Power Children: The Midnight Sun

in Roleplaying

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dada_dragon • 6 October 2013 at 10:08 PM

Autumn turned from the bat and rolled her eyes.

"Again with the 'power child' nonsense." she said. "I don't know why that dark kid dragged us here but all I want is to get back to practicing back in the fire nation."

Ethan looked uneasy. He knew the importance of what the boy had told them, but the North Pole? The Fire Nation was not exactly on the best of terms with them, and while he personally had no problem with them, they weren't likely to accept him and Autumn with open arms...

@ems @ashfire @skittlejg @skylark @jupiter_hollow

Deleted • 6 October 2013 at 10:54 PM

Mala then folded her arms and looked at Autumn and Ethan. She then noticed that they were from the Fire Nation. Mala snorted. She so disliked the fire benders.
"They won't hurt you unless you do harm to them," Mala told Autumn and Ethan. "Which I don't suggest you do."
The Northern Water Tribe was her home, and she knew the ways of their culture. But, they would be safe... Mala hoped if they weren't planning to do anything bad when they would visit her home. She wondered if anyone knew that she was missing by now. Probably. Especially her mother or father.


6,875 posts


ems • 6 October 2013 at 11:07 PM

@dada_dragon @ashfire @jupiter_hollow @skittlejg @skylark

"Well you're sure an eager beaver." Levi rolled her eyes in reply to the feisty little fire bender. She wanted to get home as well, but if the world needed saving, Leviathan was more than happy to help. Not that she really even liked these other people that well, but that could easily change. It wasn't exactly what Levi had it mind... But she was an easy-going girl. For the most part. "So, what are we waiting for, exactly? You're all afraid of a bunch of water benders? They aren't that scary guys. Honestly." She shrugged. She had met a few water benders who'd passed through her nation, but they didn't seem that mean. If anything, they were too kind to people like Levi.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 6 October 2013 at 11:09 PM

In your next post, can you just explain them going off into the night sky, and at the end can you put *End of Chapter*

"Come on!" Aelos screamed from the top of the giant cow-bat. It looked like he was going to be the one flying it.

Kireno got on, with a little worry, and a lot of trouble. When he finally got on, he nestled up in the beasts fur, putting his head on a sleeping bag Aelos had stolen.

Even for such a huge beast, it was difficult to fit everyone on. There was so many of them, Aelos thought he counted eleven, but didn't have time to double check. They had to go.

Deleted • 6 October 2013 at 11:18 PM

Mala smiled at Leviathan. She liked the way that this bender thought. The Northern Water Nation WERE nice people... unless you got on their bad side.
"Indeed," Mala said, "the Northern Water Tribe is my home, and they aren't that bad."
Mala then hopped onto the giant beast and found a spot. She was amazed at how big this giant bow-bat was. Mala had never seen one of these, they didn't have cow-bats in the Northern Water Kingdom. She then patiently waited for the others to get on. She couldn't wait to see her home.
~End of Chapter~

1,801 posts


cirrus • 6 October 2013 at 11:20 PM


Chapter 2~ The Forbidden Mountain

At around one in the morning, everyone had fallen asleep, and Ipah couldn't fly much longer. Aelos steered him down, where he landed gently, and fell asleep. Aelos stared up at the moon. A slight breeze ruffled his hair on the warm, summer night. His heavy eyelids shut tight, and he fell deeply to sleep.


The next morning, Aelos was first to rise. He rubbed his big buddy on the top of the head. Jumping off of Ipah, he found Ipah's head twisted at an unnatural angle. He tried to pry open Ipah's eyelids, but they stayed shut. He could hear the loud breathing, but Ipah wouldn't move, even when Aelos tried to wake him up by sending painful blasts of air to his face.

Aelos felt a pit in his stomach, 'What could be wrong, why won't he wake up?'

Aelos screamed as loud as he could, "Help! Wake up! WHY won't you WAKE UP!"

This disturbed everyone that was asleep.

"What?" Kireno asked, irritated, with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Ipah won't wake up, is he okay?"

"He's breathing," Kireno said bluntly.

"Oh no!" Aelos said, pointing to a huge, thin creature that looked like a mix between a spider and a wasp, and was big enough to ride on. He had accidentally landed them in the Forbidden Mountains, whose spider-wasps had a stinger, as well as thousands of spurs all over it's body, that could paralyze you in a second. He was glad Ipah was so big he wasn't too badly affected, but he knew that wouldn't be the case with him and his friends.

6,875 posts


ems • 6 October 2013 at 11:21 PM

Levi woke up to someone's upset or distraught shrieks. She'd barely slept anyways, so she could care less, but sat up. "What's wrong?" Leviathan growled, angry that'd she'd been awoken so rudely. Looking down though, she saw a huge wasp-like critter. Rather than shoot sarcastic remarks, she leaped off the large air creature and tried to zap the large wasp. But while her lightning was very strong, all it seemed to do was agrivate the beast.

/Great Levi, now you're ALL dead!/ She thought dully.

"Umm... Run?!" They couldn't leave Ipah, but the wasp was very, very angry at Levi. Her eyes flickered over the creature approaching, but her brain couldn't think of anything fast enough.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 7 October 2013 at 1:32 AM

Ethan woke up to yelling. After a quick look around, he realized that they were in some serious trouble.

"Autumn! Wake up!"

Autumn groaned and opened her eyes. As soon as she realized what was going on, she was suddenly wide awake.

"How the heck did this happen???" She demanded. And within seconds, she was shooting fireballs. Unfortunately, the sheer number of them was overwhelming...

Someone called for them to run, but they couldn't exactly leave the cow-bat behind... Suddenly, Ethan had an idea. They were spider wasps, right? They could be slowed down by...

"Does anyone see something that'll make a lot of smoke if it burns? Like pine branches or rubber?" He asked.

The smoke would relax the spider-wasps and make it easier for the others to take them out... He hoped...

@ems @skittlejg @ashfire

3,490 posts


skylark • 7 October 2013 at 1:15 PM

Josiah groaned and flipped over, covering his head with his hood. "Go away..."


Ty pointed to a cluster of trees in the distance. They looks awfully short and not very inviting, as one wouldn't choose to climb up them. "Burn good! Green, green - smoky." He bended the earth beneath them to move to where Ipah was in a couple of seconds. "Hurry!" He grunted, an eye on the foreboding swarm...

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 7 October 2013 at 3:18 PM

Ethan nodded and yelled over to Autumn, who was still shooting fireballs.

"Autumn! Set fire to those trees!"

Autumn looked over and saw what he was doing. She sent a fireball at the trees and almost immediately, they were alight, creating thick, black smoke. While it did obscure their vision a little, the spider-wasps were getting drowsy...

"They should be easier to hit now, but there's still a lot of them, so be careful." He told the others, then he looked back at the air nomad boy. "What can I do to help get Ipah back in the air?"

@skylark @ems @skittlejg @ashfire @jupiter_hollow

1,801 posts


cirrus • 7 October 2013 at 5:32 PM

Let's not defeat them too quickly. 😋

Aelos looked at Ipah, "I think we'll just have to wait until he picks up, and make sure he isn't stung again."

He shot himself up into the air, and landed on the back of Ipah. Swatting the spider-wasps down left and right.

Kireno, however, didn't find himself being attacked by any of the creatures, it seemed like he was the only one who couldn't do anything, when a wasp flew over him, quite slowly. The smoke was working. He ran, freezing the creatures solid, and occasionally putting out a few fires that would have otherwise set him ablaze.

"Help!" Aelos screamed, as one of the spider-wasps had crawled onto Ipah, ready to attack, and another two were flying above.

Kireno sprinted, jumped, and clung onto the side of Ipah, where he shot ice at the wings of one of the flying beasts. Aelos created a small funnel that knocked the other one into the side of the mountain, and it fell with a satisfying crash.

They both, however, managed to forget about the one that was crawling all over Ipah, and were helpless when it knocked Kireno off, and slammed Aelos down, ready to kill him.

Deleted • 7 October 2013 at 5:38 PM

Mala woke up startled and then noticed the large spider-wasp. She gasped and pushed herself up. She saw a girl shooting fireballs, Leviathan trying to zap lightning at the Spider Wasp, and Ipah layinig there. Mala shrugged and noticed a river. This was the best time she could perfect the Water Bullet move. Mala brought some water up and then shot it at the spider-wasp. At least it was a bug, and it took some damage, but quickly regained it's balance. It looked more agitated.

Mala then wondered, how could we stop this. She looked at Leviathan. Mala the noticed that there was a Spider Wasp on top of Aerlos and then shot some Water Bullets at that Spider Wasp. It wouldn't do much now, she was still practicing, but at least it would distract it a bit.


3,490 posts


skylark • 7 October 2013 at 6:02 PM

Oops. 😋

Ty picked up one of the rocky stones from the side of the mountain and threw it at the spider-wasp that was on top of Aelos. It tumbled off, unconscious. Another one jumped onto Ty's back and knocked him down, preparing its paralyzing sting. Ty's face first scrunched up in a rage of fury, but when he realized that the bug had power over him, he started to look a little terrified.


Josiah heard the familiar buzzing of the spider-wasps and sat up quickly. His mouth dropped open as he realized the situation before him. "Oh fiddlesticks." The wind changed and the smoke drifted out of their favour, exposing them to the real danger of the spider-wasps. "Oh, fiddling fiddlesticks." Josiah slapped Ipah's back furiously, a look of complete and utter horror on his face.
He hopped down the great height and set shards of ice at the bumbling spider-wasps' faces, effectively stunning them further.
"Any plans, guys?!"

1,801 posts


cirrus • 7 October 2013 at 6:10 PM


Luckily, several shots of water stung the spider-wasp before it could attack. Ty killed it, but another one fell on top of him. Aelos blasted it away, and continued to attack.

Kireno looked over at the girl who had saved both his and Aelos. It was Mala, the Water Tribe girl.

"Thanks," he said to her, "Oh, there's a stream back here!"

He used the water to create two sleeves of ice, and ran off, attacking the monsters.

"I say, whenever Ipah wakes up, we get on and fly as fast as we can," Kireno screamed, stabbing a spider-wasp with his blade of ice, and freezing the eight, hairy legs of another.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 7 October 2013 at 6:57 PM

Aykay grinned as more and more spider-wasps appeared. Practicing in the courtyard was fine, but this was spectacular. It was a real challenge, as opposed to just standing there and going through the motions.

She kept a firm stance with a low centre of gravity which would make it easier for her to keep her balance. Balance, of course, was not her strongest suit...

Ethan was now faced with some mean-looking spider-wasps himself. He didn't have the power of the elements on his side, but maybe mother nature was still on his side...

As one flew at him, he grabbed the biggest stick he could carry and swung it at the thing. He knew right away that it was a relatively ineffective weapon, but it was better than nothing at this point...

@skittlejg @skylark @ashfire @ems @jupiter_hollow

1,801 posts


cirrus • 7 October 2013 at 7:33 PM

In this chapter, I'm going to introduce the Power State, which is like the Avatar State. Google Avatar State if you don't know what that is. I don't want everyone constantly going into the power state, but every other chapter or so, someone can use it.

Aelos pounded the spider-wasp that had attacked Ty. He chased another into the forest, and ran in. Everything was ablaze, but he blew it out as he ran.

The spider-wasp flew right into a branch, and, momentarily confused, got blown down. But the smoke was really thick. Aelos blew it away as best he could, but the visibility was still zero.

Stumbling out of the burning greenery, and swatting down flies at the same time, Aelos collapsed atop Ipah, this was the hardest he'd ever fought.


Kireno ran, ice flying from his fingertips as he shot down the spider-wasps.

His heart was beating fast, and his head was spinning to the point where he wasn't thinking about what he was doing.

Left and right, he shot down wasps, pircing their strong armor with his ice.

He went back down to the river to refuel. Raising his arms, he shot long, twisted spears of ice at the flying wasps. Noticing him, some of the spider-wasps targeted him down on the bank of the stream.

He backed down into the water. It flowed sluggishly, but was surprisingly deep. As the spider-wasps descended, he panicked, and threw his whole body under the water. He couldn't feel his bones in the icy coldness of the stream. The bugs still hovered above the water, so he was trapped. His air was running out.

Kireno felt his body going numb, from the coldness or the lack of air, he wasn't sure. When he thought he would die for sure, he felt his body moving without his knowing, the scar on his hand was glowing, the one that made him a Power Child. He felt the temperature of the water dropping even more, and suddenly, the water forced him up and out, and he was standing in a icey sphere on top the the stream.

He sent three spears of ice at the spider-wasps, then broke down the sides of his ice throne, and sent the shards at more of the attacking creatures. Then, a huge wave flew up behind him, and crashed down on the forest, freezing everything solid.

His legs couldn't support him anymore, and he fell on the bank.

6,875 posts


ems • 7 October 2013 at 8:12 PM

@skittlejg @dada_dragon @skylark @ashfire @jupiter_hollow

Leviathan managed to catch a spider wasp in her next bolt, holding it there for a few seconds until she couldn't any longer. Huffing with slight exertion, she noted that it was blackened quite well. The sight almost made her retch.

Then something insane happened. Kireno went crazy or something, and ice washed over the forest. It was so cold now, and with no sleeves to cover her arms, Leviathan feared frostbite, or hypothermia. Kireno had collapsed, and the spider wasps were gone. Levi's lips began to take on a blue hue as she shivered viciously. "E-everyone all right?" She called hesitantly, her voice shaking a bit. It was a bit too risky to try and use her bending to get out of the frigid ice - she could zap herself.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 7 October 2013 at 9:19 PM

Aelos's eyes snapped open. A wave of cold had rushed over everything. He tried blowing some hot air over Ipah to keep him from freezing.

"What happened?" he croaked.

Everything seemed to be covered in a layer of ice, as if it had rained, and there was a sudden drop in temperature. He was freezing in his airbender clothes, which were meant to be light and breezy.

6,875 posts


ems • 7 October 2013 at 9:30 PM

@skittlejg @dada_dragon @skylark @jupiter_hollow @tralala22 (Where are you tralala? D: )

Leviathan stood on shaky feet, her shoes gripping the ice well. With her nose now flushed and displaying a bright red color, she hugged herself for warmth and spotted the airbender kid from earlier. Leviathan quickly walked over to him and held out a hand, meant to help him up. She couldn't see the others, but taking in a quick glance around, she saw a lot of ice. Everything was coated in it. "Well.... I really don't know." She said simply. "But whatever it is... It's freaking weird."

1,801 posts


cirrus • 7 October 2013 at 10:29 PM


Aelos looked around, and noticed Kireno passed out on the bank.

"He did it, that's why it's all icy, he did something, didn't he?" Aelos said, staring in awe at Kireno. But something still wasn't right, how were they going to get out, Ipah was still unconscious, and by the time he awoke, the spider-wasps could be back.

With a sigh, Aelos went to try to carry Kireno back out to Ipah's comforting warmth.

Deleted • 7 October 2013 at 10:40 PM

Mala shot a watery wave at a spider-wasp, but then felt sudden coldness. She blinked and instantly started to shiver. At least she had a robe on. Then Mala looked at the Air Nomad, which looked like the source of all this ice. Mala shuffled over and blinked.

"What in the world happened?" she asked curiously.

Mala then noticed that the spider-wasps were gone, and now almost everywhere around the surrounding area had turned to ice.


4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 7 October 2013 at 10:46 PM

Ethan set down his stick. Everything was frozen. He shivered, not accustomed to the cold. What were these benders capable of? He'd seen Autumn perform some pretty impressive feats with fire, but nothing like this...

Autumn was also caught off-guard by the sudden freezing of everything, and she was not happy. She didn't like anyone being stronger than her and this was way beyond anything she could do.

She walked back to Ipah, but suddenly slipped on the icy ground and fell, hitting her bad leg hard on a fallen branch.

She cried out in pain before she could stop herself and Ethan turned and ran over.

"Are you alright?" he asked. "Does it hurt?"

In response, she shot a fireball at the branch she'd fallen on and pulled herself to her feet. Ethan rolled his eyes. That girl had no control over her temper. Autumn limped off, visibly furious.

"I'm fine." she growled. "The sooner we get this over with and get back to the Fire Nation, the better..."

Ethan sighed. Well at least she wasn't refusing the mission anymore...

@ems @skittlejg @skylark @ashfire @jupiter_hollow

1,801 posts


cirrus • 7 October 2013 at 11:24 PM

@Dada_Dragon Don't forget that Ethan has superspeed and superstrength because he is a Power Child, but not a bender. 😃

"I'm not sure, I was resting, and I think Kireno did something weird. It was some sort of super-bending, as I like to call it. I've never seen anything like it," Aelos answered Mala, still in shock by what Ethan had done.

Aelos put Kireno's limp body on top of Ipah, and covered him in a sleeping bag. His body was cold to the touch, but he was faintly breathing, so he had to be alive.

"But now, were stranded in the middle of a mountain, and Ipah still hasn't woken up, what should we do?" Aelos asked, and once again, they were at a loss of ideas.

So Aelos bundled up in his own sleeping bag atop Ipah's head, and lay down, resting in the soft, furry warmness of Ipah, and his sleeping bag, feeling drowsy, though he had only woken up just hours ago, and it was still noon.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 10 October 2013 at 10:22 AM

@skittlejg @ems @dada_dragon @skylark @ashfire
Sorry I was off for a while, darlings. Sickness got to me ^^"
From the moment he'd dozed off on the bat's back, up until now, Isak had been sleeping peacefully, completely undisturbed by anything. His senses were dulled, unresponsive ever since they'd been transported to the Air Temple. The transition had drained him somewhat and he had remained quiet and throughoutly disorientated. Therefore, once having fallen asleep, he had sunk in a state of unresponsive unconsciousness.
The veil of ice and coldness that had upswept the entire forest covered his sleeping form, but even despite the hypothermia actively numbing his limbs, he still slept.
The racket from the fight had done nothing to rose him, neither did the silence that followed.
It was a sudden piercing scream amidst the silence that made him snap awake. His body was stiff, the fingers of his left hand twitching involuntarily from the cold and his left leg feeling as if it was non-existent.

At this point, after taking in his surroundings, Isak couldn't do much but remain where he was, staring at the injured elementals in confusion. He knew he couldn't get up and walk, try as he might with his numb leg, but scooped over so Aelos could place Kireno's ice-cold body next to him. The older boy seemed dead, deep blue lips and pallid skin.
Placing a hand over the boy's forehead, he immediately flinched away at the freezing feel of the skin beneath his fingertips.
Worried, he glanced sideways at Aelos, who was currently working on fixing up his sleeping bag.
"What happened?"
Such a moronically trivial question, he was aware of that, but his frost-bitten head couldn't muster out a more plausible thing to ask.

3,490 posts


skylark • 10 October 2013 at 8:02 PM

@jupiter_hollow @dada_dragon @skittlejg

Josiah fell on his butt as one of the Power Children, whom he believed was named Kireno, basically created the Ice Kindgom. He stared in awe of all the ice around him, even though he lived with it for his entire life. The ice wasn't the fine, powdery stuff they had at home, but real ice: the kind that catches the sunlight and shows every detail that the water had the INSTANT it was frozen. He jumped back a bit as he saw a tiny minnow frozen in the glass-like cascade. Running his hand within some of the smooth streaks, he nodded his head in silence.

"Well... that's the Power State, all right." Josiah blinked, this extremely new prospect still being processed. "I should probably try to move some of this back."


Ty shook his head in surprise. He was dumbfounded at what had just happened. He wondered if he could ever do something like that? He noticed Ice-man... man whose names started with a J, bending some of the ice back into the now tiny stream. Ty grunted and smashed a block of ice off of the ginormous wave, throwing it back into the river. He continued to do this, a block of ice at a time.


Josiah had been bending the ice for a little bit when the brute Ty, earth-man, started smashing the ice to smithereens. Shards of ice were flying everywhere, and Josiah ducked a rather large ice dagger. He raised his eyebrow and took a deep breath... he channeled his inner power to his fingertips and touched the ice. It started dripping water like crazy, and the huge puddle that formed around the frozen wave somehow migrated towards the river. Josiah grunted again and half the wave fell with a crash, suddenly turned into water! He fell onto his face with fainting as the water barely made it back to the now more normal river.


When Ice-man took a deep breath, Ty stopped to watch what he'd do. When Josiah fell into his face into a rather large, muddy puddle, Ty snickered and smashed half of the half-wave to meltable bits, throwing the icebergs into the river. He managed to do another half of the half of the half-wave, which left a large 1/8 left, sitting awkwardly in all the mud that surrounded it. Ty sat down on Ipah, too tired to do anymore.


Josiah slept in the puddle, slowly regaining his energy. His stomach growled in his sleep.

1,984 posts


tralala22 • 11 October 2013 at 6:59 AM

@skylark @jupiter_hollow @skittlejg @dada_dragon @ashfire

Any of you can give me a short summary of what's happening? Sorry, but school has gotten to me. ☚ī¸

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 11 October 2013 at 7:10 PM

Looming gingerly over the frost-bitten body of the boy, Nostromo called out with a hushed, gentle tone, not daring raise his voice out of fear of startling him awake.
He was seated next to the ice elemental, patting the side of his face and beckoning him to rise.
"Kireno." he called out again, voice echoing in the enclosed space they resided in.

Everything around the two of them was completely laden with crystalline ice, which formed transparent walls around them, enclosing them tightly. The frosty surface did not emit any coldness, in fact, the place they were in lacked a temperature.
All that existed was the ice sphere, in which Kireno lay and more ice beyond it. Through the walls of their prison, Nostromo could see a labyrinth of frost build around the sphere, stalagmites, stalactites and escalating spirals of ice marking each surface.

They were in Kireno's consciousness.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 11 October 2013 at 10:57 PM

Autumn walked over to a particularly large chunk of ice. If she was stuck here, she might as well practice...

She stood a few feet away from it, taking on her starting stance. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, then began her practice routine.She went through her techniques one by one, melting the ice chunk bit by bit. She wished she had the speed necessary to truly master these techniques.

Firebending typically involved rapid fire attacks, giving an opponent very little time to counter, but her speed was greatly reduced by her bad leg, which didn't move properly and often hurt if she walked on it for too long. This made attending a firebending academy impossible, as she couldn't pass the entrance exams and even the private tutor her parents had hired when she was younger had given up on her. The Fire Nation was not known for their patience...

Ethan walked over to where the Lightning Nation boy had just woken up. He looked confused and asked what had happened.

"Spider-wasp attack. We must have landed on their nest. Ipah was stung and we got overwhelmed by them but..." he looked over at the Ice Kingdom boy. "He froze everything. Now we're just waiting for Ipah to recover and then we're off again I guess."

His gaze wandered to Autumn, who was practicing again. She never did give herself a break... He was worried about her. It was all she did, and as a result, she had all the social skills of a cactus...

@jupiter_hollow @skylark @skittlejg

1,801 posts


cirrus • 12 October 2013 at 1:10 AM

@Jupiter_Hollow I think I've waited long enough. xD
Sorry this post is really bad. D: I'm so tired.

Kireno woke in a strange place, seeming to be in a crystal ball.

'No,' he realized, 'It's made of ice.'

He saw Nostromo, but nobody else.

"What happened?" he asked, still completely confused, "Are we in the Spirit World?"

He pondered stupidly around, still surprised by the landscape, yet he didn't seem to feel any cold.


Aelos tried to pry Ipah's eyes open, pull his fur, and every other imaginable thing that he could do to wake Ipah up.

"He's not going to wake up, we'll just have to wait until he does it by himself," Aelos gave up and retired to Ipah's side, nestling in his soft, warm fur and falling asleep.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 12 October 2013 at 3:45 AM

"Oh..." Isak mumbled under his breath, slightly disappointed (mainly of himself) that he hadn't been able to take part in the fight. However, the guilt was more than anything, considering the others had been fighting for their lives while he was peacefully sleeping... Furthermore, if he'd woken up, he wouldn't be frozen from the waist down as of now and he'd be able to actually help either Ipah or Kireno.
"Sorry I didn't contribute, I was uhm... sleeping." he awkwardly cringed at the excuse, lightly lowering his head and blushing shamefully. "I really didn't mean to- well, I'm a bit of a sloth and- a lot of a slot and- not much more to say actually. That's really my only excuse." after that he clamped his mouth shut, deciding to not word vomit on the boy anymore, because, he was sure, the awkwardness was thick enough to be cut with a knife. And not the good kind of awkwardness. The really awkward kind of awkwardness. Where you sorta just stare at the person in apprehension that they may be thinking you're really weird or crazy.
Continuing in a softer, more calm voice, he spoke up again.
"I never got your name." he asked, soon complying to introduce himself first, as was the tradition. He quickly extended a hand and smiled. "I'm Isak by the way."

"You were in danger. And you lost control." Nostromo explained. He wasn't exactly sure what had happened with the frost child but it was a vulnerable, albeit powerful state, that much he knew.
"You unleashed your unbound power upon implication that you were in harm's way. In doing so you defeated the wasps, but you also drained yourself."
He placed a hand over the boy's shoulder, preventing him from standing up or sitting up, since both actions were bound to exhaust him further. "This is the place you go while you regenerate, so you should lay still and let the process continue. This is your own little world - your subconsciousness and I'm a bit of an uninvited guest, but I'm here to help. I'm here to explain." he cooed, reassrance glinting in his pupilless yellow irises.
"Our time here is limited because you must wake up soon."
