Power Children: The Midnight Sun

in Roleplaying

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cirrus • 6 November 2013 at 6:13 PM


Chapter 3~ The Forgotten Temple

Kireno sat up on Ipah's back, and watched the rocky mountain fly by beneath them. He finally felt strong enough to move, his limbs had thawed (mostly) from the recent dilemma.

Aelos, sitting on Ipah's neck, steering him into the darkness and away from the sunset, looked down, searching for a place to stop, preferably one less dangerous than the last. He spotted what he was looking for, an old temple long since inhabited by any humans.

"Look!" he shouted, pointing at the ruins as he steered Ipah downward. They landed not so gracefully, and Aelos slid off Ipah's back. He looked around.

"I've heard stories of this place. I always wondered what it looked like."

Kireno sighed. "You'll have time to look at it in the morning, once it's light. We need to go to sleep, that way we can wake up early, and get going sooner. The faster we get to the Ice Kingdom, the better."

"I just wanted to explore a little bit."

Kireno gave Aelos a look that meant he was serious, and slid off Ipah. He hopped forward a few times before deciding that he was in a good enough place to sleep, and laid down, bundled in his blankets.

Aelos, not wanting to anger anyone else, snuggled up against Ipah's side, who was now breathing heavily as if asleep.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 6 November 2013 at 6:48 PM

Ethan slid off Ipah's back. He was shivering. The farther North they went, the colder it got, and he was not at all used to cold. The altitude and the lack of any warm clothing didn't help.

"You look pathetic." Aykay told him, sliding down beside him. She was shivering too, but he didn't dare point it out. "Allow me."

She found a dirt patch and threw some deadfall on it. She snapped her fingers and made a small flame appear on her fingertip. It was something she used to do when they were both little to entertain him. She smiled and touched her finger to the deadfall, igniting it.

"Show off." He said, smiling.

She had kept to herself for the whole ride, and had calmed down considerably. Still, she had not spoken at all to the others, although that was probably for the best.

@skittlejg @skylark @starling @ems @jupiter_hollow

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 12 January 2014 at 11:19 PM

@skittlejg P.S. I have more ideas about my Nostromo and the Emperor as well. And maybe Isak but those are personal. Also, you may want to eventually know more about Sabata and Minevra. @dada_dragon @skylark @ems @starling
Continuation of this awesomeness, no?
Nostromo shivered. He was still located in Kireno's consciousness, having remained there even after the boy's departure. No matter how energetic the ice elemental had seemed, he feared the other wouldn't wake from his comatose state, so he had taken a safety precaution.
While Kireno's awakening had gone without glitches, he found himself growing cold. He trembled away from the crystalline pillar his back rested against and curled into himself while looking upwards at he endless spiral of white and blue. Surely no ice or snow could chill him so deeply, he mused as the very core of his soul paused in numbness, as did he.
Nostromo simultaneously remembered - the ice kingdom reality of the elemental did not have a set temperature... It was his soul that froze in on itself.
And with said soul still tightly connected to his empty shell of a body, the boy could already guess what the source of his personal winter was and where it was located.
He disconnected from Kireno, practically ripping himself painfully from the boy's mind and stretched all links with a sharp tug. Gods, he knew it would cause the Power children pain, but the gripping iciness of his core made him disregard his purpose for a moment before he felt the intensifying ache, which, coupled with the cold, drained him of his energy quickly.
He felt his fingertips go numb, eyes roll to the back of his head, his body, his actual living, breathing body being engulfed by coldness he hadn't felt even in the most intense winters. And despite being disconnected from it all, he felt every single sensation.
His body was not in his room; he discovered the summoning altar he was curled into a mere few hours ago empty, devoid of any life, or light for that matter. All previously lit candles had been extinguished and the enclosed living space now drowned in darkness. He let out a gasp of fear, spirit following the link to his own body as all eleven other connections stretched.
[Empror of Darkness]
His hands, clad in leather gloves for a plausible reason, parted the veil to his own chambers, revealing the resting form placed conveniently on his bed for him to inspect thoroughtly. The boy's form was lithe, thin and fragile, and so very breakable that he couldn't help but smile upon laying eyes on him.
The black figure wandered closer to the bed, seating his short form on the edge of it and reaching towards its occupant. He paused mid motion, as if just now remembering he had gloves on, and discreetly removed them. His hands, now exposed, were surprisingly human. Quite chubby in their build, resembling the hands of a child and not a ruler. Resting the gloves aside, he reached forward again.
A crack filled the room, then another.
His fingers enlongated, every joint and bone popping and rearranging as the entire limb thinned out drastically, the excess fat practically disappearing and leaving his already bony fingers with only skin to cover them. The tips of them, previously painted the same healthy human color that tinted his entire body now begun to fade, initially dulling to gray before it darkened.
At the end, his fingers, tipped black and ending with long serrated obsidian nails, caressed Nostromo's cheek, gentle in their touch despite their ghastly appearance.
The Emperor, now substantially taller and thinner than before, tipped his head to the side, a serrated smile gracing his hollow, shadow-ridden face.
"We could not wake him, my Liege."
He closed his eyes, reveling in the rich feminine voice that resounded in the room, then turned to look at its beautiful owner. She stood tall and proud and despite lacking the richly decorated clothes of a royal, she certainly had the aristocratic mannerism to fit one.
He smiled.
"I am aware." his own rasp of a tone followed hers in another set of echoes. "A soulless body's general reaction to being disturbed is a lackthereof."
"He does not have a soul?"
The Empror clicked his tongue, brushing a few strands of black hair from Nostromo's forehead.
"It simply isn't in his body at the moment. Decided to take a walk outside these hindering borders, I presume..."
The woman frowned.
"Will you issue a punisment, my Lord?"
"No..." His smirk grew, fingertips absentmindedly resting over the boy's chest, right upon the barely beating heart there. "I'm interested in his purpose."

Next to the dark lord's hand rested another, this one transparent and light, barely weighting on the body... his own body. Seated beside of his mortal shape, Nostromo's spirit rested, simply looking down upon himself helplessly.
While he could feel the connection to his earthly shell lessen, he could not risk returning into his body.
He could not risk the newly begun journey of the saviours.

Isak nearly doubled over, practically tumbling off of Ipah's back and landing knees first on the ground. The frost numbing his limbs hadn't exactly descipated completely and he found it increasingly difficult to wak after spending a long time immobile on Ipah's back.
He tried to stand. Stumbled. Fell back onto his knees and let out a sigh.
The entirety of the journey had been passed with him dangling his feet of the side of the flying creature and feeling them regain some feeling, while his hands were stuffed under his armpits, twitching from the frost still biting at them. Gosh, that elemental had been destructively strong.
He truly wondered if his own powers could be that hazardous. While he desired to gain full control of all his abilities, the very idea of subjecting himself to Power State sounded terrifying. It meant losing control first in order to gain it nd the resolve wasn't all that sure in the first plce so he called a pass for the moment.
Mostly because in said moment, he was on all fours on the ground, trying not to faceplant. He moved over, sitting back and leaning onto Ipah's back just as the deadfal up ahead was ignited to a flame He beamed at the source of warmth.
"Ye gods, that's a wonderful ability." he mumbled, warming his numb limbs up.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 13 January 2014 at 3:16 AM

Ethan nodded. It was certainly useful right now... If only they could have this warmth while riding Ipah...

Aykay ignored the boy, shivering a little and moving closer to the flames.

"I hate this place." she grumbled. "Who builds a city in such a terrible location anyhow? It's freezing out here, and we haven't found a single place to grab some warmer clothing... Do the people who live up here have ice water in their veins or something?"

@skittlejg @jupiter_hollow @skylark

6,875 posts


ems • 13 January 2014 at 4:03 AM

@skittlejg @dada_dragon @jupiter_hollow So does the stretching of connections cause pain to the Power Children?

Levi rolled from the large creature's back and onto the ground, trailing at the back of the group. Her head throbbed with a dull headache, and the girl gritted her teeth in slight irritation. And she was cold too, which didn't do much for her mood; except she liked the bitter cold sometimes. It was rather nice. She didn't say anything and hoped her interractions with the others would be minimal.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 13 January 2014 at 12:35 PM

@ems Yeah but I forgot to play out Isak being in pain and I guess so did you guys x'D However, the pain itself would definitely be little since the links aren't that strong. =P So let's play it off as a headache? >3>
@dada_dragon @skittlejg @skylark
Isak blinked up at the girl curiously. She was quite the dismissive character, but oh, he was sure she had some kindness left in the shell of her cold exterion, some love for her brother at least? He smiled.
"I don't know, maybe... I have grounded electricity in mine, you have fire in yours." he shrugged light-heartedly, leaning back on Ipah, discreetly scooping closer to a certain sleeping air elemental that was snuggled next to the creature's side, so as to share body warmth.
"You never know until you meet the people. They may be really nice and warm welcoming."

1,801 posts


cirrus • 13 January 2014 at 6:10 PM

@jupiter_hollow Scooping... I think you meant scooting...

(By the way, what's going on after the dotted line is a dream)

Aelos yawned. He was exhausted. While the others got to relax on Ipah's back, he had been paying attention to the ground all night.

"Shhhh," he said, "please, just.... go to sleep." He closed his eyes and was soon asleep.


He was surrounded. Monks on all sides. His friends. His teachers. His enemies.

"Why!!" he screamed, pleading with them. "I have to, I have to stop this war!!"

"You ran away. For war."

Fire surrounded him. Slowly it spread inwards.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

He tried blowing it out, but it kept springing back to life. His glider was made of rock. It was heavy, useless. The fire licked his back. He jumped away and tripped. He landed in the fire. His clothes burned, his hair burned, but he didn't. He felt the fire. But it didn't kill him.

He shouted. His skin was on fire. But he didn't die. He only suffered.

6,875 posts


ems • 13 January 2014 at 7:28 PM

@skittlejg @jupiter_hollow That's what I was going for so I'd have a back-up if they weren't supposed to be in pain. XD
@dada_dragon @skylark @starling

Levi listened in on the conversation silently, not feeling it was her place to chime in. Instead she shocked a small flower that stuck out from the snow, smirking as it blackened under the small bit of electricity. The lightning bender attempted to pick the charred flower, but it crumbled to ash under her light grip. She sat on the frozen ground, her back leaned against Ipah for warmth.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 17 November 2014 at 12:43 AM


You guys want to bring this back to life. I would recommend just rereading chapter 3, the very top of page four, but read as much as you need to refresh yourself.

Kireno watched the small fire Aykay had built for them. He nodded off, but couldn't stay asleep for very long. Eventually he took off his cloak and crawled over to the fire where the others were talking. He put his cloak over himself like a blanket and closed him eyes.


Aelos woke with a shake. He couldn't tell but not much time had passed, as far as he knew. All the others were still up. He debated saying something; deciding not to he just walked over to the fire and felt its warmth.
