Bringing dead creatures back to life

in Site Feedback & Ideas

Deleted • 22 June 2011 at 7:16 PM

Kso - I've seen people say this and want to throw it down there

I've had creatures die because of not being able to come on to feed them, some really rare -

I think, you Ian should make a little "voodoo shop" [Heard this from marapets, I think..] and for about 500,000 EC [EXAMPLE PEOPLE, example] you could bring back your dead eggs back to life, and on their profile is has a sticker saying that they're zombies, etc etc.

I really don't think [or like the idea] it should cost CC, because some of us have tight budgets and not all of us just left uncaring, we do have reasons.

Since a calla was 100,000 - I think it's about fair to revive an egg for about 300,000-500,000

Just give your thoughts people, and if you start a rude argument [Discussion is okay - I mean flat out insulting others] You will be ignored.

Ideas we agree on -

~500K, and the same for all creatures - Rare or common
~The reviving of the creatures would be from a potion, like the Essence of Litsdnats
~On profile would be something to show it's a zombie/it would be zombie-fied
~You can only do this a certain amount of times per lotted amount of time [IE - 3 every 6 months]
~Any user can use this, newbie or oldy

And possible ideas -

~ Achievement award - When a user hits one year they get a free Zombie potion. [Also, if this idea is used and a user is already a year/over a year - they get the free one.]

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 22 June 2011 at 7:20 PM

Kind of unfair. If they died, it's your fault.

Cis Female
620 posts


armageddondoll • 22 June 2011 at 7:25 PM

I like this idea alot. 😊

It's not always someones fault. Ex: Natural disaster happens, Lets say a flood or tornado,no internet due to the disaster which prevents a user from coming on to take care of their eggs. The eggs die.

How could that be someones fault?

I understand some users who simply don't care about their eggs would use it, which yeah makes it unfair. But what about the users who do care, but something terrible happens, making them unable to get on..

2,773 posts


thepells4 • 22 June 2011 at 7:26 PM

I'd love this feature for many reasons.

1- my very first creature EVER died under my watch, and I'd like her back to represent me.
2- my second creature was a bunthoff and my 11th was a drakomo, I could get a little from that.
3- I was babysitting my bff's Snolo, but I left it out of Tim's, and it died along with some other creatures. I didn't know how to break the news to her, and it made me feel bad that I had to say, "Sparkle_shower is dead." Now I feel really guilty about it, and I'd do anytihng to get that little Snolo back to her.

BUT, I think that it should be about 50k, or the price could depend on the species, because I can't get 300k-500k ec any day soon. xD

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 22 June 2011 at 7:29 PM

Personally, I don't like this idea too much despite the fact that I have lost a few rare creatures myself

If this idea is used, then I'd say that rarer creatures should cost much more than the more common ones.
Problem is, the name could have been taken by the time you bring them back

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 22 June 2011 at 7:29 PM

Ah, whatever. I don't like an idea + everyone else likes it. Then they get mad at me and start arguing.

Deleted • 22 June 2011 at 7:35 PM

Please calm down, you're the one being hostel. Someone will disagree with you - armageddondoll was in no way being mean

And on how my egg dying being my fault -
How can I control my stomach spasms, that keep me in front of the toilet for a day or two vomiting?
How can I control the need for my ankle to get surgery, and I can't come on every day/long periods of time without my ankle being in pain, or turning purple with orange splotches -

You shouldn't assume that everyone is uncaring, some things are out of their powers

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 22 June 2011 at 7:36 PM

@victoria_egg_storage, I'm not saying it's happening, but it HAS happened before. >.<

Deleted • 22 June 2011 at 7:42 PM

@crooton1 ~ Then say that :]
The way you said it seemed a tad rude ["It's your fault"], which caused armageddondoll's response.

When someone disagrees - Next time don't snap and say "whatever", say why you don't agree and keep a calm demeanor - People will respect you more and be less hostel with you :]

@icymuffin -

I think all eggs should be the same, but not a small price. If someone's is willing to sit and pay 500,000 for a common egg they loved, it should be fair to have the other the same price.

This isn't about rarity, this is about getting back something you lost, that you cared for. You had this egg to begin with, it's yours, just... gone.

About the name thing, when you revive the egg you should have to re-name is, unless the name is available.

IE - "Lily_Flower is taken, please choose another one/ Lily_Flower is available, would you like to re-use this one?"

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 22 June 2011 at 7:42 PM

Then you shouldn't assume crooton1 is being hostile. Maybe it seems really mean & blunt, but users aren't always trying to do that purposely all the time. Don't assume things like that. It just starts arguements.
Then again, people shouldn't just say whatever & walk away without explaining all the time. It makes people feel that you're being rude

This topic has been discussed before for one thing. I don't remember all the things people have said, but I do know that it would get complicated bringing creatures back to life.

About rarity, that's true.
But some people might not see it that way.
Sooo complicated~~ ><"

Though, people were talking about breeding creatures as well, so I'd say you'd have to pick from one of the two

Deleted • 22 June 2011 at 7:49 PM


I'm going by his text/posts here, and ones in other threads. I was just giving him some advice so he doesn't feel the need to throw his hands up and say whatever because someone doesn't agree with him.

Cis Female
620 posts


armageddondoll • 22 June 2011 at 7:50 PM

I wasn't trying to come off rude, I was just given my opinion and opening things up for debate. 😊

I understand that you don't like the idea, And I respect that. But when people disagree with you, don't take it as a personal attack. I mean that's why there is an Ideas & Suggestions forum; so people ca debate, get out there likes and dislikes about an idea and so forth. There are always going to be people For and Against.

I agree with things you said as well. The rarer the creature, the higher cost it should be. And so far as the names being taken, thats definitely something that should be taken into consideration.
Perhaps a 'name your creature' window could pop up if you revive and the name it had was taken?

Deleted • 22 June 2011 at 7:53 PM


Instead of the rarity thing, you could have a limit of how many you're allowed to bring back to life for a lotted amount of time?

So you can't randomly bring them all back from the dead at once if you're mega-super-rich

[IE - 3 creatures per 6 months?]

Deleted • 22 June 2011 at 7:54 PM

I for one like this idea 😃
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure people sometimes quit for this reason..
We already have so many people quitting, the least we could do is get rid of a reason to quit.
So yay or nay?
I say yay 😊

Deleted • 22 June 2011 at 7:59 PM

I don't like how people quit for that reason :/
With all my rares dead from my health reasons - I'd have quit ages ago.

It's up?

Deleted • 22 June 2011 at 8:01 PM

Yes. It is like giving up. What if we all qut when .. LIFE got hard? I'd be long gone -.-

2,773 posts


thepells4 • 22 June 2011 at 8:06 PM

@Dove Hello? O.o I would already be rotting by now if that was the case. I almost DID quit because of life. But apparently not. 😱

I really like this idea, anywys. I'd love to revive a lot of my creatures.

534 posts


crowvict • 22 June 2011 at 9:46 PM

This is an amazing idea! and agree with what you said about how many times you can do it is a certain amount of time.

I also know my friend would love this, because they lost one or more of their eggs when they were not able to get on. As well as my sister^^

494 posts


plookle • 22 June 2011 at 10:39 PM

Meh, it's a good idea, it's certainly tempting, I lost a few eggs that were very dear to me during a computer crash last year. On the other hand, I feel like dead creatures are something we're just going to have to live with...move on you know, and I realize that's what people are doing, but it seems... I dunno, almost like cheating. I think it would be interesting, if this was done, to see how long of a stay at Tim's for one egg would equate to one revive. Just a thought. 😉

2,935 posts


miomar • 23 June 2011 at 4:13 PM

Guys, still if this idea gets used we can't revive creatures that died bevore this got released. Ian should first make an program to save the died creatures or something...

7 posts


otter_pawz • 23 June 2011 at 4:22 PM

accidently posted on my sister's account, please delete this comment if you have the power to do so. o.o"

61 posts


inkdweller • 23 June 2011 at 4:26 PM

I don't like the idea. I've lost my entire cove, twice! And it was becuase something sudden and unexpected came up in real life that kept me from the internet and the computer for a long time.

There wasn't anything I could have done to keep that from happening, and sure I was sad about it. Plus other people were upset to see many limited edition and rare eggs of mine die but.. I still don't think you should be able to bring the dead eggs back to life. That's just too much data to handle for the server, too much hassle over a picture on a screen.

What does bother me however is the growing number of limited edition pets on here. :/ It's really annoying and brings down the value of other rare creatuers like the Mo and even themselves. If there weren't so many limited edition creatures, perhaps a "back-to-life" option wouldn't be in such demand.

Deleted • 24 June 2011 at 11:17 AM

@inkdweller ~
Some of us don't want this for rarity, though I know some people will abuse it.

I want some things back because I spent money on them, not because they're rare and what I could get from him/power over others.

Some have sentimental value - Ones I've had since I first started are the one's I want back the most.

I don't get, though, how some people only think of how they can get even rarer eggs. [I know a few..]

2,115 posts


dionaea • 24 June 2011 at 11:38 AM

I like this idea, I think people who don't care about their eggs using it is a non issue. I mean, if you don't go through the trouble to take proper care of your eggs, why go through the trouble to earn half a million EC to revive an egg.

I do agree on the rarity issue though, I think something like 500k for a regular egg, 750k for a limited edition/endangered egg and 1 mil for a cash shop egg. I think the prices are fair, since reviving a creature should be an exception and definitely not easy, you have to REALLY want that creature back.

Deleted • 24 June 2011 at 11:45 AM


I agree on the first part, but not the second part.

Because again - They were my eggs in the first place, I bought them [Cash Shop eggs] They're just gone.

But, the potion to kind of bring them back, zombiefied.

Potions are all the same price for all creatures, this shouldn't be any different.

This isn't like you're getting an egg [Say, breeding to get another one] you had this egg in the first place.

I have to go for a bit

2,115 posts


dionaea • 24 June 2011 at 11:49 AM

Ah, I see your point 😊 I still think the price should be very high though, definitely not less then 500k, even if its the same for all it should definitely not be cheap.

Cis Woman
163 posts


smartie2742 • 24 June 2011 at 12:42 PM

I like this idea! I sometimes worry what would happen to my pets if I lose internet or something. I've had my cove for almost two years now. But I agree with those who say it should cost a lot of EC. 500k sounds fair enough.

The only thing I don't like about this idea is that rare eggs wouldn't become more rare over time. For example- all the first ever Christmas eggs (foos, roos, etc) wouldn't be as rare as they are now if a lot of people didn't leave theirs to die. The reason I get rare/LE creatures that are only available for x-amount of time is so that way, I can trade them in about a year or so for something REALLY good because they will be in higher demand since a lot of other people had left theirs to die. I bet many people would be after baistys and colatays in a year or two if this option didn't exist.

Although what would be REALLY cool is- if you bring your creature back as a zombie, it should come back looking like a zombie!!! xD But then people would probably purposely kill off their creatures just so they can have a zombie sparktail or something. (I would...)

128 posts


crazymushroom • 24 June 2011 at 12:55 PM

I really like this idea. Like said before, I don't think it'll be a problem for people using this who don't care about their eggs, because you would have to pay 500,000 EC. The very first egg that I had on here died.. It would be cool to get it back. I also like the idea of it saying somewhere that it's a revived creature, and I like the idea of a limit to how many creatures you can bring back in a certain period of time.. Overall, I really like this idea. :]

2,115 posts


dionaea • 24 June 2011 at 12:56 PM

Haha XD I can definitely see that happening, I wonder what a zombie Onny would look like 😸

I think creatures will become more rare anyway, since it should only be possible to revive creatures which have died in your own cove, there are lots of people who "disappear" and leave their creatures to die, someone else couldn't revive those...

128 posts


crazymushroom • 24 June 2011 at 12:59 PM

@Dionaea I just imagined a zombie Grubbug. ;0
