1345 Comments

St. Patrick's Day celebrations are continuing today! All of the St. Patty's creatures will be available through Monday evening! Then, they'll be retired forever.

Head to the Cash Shop Park now!


UPDATE TO BETA PLAYERS: Check out version 2 of the new Cave! It's now available on beta!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

March 17, 2011 at 10:25 AM 542 Comments

Three new creatures have appeared in the Egg Cave for St. Patrick's Day!


Flover | Shillas | Luckuar

Shamrues and Raicorns are available in the Cash Shop Park for St. Patrick's Day!


Did you know? All of the St. Patrick's Day creatures, except the Luckuar, were suggested by real users just like you! Their suggestions made it through and were made into real Egg Cave creatures! If one of these creatures above were your creation, you've been acknowledged in The Archives and at least one of the species has been automatically added to your account. Thank you for your creativity and making St. Patrick's Day one of the most user-involved holidays yet!

St. Patrick's Day is near!

March 15, 2011 at 5:51 PM 395 Comments

St. Patrick's Day is near... here's a sneak peek!


Dead Creatures/Eggs Updates

March 12, 2011 at 8:49 AM 543 Comments
So many inquiries!

We will handle all dead creature/eggs inquiries by Monday. Do not be concerned if you do not receive a response over this weekend. A lot of people lost their creatures!

Egg Cave Security Updates

March 11, 2011 at 10:00 AM 122 Comments


Over the past couple of days, a number of users have been receiving malware warnings for visiting Egg Cave. On Monday, March 7, our data center's web-based support center was compromised. Our data center's support center contained a number of unencrypted root passwords to servers that they manage. Egg Cave was one of them. The hacker proceeded to log in to Egg Cave's server and modify some system files that dynamically injected malicious javascript tags into some of our pages. This code, at random times (not to be too suspicious), initiated malware downloads on users' computers.

Since this discovery, our data center has erased their entire support center's database (including the root passwords to servers) and released patches to all of their servers, fixing the affected system files. Egg Cave has been cleared of all "malware blacklists" at Google, Firefox, Opera, and many others. Egg Cave is malware free.

If you have visited Egg Cave between March 7 through March 10, it is strongly recommended that you change your Egg Cave password immediately.

If you visited Egg Cave between March 7 through March 10, do not assume that your computer has been infected with malware. You know that your computer has been infected if you physically saw a download window pop up on your computer and you couldn't stop it. If you received browser warnings or antivirus warnings from visiting TDN, there is a high chance that these programs caught the malware before it was ever able to download or install. In general, you can't get malware from simply loading a page; the program has to download and execute, which you would be able to see.

Lastly: based on the evidence we have, the hacker was not an Egg Cave player or interested in Egg Cave accounts. Multiple servers in our data center were affected by this; each server hosted diverse types of web sites.

A NOTE TO CASH SHOP PARK SUPPORTERS: If you have made any purchase from the Cash Shop Park, your financial information is safe because we do not store it (nor will we ever). Only Paypal does.

A NOTE ABOUT UNHAPPY EGGS: All creatures on Egg Cave are now 100% happy. We realize some users have not been able to access Egg Cave to feed their eggs because of the security issues.

A NOTE ABOUT DEAD EGGS: If any of your creatures have died because of these issues, please submit in a ticket and we will restore your creature.

Initiating stricter security sequence. Success.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Our server is now stable and we have taken extra steps to apply even stricter security settings to our server and to Egg Cave. We are happy to answer any questions you might have; please Contact Us if you'd like.

Server Downtime

February 26, 2011 at 9:37 AM 1840 Comments

Hi there,

We apologize for the server downtime last night... rest assured that we're not going anywhere! We're back!

Tricky server voodoo goes bonkers!!

Drakomo and Bunthoff endangered!

February 24, 2011 at 1:16 PM 762 Comments

Drakomo and Bunthoff are now endangered species... it appears that Drakomo and Bunthoff eggs no longer appear in the Egg Cave.


Valentine's celebrations close!

February 19, 2011 at 12:04 AM 1421 Comments

This past week's Valentine's celebrations were amongst the best at Egg Cave! All Cash Shop Park and Cave Valentine's Day creatures have been retired forever. The Travels are now extremely rare, although still available.

Sunset of a Heart

Big Pink Heart

Pink Clouds of Southwestern Ark

Cupid's Arrow

More events are to come!

Want to go back in time? Keep reading our older site blog posts below.