A Summer Nightmare (Literate RP)

in Roleplaying

936 posts


marinalily • 11 May 2013 at 10:32 AM

@rojoqueen @blueclaw @dramatic

Clive shrugged, not letting emotion get the best of him. "I apologize," he said, "I'll be meaner to littke girls next time. Or whatever. Just don't bring Mariel into this." He picked up the bags and went towards Nariel, tousling her hair. "So where're we setting up camp?"

Mariel sighed. "I don't feel bad," she said quietly, "but I do appreciate your concern." She smiled, then looked around. There was a beat down path, and she pointed to it. "How about we go deeper inside the grounds first?" She asked patiently. "Unless you want to camp out in the car or something.." She laughed.

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 11 May 2013 at 10:39 AM


Esytha didn't fall for it. "Oookk... I'll ask somebody else." She said, awkwardly walking away. She assumed he was Clive, and the other who just now arrived and yelled at Clive was Nile. "Hey, I'm not little!" She yelled angrily at her.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 11 May 2013 at 10:40 AM

@marinalily @blueclaw @dramatic

Nile sighed knowing she had to give in, "Forgiven for now."she said "don't be mean just ugh."she said "I'm sorry for bringing mariel into this, it was mean and stupid"she said "forgive me?" she asked trying to smile. Guessed the little girl loved cats "hey look a cat!"she said pointing in a random direction.

Conner sighed starting down the path, "mariel are you coming?"he asked "I have your bags for some reason"he laughed he hadn't realized that he had picked up her bags, "I am not stealing them." he said

936 posts


marinalily • 11 May 2013 at 10:52 AM

@rojoqueen @dramatic @blueclaw

"Thank goodness I'm forgiven," Clive said, hugging Nile, "if you were mad at me I'd be very afraid. Of course you're forgiven." He let go, then jogged to catch up to Conner and Mariel, giving her a glance. He would have to talk to Mariel about guys later. And maybe give Conner a talk about girls as well. Particularly Mariel. He grinned at Esytha. "Of course not," he said, "welcome to the club." He was now beside Conner and Mariel. "So," he began, "when are we going to begin this thing?"

Mariel looked around. Aside from her bag around her shoulder, Conner did have all her bags. "Thief!" She mock-accused, running after him, "How dare you steal my bags!" She laughed, and stopped so that she was beside him and Clive. "This is like a movie, you know, looking into the entrance of a path, like a whole new world or something." She paused in thought. "Maybe we should hold hands or whatever, to add to the effect." She laughed, showing that she wasn't serious, but Clive bent down and squeezed her hand for a fleeting second. It was a sibling habit they never grew out of, just like how they would rapidly blink if they wanted the other to back up their story in front of whatever adult they were in trouble with.

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 11 May 2013 at 10:59 AM


"WHERE!?" Esytha asked, looking in all directions. No cats. "Darnit... I'll see you later..." She said, glaring. Esytha meandered through the woods, along the path made. It was green with animals everywhere, but eventually she found a clearing. It was a bit deep into the woods, but the perfect campsite. She set her stuff there and went to tell everybody else. "EVERYBODY! I FOUND THE PERFECT CAMPSITE!!!" She screeched.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 11 May 2013 at 11:00 AM

@marinalily @blueclaw @dramatic

Nile hugged Clive back "I know you wouldn't be scared if I was mad."she laughed "Esytha lets have a little chat."she said walking over to her "You understand that Clive is way too old for you" she said "And you understand, that if he flirts with you, just punch him."she said "That should get him away from you."she said patting her shoulder

Conner he laughed when mariel called him a thief, "I will rule the world by stealing your luggage." he joked "Sure maybe if I had any hands right now" he said taking her seriously

936 posts


marinalily • 11 May 2013 at 11:12 AM

@blueclaw @rojoqueen @dramatic

Clive flinched slightly at Esytha's screeching. "No need to yell, darling," he chided, "I'm right here." He pulled all the bags along with him so he could follow Esytha. "So," he asked, "where is this perfect campsite?" He looked around, hoping she didn't mean anywhere he had already deemed hopeless in his head.

Mariel regarded Conner. "I wasn't serious.." she said, "but I appreciate the thought." She grinned at him, then went to follow Clive. Even if it wasn't the perfect camping spot, at least Esytha's screeching would've scared away any potential bears or other harmful wildlife. "Perfect campsite- where?" She asked eagerly.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 11 May 2013 at 11:22 AM

@marinalily @blueclaw @dramatic

Nile sighed as esthya ran towards the woods 'probably didn't hear me' she thought picking up bags which Clive so nicely forgot, she walked towards the others practically dragging her bags. "why did I bring so much stuff?"she moaned dragging them across the ground.

Conner looked at the 'perfect' campsite, there lay a bunch of rocks, pine needles and hard dirt ground, "You mean perfect for the animals"he snorted starting down the path a little more.

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 11 May 2013 at 1:53 PM


"Follow me!" She said to everyone. She led them deep into the woods, into the perfect clearing. "Here we are!" She said, smiling. "I'm going to set up my tent."

Deleted • 11 May 2013 at 2:30 PM

@blueclaw @marinalily @whispers @Jupiter_hollow @blackfawn We all have to make our characters know each other XDDDDD

Hannah watched the others come into the campsite. "Hi there!" She called. She finally got her tent set up. "Perfect." She said smiling. Then is collapsed again. "Come on!" She shouted throwing her hands in the air.

Violet got her tent set up in about five minutes. Then she walked over helped Hannah set up hers. "There." She said looking satisfied. She waved the others. "Dmitri and Reid probably got lost." She said.

"Actually they probably slept in too long." Said Hannah with a matter of fact tone in her voice. She laughed.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 11 May 2013 at 2:42 PM

@whispers Hey, mind if Reid called Dmitri 'Raven' because he has black hair? =) @dramatic @rojoqueen @marinalily @blackfawn Hey darlings! Sorry for the delay ^^"
As the black-haired boy opened his door and awkwardly greeted him, Reid nervously smiled as well. The tension was tastable, but like it or not, he had to ask for help even though it was well about the most embarassing thing he would have done.
"Hey Raven..." he squeaked quietly, waving an arm lightly. "I fell out the window and you know how there's a rose bush underneath it... Erm, yeah and my door was locked so..." he paused for a while, brushing off the embarassment. "Could I borrow some clothes? And, erm, a sleeping bag?" he felt that the request was a bit rash, so he panicked lightly. He knew the other boy was shy and withdrawn and upsetting him was the last thing he wanted to do. "Y-you don't have to do it if you don't want, just asking." he scratched the back of his head nervously, smiling.

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 11 May 2013 at 2:55 PM

@jupiter_hollow @dramatic @rojoqueen @marinalily

Esytha followed the instructions and set up the tent. It looked beautiful, and it had a picture of a cat on it! She went inside and put her blue-cat print sleeping bag next to her cat books which were next to her blue cat-shaped lamp. She had brought a cat-print notebook, a sketchbook with a cat on it, cat-print pencils and cat-print erasers. Boy, did she love cats.

936 posts


marinalily • 11 May 2013 at 4:30 PM

@blueclaw @jupiter_hollow @dramatic @rojoqueen

Clive dumped all the bags he was holding into the middle of the clearing, grabbing his and Mariel's. Staking out a spot for both their tents to be right beside each other, he set them up while Mariel began organizing. She soon had all of their stuff sorted into two piles, on his and one hers, and Clive finished setting up the tents soon enough. Him and Mariel began setting up both their tents, kind of like an indoor decorating spree. Stuff here, stuff there. Soon, they were both finished, and setting up a mat between both their tents, Mariel brought out some snacks she had packed, which consisted of energy bars and chocolates. "Girls and their weird chocolate cravings.." Clive chuckled, but he loved chocolate himself, so there was no problem with their snack. "Anyone want chocolate?" Mariel asked the others setting up, "We have plenty to share."

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 11 May 2013 at 10:24 PM

@marinalily @blueclaw @jupiter_hollow @dramatic

Nile walked towards Mariel "Chocolate is good for the soul." she said walking past Clive, she set her stuff down across from Mariels tent, "May I have some chocolate please?"she asked "Oh I almost forgot, I brought marshmallows" she said waving a bag. "And graham crackers"she smiled remembering good memories of S'mores.

Conner plopped his stuff next to niles, "I shall have my tent here!" he stated also dropping his tent bag next to his things, he started to build his tent knowing he would have to help nile.

936 posts


marinalily • 11 May 2013 at 10:36 PM

@blueclaw @rojoqueen @jupiter_hollow @dramatic

"S'mores!" Mariel cried, clapping her hands together, "that would be awesome!" She meant to give a bar to Nile, but Clive beat her to it. More for her. So she unwrapped a Mars bar and nibbled on it. Mars were her favourites. "Conner?" She called, "Don't you want any?"

Clive laughed along with Mariel at the mention of s'mores. Fishing around in his pocket, he found a match box he had packed. Quickly he reached out and gathered around sticks and dried grass, and formed a rock circle around them. One look at Mariel, though, and he could tell she was worried. He kissed her hair affectionately. "Don't worry, dearest sister," he said, "Boy Scouts seems to be paying off." He struck a match and threw it in, watching with satisfaction as a healthy fire bloomed.

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 11 May 2013 at 11:00 PM


Esytha examined her other suitcase. Toothbrush, 10 bottles of water, toothpaste, matches, spare clothing, more books, 2 cans of nuts, 5 packs of gummy bears, paper plates, and a pack of tiny forks because they were so darn cute! She got out 3 packs of gummy bears, paper plates, and tiny forks. Outside they were sitting around a fire, and she joined in. "I packed tiny forks, plates, and GUMMY BEARS!!!" She excitedly chimed.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 12 May 2013 at 12:10 AM

Whoa fast fire, usually takes along time without paper XD @blueclaw @jupiter_hollow @dramatic

Conner "Of course I want some."he said racing over , his start on his tent collapsed, "Oh well I guess I will sleep outside ."he said scratching his head looking and his tent blob trying to figure out what had gone wrong. "Eh at least we have chocolate" he muttered to himself

Nile reached for Mariel's, but Clive plopped on in her hands, "Gee thanks"she said looking at Conner's tent blob, "Did you know it doesn't stand by itself Conner?"she asked seeing the pile of untouched support beams. she set her candy down and walked over to conners tent setting it up in ten minutes.

936 posts


marinalily • 12 May 2013 at 12:33 AM

@rojoqueen -dies- Glob, I have no clue how to do this fire business. THERE WAS PAPER. Or cardboard. Or whatever. Sorry. |D @blueclaw @jupiter_hollow @dramatic

Clive applauded Nile. "Record tent setting-up time," he laughed. He offered Conner a chocolate as well, plopping on the ground a little ways from the fire, eating one of the Whole-Grain energy bars Mariel had brought. He was tired, not that he'd let anyone see it, so he needed to keep his energy up until he could go back into his tent and nap without seeming rude.

Mariel chewed on the delicious caramel of her bar, letting it melt in her mouth. Watching the scene unfold around her, she grinned. Clive was drop-dead tired, Nile actually doing work, and Conner was failing while Nile exceeding. It was quite funny, if you thought about it. Plus Esytha, the cat-girl, was getting excited about gummy bears. She joined Clive in applauding Nile.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 12 May 2013 at 10:19 AM

@blueclaw @jupiter_hollow @dramatic @whispers

Nile smiled, "Only because, Conner knows nothing about tents and I still have to do mine." she stated opening the door of Conners tent "There you go Conner good as new." of course it wasn't as good as new it had a stranger smell to it, but she knew Conner probably wouldn't notice strange smells, she walked over to her tent area, tired from untangling Conners tent mess.

Conner smiled and threw his luggage in the tent, almost just almost making another window, he walked over to Nile, "I will help you."he said dumping out her tent bag Nile cringed watching conner set up her tent which conner amazingly did correctly Nile just gaped at her tent

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 12 May 2013 at 10:40 AM

@marinalily @rojoqueen

Esytha poured some gummy bears onto the plate and ate them with tiny forks, LIKE A SIR. She yawned a bit, and felt the wonderful, warm, glowing fire's embrace. She dozed off for a second, but woke up again. "I-I'm ok!" She said.

Deleted • 12 May 2013 at 11:06 AM

@blueclaw LOL LIKE A SIR XD @rojoqueen @marinalily

Hannah finally finished setting up her tent. Now there was a little circle of tents around the fire Clive had made. She walked over and seated herself by Esytha. She eyed the gummybears and her eyes lit up. "Esytha do you have anymore packs up gummybears?" She asked as she nommed on the kit kat bar she had unwrapped. It sounded she said, "Esyfa do you haf anymour pucks of gubbybars?" Because her face was stuffed with chocolatey goodness.

Violet rolled her eyes and walked over to tweak Hannah's tent so it wouldn't fall over again. She walekd over to the fire and seated herself beside Hannah. She opened a pack of fuzzy peach maynards and popped them into her mouth. She about the hilarious commercial for the maynars sourpatch kids gummies. "First they're sour, then they're sweet." Her eyes laughed.

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 12 May 2013 at 3:28 PM


Esytha nodded. She poured some onto a plate with a tiny fork and gave it to Hannah. Then she put one on her own tiny fork and held it close to the fire. Gummybearmallows? What kind of word is that?

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 13 May 2013 at 7:40 AM

@whispers Yo .3.
