A Summer Nightmare (Literate RP)

in Roleplaying

936 posts


marinalily • 6 May 2013 at 8:45 PM


Clive chose not to respond and grinned wolfishly at Nile, fingering a loose strand of his dirty blond hair. Mariel sighed, filling the silence. "Go for it," she said, gesturing to the seat seat beside her brother for Nile, "he's all yours."
Seeing Conner dragging his suitcases, Mariel jumped out of the car. "Can I help you with that?" She asked, grabbing the nearest bag, "And yes," she stated, "Nile said exactly that. But your hair is still messy, no offense" She grinned, laughing a bit while pulling the suitcase to the car.

Deleted • 7 May 2013 at 10:18 AM



I will not be posting until the others XD just so that we don't get to far ahead for them.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 7 May 2013 at 11:01 AM

@marinalily @dramatic

Nile smiled, and walked to the front of the car, "You know Clive, it would be more fun, if I drove the car"she paused "Think about it you could lay back and sleep to your hearts content"she said smiling at the thought "I could get us there in like 10 minutes"she joked she knew Conner would but in sooner or later, but hey it was fun while it lasted.

Conner watched Nile try to persuade Clive to let her drive the car,"yeah someone hid my comb, then someone slammed the door"he stated "Yes Nile lets get in a car crash like last time when you forgot to pay attention to the road, Clive you don't want to know how many times she has been pulled over, and how many times she has crashed cars."he laughed sliding into the back seat.

936 posts


marinalily • 7 May 2013 at 11:11 AM

@rojoqueen @dramatic

Mariel and Clive laughed at the same time, although Mariel a bit quieter. Hauling the last luggage into the trunk, she jumped into the back seat. "I think," she said, "that I'd rather have Clive's amazingly safe and boring drives than not arriving at all." Clive laughed again. "That decides it," he stated, and started the ignition.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 7 May 2013 at 11:22 AM

@marinalily @marinalily

Nile "awww but but I am a fun driver!"she laughed sitting down in the passenger seat, and closing her door. "This is boring already!"she stated poking Clive's arm, "boring boring boring"she groaned smacking her head on the back of the chair.

Conner started to get fed up with nile, "I will make Clive pull this car over!"he roared looking furious

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 7 May 2013 at 4:48 PM

OOC: Sorry I couldn't post soon, I had school.

Esytha grabbed her two cat-print suitcases from her bed hurriedly. Her cat meowed questionably. "Oh Prince, I'm sorry I have to leave. But Eva's picking me up to go camping! It will be so much fun!" She said to her pet cat. She decided to leave her door open, which was decorated with cat posters, and rushed down the stairs. She crammed the bagel her mother made for her before she left into her mouth, and ran out the door. She couldn't be late;She was never late!

274 posts


blackfawn • 7 May 2013 at 5:20 PM

Parked out side of Esytha's house, Eva plays with her cars radio as she texts Esytha that she had arived. Smiling to herself Eva though that the camping trip would be epic and will let her finally relax.

hunking the horn she playful shout "you know it will be monday by the time you get in?" in between fake sing a song on the radio and texting.


1,326 posts


blueclaw • 7 May 2013 at 5:37 PM


Esytha opened the car door and hopped in the back seat. She took a bite of her bagel and closed the car door. She put her suitcases in the back and set her bagel on her lap. "Sorry I took so long, I had to say goodbye to my cat before I left." She said smiling. Buckling her seatbelt, she took another bite of her bagel. "This will be so much fun!" She announced.

936 posts


marinalily • 7 May 2013 at 6:40 PM


Clive looked at Mariel through the rearview mirror, and they seemed to pass words between them. Brushing off Nile's pokes, Clive stared calmly at the road ahead of them. "I'm not going to pull over," he stated, "but I'm not going to get this drive 'fun', as you put it." He grinned at Nile, who was whacking her head on the headrest. "You might damage that beautiful head of yours, darling."

Mariel was on Conner duty, so she smiled at him, trying to calm him down. "Your sister's just being your sister," she said, "do you really think she'd actually annoy us that much? Don't worry about it." She laughed. "But it is funny seeing you so fed up."

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 7 May 2013 at 7:04 PM


Nile "I don't think you know how to make a drive fun"her smile hinted she had been concocting a plan, "You really don't think that do you?"she asked about him saying her beautiful head, "it is gorgeous but you know your probably lying to make me stop"she said crossing her arms.

Conner "yeah I suppose"he said calming down a bit, "she does try to annoy me allot"he admitted, his voice hushed into a whisper "and she is trying to gain attention"he added still in a hushed voice.

Deleted • 7 May 2013 at 7:36 PM

@rojoqueen @marinalily @blueclaw @blackfawn

Hannah pulled up alongside the campground. She turned they iginiton and pulled out the key. She jumped out of the car and grabbed her bags. "Come on Violet!" She said excitedly as she followed a map through the trees to the campground. "Owch! My face!" She said as she ran into a tree because her eyes were on teh map.

Violet jumped out of the car and ran into the woods. She laughed as Hannah ran into a tree.

The two reached the campground and set up their tents. Violet's collapsed on her. Hannah laughed.

936 posts


marinalily • 7 May 2013 at 7:38 PM


Clive refused to take the bait. "I'm not endangering Mariel," he said, "or you, sweetness, sorry." He grinned sheepishly. "I probably can't make a drive fun anyways." He paused, "Nah, you've got that amazing head you know, but it might be dented from all that whacking." He lightly slapped the back of her head. "Whoops," he chuckled, "just checking there."

Mariel giggled. "Normal girl behavior around Clive," she said, "you get used to it." She looked at the two in front of her. "Sometimes I just ignore it, actually." She said, sticking out her tongue at the back of her brother's head. "He's too good looking for his own good. In fact, I could use some of that charm. Stupid gene pool." She laughed.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 7 May 2013 at 8:07 PM


Nile "She's your twin right" she asked looking at mariel "Sure you say that now but later you'll be mad" she added, she looked offended when he smacked her head, "You know smacking someones head is rather rude"she stated "How would you like it if I smacked your head?!?"she shouted slapping his head

Conner "Nile flirts with everyone, Clive will probably figure that out very very very quickly"he laughed "Your not ugly"he said looking at her "your just petite"he added quickly.

936 posts


marinalily • 7 May 2013 at 8:58 PM


"Owww.." Clive muttered, glancing sideways at Nile slapping him, "Calm down, darling." He rubbed the back of his head. "I really dont want to get any of us in an accident, my twin or not." He squinted in the distance. "In fact," he said, "we're nearly there. Hows that for safe driving?"

Mariel snorted. "Clive flirts with everyone as well, they have something in common." Sighing, she looked up at Conner, sitting up as straight as she could to maximize her height. "Yeah," she muttered, "petite". She laughed it off though. "Of course, not ugly. Got it. Im probably worse." She grinned.

1,877 posts


aizel • 7 May 2013 at 10:12 PM

@whispers @dramatic @marinlily @rojoqueen
It was way too early in the morning. A ccertain red-haired sloth was still lounging in bed, in deep slumber. His body was in an uncanny position, completely tangled in the bed sheets. He looked like an animal burrowed in it's den through it's winter sleep.

He groggily rolled around, finding a comfortable position, but a pesky ray of sunlight shone in his eye. Half-conscious, he swatted at the light and squeezed his eyes tightly.
"Mmmf, G'bother someone else." he groaned out, involuntarily cacking an eye open, which was an utterly stupid thing to do. The light shone right in his eye and he squeaked in annoyance, rolling over and falling off his bed. "Gah!" he had also smacked his head on the desk nearby.

Standing up, Reid checked his skull for any cracks, looking for his clothes in the meanwhile. As he trotted around his room, the memory of the camping trip gradually sunk in.
"I'm late." he murmured, cursing afterwards and speeded the process up.

Reid threw all of his clothes on the unmade bed, pulling his shoes from underneath the desk too. Before he'd begun actually clothing himself, he remembered that he had to wake Dmitri. the guy lived right next to him, so shouting through his window would do the trick.

He trotted over, tugging the lid of his window and leaned over. "Dmitri!" he bellowed, waiting for a responce. "DMITRI!" he yelld, this time as loud as he could. The other hadn't answered yet so he sighed in frustration. A small notebook laid nearby, completely unused. He swept it up and chucked it at Dmitri's window. Nothing... again.

Completely annoyed now, reid leaned over as far as he could, preparing an ear-piercing shout. "DMI-GAH!"
He found himself laying in the rose bushes under his window. The thorns stung his arms and legs. He jumped out of the bush with another shout, rushing towards his home again.

Locked... The door was locked.

"SERIOUSLY!?" Reid shouted, throwing his hands in the air in exasperation. He walked over to Dmitri's house, ringing the bell in embarassment. a red-haired punk kid ringing a doorbell at ungodly hours of the morning, wearning only boxers and a dozen thorns. What an uplifting sight!


2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 7 May 2013 at 10:16 PM

Your a miracle, teach me! XD

Nile "Oh sure prince charming"she taunted "well I don't mind if Conner's gone"she joked smiling she watched Clive rub his head, "are you alright?"she asked looking concerned "its better than mine, but I am not telling anyone else, so don't go bragging about it"she added

Conner "yeah perfect for each other" he joked "petite is beautiful"he said "If I was petite I would be just as beautiful"he laughed smiling as wide

1,877 posts


aizel • 7 May 2013 at 10:17 PM

@rojoqueen You talkin' to me? o.o And anyways, I just couldn't help myself! It was so tempting to humiliate Reid .3. I'd actually planned to do it earlier so your characters could laugh at him xD Because that's how I roll. I love torturing my characters ;]

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 7 May 2013 at 10:19 PM

I must talk to jupe! XD, I must try this, but on a different RP don't want to feel like copying you XD

1,877 posts


aizel • 7 May 2013 at 10:20 PM

@rojoqueen This IS Jupe o.o Try humiliating your charrie :'D It's fun o3o

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 7 May 2013 at 10:26 PM

I know You asked why I was talking to you XD, I shall , You are one of the master Rpers of EC..

1,877 posts


aizel • 7 May 2013 at 10:28 PM

@rojoqueen Not really, I just post long posts 😋 I am one of the masters of long posts xD

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 7 May 2013 at 10:29 PM

No you are master of rping, don't dis yourself!!

936 posts


marinalily • 7 May 2013 at 11:47 PM


Clive laughed. "I'm alright- did you really think you could hurt me?" After hearing the confession about his head, he opened his eyes wide in mock surprise. "HEY EVERYONE-" he yelled, paused, then grinned deviously at Nile. "Don't worry, dearest, your thoughts on my head will be kept in here." He gestured to the item in question, his head.

Mariel blushed, looking down at her feet. "Well thanks," she said, then regained her composure and grinned. "If you were petite, no girl in their right mind would date you." She laughed, smiling back at Conner. "Except maybe the petites themselves..." she stage-winked, chuckling. "Gee, I wish I'm tall sometimes. Maybe I'd actually LOOK the part of Clive's twin. Everybody seems to think I'm his little sister or something."

Deleted • 8 May 2013 at 9:47 AM

@marinalily @aizel / @jupiter_hollow ROFL Violet would be all like this if she saw reid do that. ........................... HAHAHSGSSGFESFVDCX @rojoqueen @whispers @blueclaw


Hannah finally reached the campsite after breaking through a few hedges, falling in some huge daffodill bushes, and running into a few more trees. "My face hurts." She whined as they reached the campsite. She mouth was gaping in awe. It was a perfect sized area for them. It wasn't dirt, but comfortable grass. There was a firepit with tree stump stools around it in the middle. The whole thing was enclosed by trees perfect for climbing. "Wow."

"Whiner whiner forty nine-" Violet started to say as she reached the campsite. Her duffle bag and suitcase hit the ground with a thump. "It's perfect." She breathed.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 8 May 2013 at 11:44 AM

@marinalily @dramatic @aizel @whispers @blueclaw

Nile looked shocked ,"Yes, yes I did."she announced, raised her hand like she was going to cover his mouth, "You'd better"she joked , "I suppose you have made this ride fun, but I still think I should have drove."she stated watching the lines on the road, "Want some peppermint gum?"she asked wavering the container around his face.

Conner "Clive just stole all the tall genes and left you the short ones"he joked "I could always where high-heels, if I was petite they'd boost my height and I could always take them from Nile's room" he laughed "Well who is older?" he asked looking at Clive then then mariel.

7,220 posts


whispers • 8 May 2013 at 4:38 PM

@rojoqueen @dramatic @marinalily

Sorry I haven't posted yet, my life's been a bit hectic.
Can I get a quick summary?

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 8 May 2013 at 4:43 PM

Well, what happened so far was Hannah and violet are at the campsite, and Conner, Nile, Clive, and Mariel are on their way to the campsite, Reid is trying to wake Dmitri, and that's pretty much it

7,220 posts


whispers • 8 May 2013 at 5:05 PM

@rojoqueen Thank you.

Dmitri woke up to a loud bashing on his door. It seemed quite threatening. He couldn't make out who it was through the windows; he didn't have his glasses on. Quickly, he stumbled around his room to his sink to grab his glasses. Once he slide the nerdy frames on his head, he noticed the time. He really overslept.

He panicked. It was a habit that came to him after harsh treatment. He didn't want to be the only one to show up late; he thought that if he showed up late others would scold him for just oversleeping. That was his mentality.

After dressing in a dark outfit (as usual), he popped in his two snakebites and gauge (yet, another piercing). Opening the door, he found Reid standing there.

Awkwardly, he spoke, "Hello."

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 8 May 2013 at 5:16 PM


OOC: Waiting for you to post...

936 posts


marinalily • 8 May 2013 at 7:57 PM


"Aha," Clive grinned, "I do know how to make things fun." Waving a hand out in front of his face, he snatched a piece of gum and popped it in his mouth, chewing it and rolling it around his mouth with his tongue.

Mariel sighed. "I, uh, walk terribly in anything other than an inch or so high," she gestured to her flats, "plus I like flats better. Much more comfortable." She cocked her head at the question about their age. "If you're expecting some huge revelation on how I'm actually older than Clive-" she paused, "that wouldn't be true. Clive is and acts the part of my older brother."
