For the record...

in General

1,803 posts


boxofcrayons • 16 March 2012 at 10:45 PM

If I ever quit suddenly I want this to be perfectly clear, so that there is no running around last second trying to figure things out. I may update this periodically as I trade creatures and such. When I quit I will PM you all, and maybe hold an auction for the rest of my creatures. I don't know.

I AM NOT CURRENTLY PLANNING ON QUITTING. But I want to have this dealt with, because if/when I do I'll not want it to be a messy affair.

For now the creatures that will stay on my account are my Ecorth, florn, male nym, male balrog, goldox, adarna, Aerlo and flar.

THE CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE ARE: Names cannot be changed. Also, whatever I put on the profile must stay, but you can write things over top of it 😊

@Kiwibird Female roo, Female spritemice, Valgrun (if I haven't traded it) my olimpt AND my other nym 😉 I would only ask that she take my immortal calla, and obarn as well.
@cupcake-neko Will get my frozen first stage drakomo
@duchess Will get my left over CC balance (if I have one) For freezes ^.^
@qesque Will get my female balrog if she wants her.
@jazzyleia Will get my raskoon.
@ice Will receive all of the kujaks from @kujakflock
@bunnyshadow Will receive the frogike
@orderedchaos will get the tenalp if she wants it, and I haven't traded it.
@rosieforever will get my chocob.

^Those people are awesome for various reasons.


Deleted • 16 March 2012 at 10:49 PM

@kiwibird also gets my valgrun (if I haven't traded it) and whatever LE's I have that she doesn't and are not specified here.
@bunnyshadow Gets the gideh set
@orderedchaos gets the tenalp egg if she wants it, and I haven't traded it.

**Let me just repeat, some of the exact creatures WILL change over time, but you will still get something if you are on the list 😊**

2,531 posts


7731826 • 16 March 2012 at 11:07 PM

You better not quit...XD

1,803 posts


boxofcrayons • 16 March 2012 at 11:08 PM

@7731826 Lol I'm not planning too 😊 I just want it all organized in case 😊

2,531 posts


7731826 • 16 March 2012 at 11:09 PM

Ahh..ok. Just makin' sure. Lol

60 posts


qesque • 16 March 2012 at 11:15 PM

*agrees with @7731826* XD

But I'm still happy you'd trust me with one of your creatures. =3

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 16 March 2012 at 11:22 PM

@boxofcrayons I feel loved, even though their just Gidehs ;] But even gideh's are worth more than an frozen star tine if their from a friend 😊 ❤️

I love you.

Dont quit... Before i do.. *selfish*

2,910 posts


duchess • 17 March 2012 at 12:48 AM

@boxofcrayons, I really hope you don't quit, but it's so sweet of you to include me on your list, thank you 😊

4,799 posts


cupcake-neko • 17 March 2012 at 9:22 AM

OHMIGOSH! I hope you don't quit! But thanks for including me into your list.

5,813 posts


jazzyleia • 18 March 2012 at 1:43 PM

Thanks for including me in your list!

1,803 posts


boxofcrayons • 19 March 2012 at 7:16 PM

An aditive to the list. If I quit, if she wants them, my kujaks are to go to @ice / @crescentfeather (yes all 63) 😊

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 19 March 2012 at 8:05 PM

@boxofcrayons Thank you ❤️ ^^

I loved those birdies ever since they came out *-*

1,803 posts


boxofcrayons • 19 March 2012 at 8:13 PM

@crescentfeather You are welcome 😊 I joined after they were retired, but they are still one of my most favorites 😊

Deleted • 21 March 2012 at 12:50 PM

@rosieforever will get my chocob from my main 😊 For being an amazing travel dealer/ name changer person 😊

--Last updated March 21--

5,411 posts


Orderedchaos • 24 March 2012 at 2:53 PM

@boxofcrayons I would happily take in the tenlap if some event caused you to leave. Sorry its taken me so long to respond, I've been out of the country.
