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sarahzafirah • 4 January 2014 at 5:34 AM

Hope you like this! 😊 Sorry if something similar had been suggested before. ❤️

Stages Egg - 3rd Stage (uncoloured)
Egg Description;
Aikit eggs look very stiff, even though they are able to fly around! How strange. The silky wings serve in t...

sarahzafirah • 4 January 2014 at 1:30 AM

@andreita This looks really good! 😊 Would you mind checking out my suggestion the #mimousea as well please? ^3^ I may also be able to write the description for it.

sarahzafirah • 3 January 2014 at 1:52 AM

Hello there! 😊 Welcome to the New Year's Gift Exchange! (also known as the #nygc) I'll be your host for this splendid event!
~How to Play~
To enter, just feed the Feedlist (only 16) and choose a number from 1 to 20. 😊 I will put your name in the 'Participants' section.

After all the slots are...

sarahzafirah • 1 January 2014 at 5:31 AM

I spent the whole day thinking about this and here it is! ^3^ Sorry if it's been suggested before.
Egg Description:
If you encounter a leaf-covered egg while taking a dip in Ark Bay, don't avoid it! Mimousea eggs are very delicate and though laid in water, cannot survive for very long without...