Power Children: The Midnight Sun

in Roleplaying

1,801 posts


cirrus • 12 October 2013 at 11:50 PM


"I did what?" Kireno stammered, not caring that he was supposed to lay down and regenerate, "How, I didn't mean to?"

He looked around, this was his mind. Snow covered the ground, but a true ground didn't seem to exist. It was an infinite pile of snow. Spindly swirls of glass-like ice molded a dome around the two of them.

Still not listening to Nostromos, Kireno stood up, and found that he couldn't control ice anymore either. He decided it was like a miniature spirit world.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 17 October 2013 at 6:32 PM


Ethan smiled.

"I'm Ethan, of the Fire Nation." He said cheerfully. After having spent most of his time with his ever-bitter sister, awkward conversation was a welcome change... "And don't worry about sleeping through it. I wasn't really much help and I was awake." He smiled, holding up his stick. "All I had was this and my reflexes."

Ethan didn't have the elemental powers tha Autumn did, but he'd always been pretty strong, which at the very least saved him from being picked on. All the other kids had been afraid of him, even though he'd never given them reason to...

"You're never any help."

Autumn had walked over and was now smirking at Ethan. She hardly looked at Isak, but the fact she wasn't being rude to him was a start...

"This is my charming sister, Autumn." He told Isak. "Not much to her but attitude and firepower."

Autumn rolled her eyes. "I prefer 'Aykay'." She said, finally looking at Isak. "Lightning nation, right? I saw some lightning benders at a festival once. They did some pretty cool stuff. Much better than the Ice Kindom people... Seriously boring..."

Ethan smiled to himself. She really didn't know how to make conversation, unless it involved heavy sarcasm... To be fair though, she was trying...

3,490 posts


skylark • 17 October 2013 at 8:48 PM

Ty was finished resting, and he saw a small group of people gathered together. He noticed that the girl Firebender was the one who set fire to his trees. She seemed strong, both in spirit and bending for her age. Not that it was surprising that she'd be spirited, because Fire nation had a reputation for people like so. Ethan was surprising. He had no bending skills but he was in the Spirit World, with all the other Power Childern. He had the tattoo of the sun and the moon, but what makes him special? Maybe it's just that he is a Power Child without an element that makes him special. Yes, it was. He was not nearly as spirited as most Fire people are; Ty wondered if he was adopted. 'Twas strange, for he looked strikingly similar to his sister. How could this be?


Josiah slept, barely breathing through a puddle full of mud. He was recovering from the terrible sleepless night before, riding in the freezing wind on Ipah's back.

1,984 posts


tralala22 • 18 October 2013 at 6:58 PM

I will have to quit this RP Becuz I'm having trouble. Tay sk anyway! 😊


1,801 posts


cirrus • 18 October 2013 at 10:54 PM


Hey, could any of you check out this RP? http://eggcave.com/forums/topic/44927


Aelos slowly opened his eyes, hearing a girl say, "I saw some lightning benders at a festival once. They did some pretty cool stuff. Much better than the Ice Kingdom people... Seriously boring..."

He immediately saw who it was, that Fire Nation girl. He hopped up from Ipah's side and looked at her, "Hey, that wasn't nice. You shouldn't be talking bad about other nations, our job is to bring peace, but if you want to quit the Midnight Sun, be my guest. We're not flying you out of here though." He said this more defiantly than he had ever thought of before, before quietly adding, "Or at least I'm not, whenever Ipah wakes up."

6,875 posts


ems • 18 October 2013 at 11:00 PM

@skittlejg @skylark @jupiter_hollow
AHHHH sorry for poofing. XD Life... Anyways, also sorry for the lazy pings here. 😋

The corner of Levi's mouth twisted into a small smirk. "You bet we were better." She gloated playfully. "But I must admit all the kingdoms had at least one interesting aspect in their performances. Anyways, I can't remember whether or not I introduced myself... I'm Leviathan. Close friends are allowed to nickname me." She shrugged. "But most just call me Levi."

Deleted • 19 October 2013 at 1:09 AM

Mala sat down, trying to bear the coldness on her bottom when she sat down on the icy cold ice. She thought for a second, maybe the Josiah guy was right. Perhaps it was the Power State. Mala then looked at Aelos, trying to wake Ipah up. At least she could do something. She thought for a second, looking around to see if anything could help her try to wake up Ipah. Her eyes trailed off to the river. What is she sent a little water at Ipah? Perhaps it would help... a little. Mala got up and poked Aelos.
"What if I try getting some water on Ipah?" Mala asked, "it's not the brightest idea... but it might help a little."


4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 19 October 2013 at 2:19 AM

Autumn's hands immediately formed fists. She did not like people lecturing her. Ethan blocked her before she could get too far.

"Try and behave." He hissed.

"No promises..." She growled.

Autumn backed off and stomped off, resuming her practicing.

"Forgive my sister," said Ethan apologetically. "She's pretty abrasive even by Fire Nation standards. She really isn't that bad... She just has trouble getting to know new people."

@starling @ems @skittlejg @skylark @jupiter_hollow

6,875 posts


ems • 19 October 2013 at 2:37 AM

@dada_dragon @starling @skittlejg @skylark @ashfire

"... Forgiven?" Levi just shrugged her shoulders. "Eh. I don't really care." And in all truth; she didn't care. Levi could not care less about that fire bender's fiesty personality and fiery temper. To Levi, it was almost childish, though she'd never say that. "So... Fire Nation, huh? I've heard it's a very cool place. Lots of culture I think I heard someone say. Never been myself."

3,490 posts


skylark • 19 October 2013 at 2:47 PM


Aykay, whom had backed off from the group due to an exchange within, started to practice her bending in a cleared spot. She had gone in the opposite direction of where Ty was, who was sitting on Ipah's back. Ty got up and half-followed her but sat back down, his back against a Maple tree. She wasn't too far away that they couldn't talk, but not too close that Aykay would feel like her space was violated - or that Ty had a chance of being burned. He watched her silently, slowly observing the moves that she used.


Josiah groaned and rubbed his eyes. He bended some leftover ice to fly into his mouth and melt on his tongue, satisifying his thirst. He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up, dripping in mud. "Ugh, not again.." He said with disgust, picking up his drenched, cake-like robes with his pinky fingers in the air.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 19 October 2013 at 6:10 PM

"You unleashed your entire power." Nostromo continued steadily, attempting to break the information as gently as possible to the confused elemental. "Power State is exactly that in short. Upon sight danger, you, as a power child, are capable of falling into a comatose state, during which your unbound energy and the element you possess are let loose. Naturally, since this was your first time, you were not capable of controlling it, but with practice, you will learn to- Wait!"
His explanation was cut short when Kireno vehemently jolted up, apparently having forgotten (or didn't care enough to comply to) his previous warning.
Nostromo could guess that the boy lacked proper sobriety at the moment, what with his naturally endless curiosity. Even despite the exhaustion and slight pain in his body, the boy had still decided to stand up and explore the imposing new ice world in front of him. It was nice to see him take interest in the newfound power.
Mevertheless, Kireno would have enough occasions to explore this world and he currently needed to rest. So if the boy refused to lay and regenerate while unconscious, then he'd do so awake. At least the other children would be able to force him to rest.
Standing up as well, the gray-skinned boy made his way to Kireno and tugged him to face him.
"You will have time to explore later. Now, you have to wake up. Your body is freezing in reality, your limbs must already be numb already if you can't feel any pain now."
He raised a hand, placed it on his forehead with the fingers splayed and the seal on his hand flickered alight.
"Wake up."

@dada_dragon @starling @ems @skylark
Isak mirrored Ethan's smile shortly, relaxing in an instant thanks to the boy's calm and friendly demeanor. Perhaps the first open person amongst the power children he knew. Everyone else seemed to be tight-chested and pretty single minded about being a team - in short, nobody was up for even talking to each other. It was annoying that they still played superior towards one another - not to mention pointless and a tiny bit insulting.
But then again, he wasn't interested enough to actually care about it. He was more focused on the nice boy - Ethan.
"Nonsense." he waved a dismissive hand at his statement. "You had a great share of ingenuity on your side and you helped more than me. I just sorta froze over here." he chuckled in embarassment, but a fair share of the shame had evaporated, seeing as nobody was blaming him for being inactive.
"I've... never really been to the Fire Nation either, but I was fascinated by the display of control they had. The ones that could wield the naturally untamable power of fire were so well regarded. It was spectacly really! ...Us Lightning wielders... we were good too, I guess."
Timidly, he let the younger lightning girl take the reign of the conversation, since she seemed much more talkative than him. He sat back comfortably, leaning his head against Ipah's, and relaxed briefly.
That was when another bender, Mala, entered the scene, offering help. She possessed the grace of flowing water, silent in her steps. It was no surprise to him when she offered to refresh the sleeping cow bat with some water from the stream nearby.
Lightly, he smiled.
"It wouldn't hurt to try, at the very least. Go on." he offered, moving away from Ipah's head so as to not get more wet and freezing than he already was.

Deleted • 19 October 2013 at 6:52 PM

Mala nodded at another bender, from the lightning nation and looked at the stream. She closed her eyes and focused on the stream below. As she concentrated more, she started to hear the rushing and drift of the water. Good.
She then started to motion her hands into a ball-like shape. Some of the water flew gracefully in her hands and she sent it at Ipah. Mala was not sure if this would work or not. but hopefully it would. Many animals like water, and it usually was used when creatures passed out... Mala thought. She then let the rest of the water flow out of her hands and onto the cow-bat. Mala then waited and opened her eyes to see if the plan had worked.


1,801 posts


cirrus • 19 October 2013 at 8:06 PM


Kireno felt a similar sensation to when he entered the Power State. His body moved without him telling it to. It felt like he took a huge step backwards, and fell. Next thing he new, his body was freezing, swaddled on Ipah's fur. He couldn't move but to let out a stifled moan.

"Kireno!?" Aelos asked, excitedly, "What happened?"

But Kireno had sunk back down in Ipah's warmth, and closed his eyes. "Nuh-uh," he muttered, and Aelos knew right now was not the time to talk.

Mala had splashed some water in Ipah's face, who also seemed to stir. He lifted his dreary head, looking around alertly. The pointy ears on the top of his head twitched, as did his nose, with excitement.

"Ipah! Your awake!" Aelos yelled, doing a flip, and using his power to jump the length of Ipah. He jumped on Ipah's neck, hugging him excitedly. "It worked Mala, it worked!"

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 19 October 2013 at 11:37 PM

Ethan nodded at the two lightning benders.

"Lots of culture, lots of tradition, lots of tea shops... and lots of good food." he said, smiling. "If I ever get the chance, I'll cook up something for you guys. You haven't really experienced good food until you've tried fire dumplings. They're to die for."

He was really starting to like these Lightning Nation people. They weren't sarcastic or strict like most of the Fire Nation...

"And you're right about the bending too. You wouldn't believe the training those people go through to properly master their element." he continued. "The firebending academies are some of the best bending schools in the world. You wouldn't believe the amount of training they go through to be professional benders. Autumn wanted to do that for a while too but... It didn't work out."

@skittlejg @starling @jupiter_hollow @ems

Autumn went through each technique, one right after the other. She could feel a burning pain go up her leg, but she ignored it. It wasn't going to go away any time soon, so she might as well learn to live with it...

But as she went to do a fireball, her leg collapsed under her, causing her to fall to her knees. It was then that she noticed the earth kingdom boy.

"What are you looking at?" she growled.


Deleted • 19 October 2013 at 11:40 PM

Mala clapped her hands in happiness. It had worked! Mala had never felt so happy and proud before, even the times she helped her best friends back in the Northern Water Kingdoms! She then walked over to Ipah and pet his soft warm fur.
"It's nice to have you back," Mala said softly to the giant cow-bat.
She then faced Aelos.
"Where are we going now since Ipah is awake?" Mala asked curiously.


6,875 posts


ems • 19 October 2013 at 11:52 PM

@skittlejg @starling @jupiter_hollow @skylark @dada_dragon

Leviathan's glance was drawn to Aelos's yell of Ipah awakening. She did her best to not let her eyebrows knit together in irritation. She did have to work with them, after all. Better to be friends than enemies. "Yay." Levi offered up a grin, leaning her head back to see the air nomad hugging the large beast. It was nice to see someone was happy around here.

Levi turned back to the boy from the Fire Nation. "Fire dumplings? Stop making me hungry." She laughed. "Never mind... I'm always hungry... It sounds like a really fun place though. Hopefully we'll get to go there..."

1,801 posts


cirrus • 20 October 2013 at 12:19 AM


Ipah is a boy...

Also, this will probabally be my last post for this chapter, so someone can end the chapter soon. 😃

"Well, I'm not sure, but next time, we need to stop somewhere less dangerous. Right now, though, lets just go as far as we can." Aelos added, "and I think I know where we can go and rest up. I still don't think Ipah is ready to go too far."

Aelos hopped up on Ipah's head, and turned to the others, "Should we go ahead and go right now? No reason to stay."

3,490 posts


skylark • 20 October 2013 at 3:48 PM


Ty quickly raised his large paws up in surrender. He said "You," quite simply for it was the honest truth. He nodded to her bag leg and raised an eyebrow. "How?" he questioned, for he knew she was not happy about it as it was affecting her fighting. Although bit wasn't hard to guess when she was unhappy - Aykay was mad at one thing or another all the time.
Ty thought to himself that she would be very pretty if she didn't scowl so much.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 20 October 2013 at 9:58 PM

Autumn glared at him.

"I broke my leg when I was younger and it didn't heal properly. Why do you even care, Earth Kingdom trash?" she asked, picking herself up off the ground.

Ethan smiled at Levi. She seemed pleasant enough.

"If I'm right about this whole 'mission' or whatever it is we're doing, we'll be traveling all over the world. I'm sure there will be a stop in the Fire Nation." he said.

He then looked over to where Aykay had been practicing and the smile vanished from his face. She yelling at someone again. The blood drained from his face when he realized it was the earthbender.

"This cannot end well..." he said, getting up and walking over to where Autumn was.

@skylark @skittlejg @ems @starling

1,801 posts


cirrus • 20 October 2013 at 11:14 PM

I updated the map on the first post in the discussion thread. It shows upcoming places, and basically shows all the stops we will be making in Book 1.

"Well," Aelos thought, "We would need the Fire Nation to join us too. So we'll have to visit there eventually."

Suddenly, Aelos heard that girl talking again, and it wasn't nice. She was starting to get on his nerves, walking around like she was in charge. If anyone was in charge, it was Nostromo.

He walked over, getting ready to leave her at this mountain. The ice would thaw eventually, and then she wouldn't be so haughty. "What is happening now. Can you stop being so discriminatory?"

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 22 October 2013 at 12:39 AM

Ethan ran up and grabbed her arm. If she could not listen to reason, she would sure answer to force.

"That's enough!" he yelled, finally losing his temper with her. "You have made it perfectly clear that you are not happy, but you are acting like a child."

He could see that she was about to say something, but he wasn't about to let her say anything else if he could help it.

"I don't expect you to be friends with any of these people, but I do expect you to keep your mouth shut unless you have anything useful to say." He continued. "If you don't stop, you WILL get left behind and it's a long walk back to the Fire Nation and with your leg, I doubt you'll make it pretty far. Am I clear?"

She glared at him, but nodded. At least she knew better than to go any further with her attitude. She climbed onto Ipah's back, avoiding eye contact with the others and began to stroke Ipah's head slowly.

"She'll be fine as long as she keeps her distance." Ethan told the others. "I'll be responsible for her. When we get to the Water Tribe, she should stay with me. I'll try to find a way to channel her anger elsewhere."

@skittlejg @skylark @ems @starling

6,875 posts


ems • 22 October 2013 at 3:16 AM

@dada_dragon @skittlejg

"Channeling anger. Sweet." Levi gave Ethan the thumbs up. "But my one wish is to get some food. Hopefully some cool Fire Nation food. Preferably sooner than later, but whatever. We are leaving soon, right?" Levi smiled playfully, and was glad she'd reigned in her temper, unlike a fire bender she knew... These other people seemed generally well-rounded. And most had their heads on straight. That was a huge plus, after all.

Deleted • 23 October 2013 at 6:08 PM

Mala then stopped stroking Ipah's silky fur and blinked when the Fire Nation girl, Autumn started to be all... weird. She sighed when Autumn climbed up Ipah, and so she did too. The cold icy area of this mountain was getting colder every minute! Mala wanted to go to the Water Tribe immediatly, home! She wondered what everyone would think of them when they were there. At least her family would be happy. Mala then heard Ethan say that Autumn would be fine if she was with him at the Water Tribe.
'And if they don't thrash about threatning the Water Tribe,' Mala said in her head.


4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 25 October 2013 at 8:32 PM

Ethan climbed up on Ipah's back. He was anxious to get going, but he really wasn't sure how long he could keep Autumn under control. It was bad enough in the fire nation, but here with people from other nations... and especially...

He turned to the guy from the earth kingdom and after taking a quick look to see that Autumn wasn't listening, he lowered his voice and turned to him.

"If I were you, I'd keep your distance from my sister." he said. "It's not your fault, trust me, but she does not like the Earth Kingdom. I know I put up with a lot of her crap, but I'm not blind. I know how dangerous she can be..."

@starling @ems @skittlejg @skylark @jupiter_hollow

1,801 posts


cirrus • 27 October 2013 at 3:14 PM


"I think all of us could take her, if we had to," Aelos said, "There's eight of us. Or seven, depending on who you would side with.

"But I don't think we have to worry about her. She seems... mentally stable." Aelos added, "Stable enough."


Kireno sat up, his whole body hurt, he was freezing and his body felt stiff.

"Hey, are any of you ready to get going? Preferably somewhere warmer," he croaked, it took everything out of him just to say that.

6,875 posts


ems • 28 October 2013 at 7:37 PM

@skittlejg @dada_dragon @starling @jupiter_hollow @skylark

"Well I'm ready. Even though the chill feels kinda nice..." Levi conceded, clambering up into the air creature's saddle. She made no comment of her own about the fire bender. Aelos was right; she was obviously... Well... Kind of stable. It was hard to tell, but Levi was pretty sure the girl was just a bit misunderstood. Though the lightning bender didn't really want to approach the other girl, something may need to be done, and Levi always believed that, "You can't trust anyone to get it done right other than yourself."

So, at any rate, Levi had decided that someone - probably her - would need to confront the fire bender at some point. Her lips formed a thin line, a small sign of her contempt of her current situation. Levi didn't like people.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 28 October 2013 at 11:18 PM

"I'm ready as well. And I'm sure you'll have plenty of chill once we get to the Water Tribe." Ethan said, smiling. "Which reminds me, we should pick up some warmer clothes when we get the chance."

He gestured at his short-sleeved shirt and sandals, which would definitely not hold up if the Water Tribe was as cold as he'd heard.

Aykay stroked Ipah's fur, pretending not to listen. So Ethan thought she was dangerous? Well, maybe that was true.

She was willing to admit that her temper had caused some damage in the past... but that wasn't her fault... If people didn't want her to lash out at them, they should just leave her alone. She didn't need anyone... Not even Ethan...

And the others? What did she care what they thought of her? They thought they could take her on? She almost wanted them to try...

@ems @skittlejg @skylark @jupiter_hollow

6,875 posts


ems • 29 October 2013 at 1:06 AM

@skittlejg @dada_dragon @starling @jupiter_hollow @skylark

"Heh, yeah. I won't need warmer clothes. A jacket, maybe, but I should be fine." Levi chuckled, trailing off. Her knees curled to her chest, her curious purple eyes fell on Autumn. The girl seemed serene almost, and that bothered Levi a bit. Just a couple minutes ago she was raging like... Well, a fire. But Levi doubted that the girl was calm. Levi had done stuff like that a lot, hiding feelings, pretending to be numb... Only to lash out when someone attempted to help. Well, she was still like that. Her gaze fell to her feet as she realized she was staring. And the one person Levi would not like to be caught staring at was Autumn.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 2 November 2013 at 11:49 PM

Sorry, sorta forgot about Eggcave recently...

"Yea, we'll need 'em, but I don't know where to get some," Aelos said to Ethan.


Kireno tried getting up but his arms were still too weak, his mouth too weak, he couldn't make a sound. Instead, he slowly dragged himself into the more stable, flat part of Ipah's back, where the others were sitting, so he didn't fall off when Ipah started flying.


"Kireno! You're up?" Aelos said, excited to hear about what really happened.

"Kireno shook his head slightly, and closed his eyes. The breeze ruffled his hair. He didn't feel like he would ever be less tired, or in any condition to fight, for that matter.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 3 November 2013 at 10:15 PM

Aykay made sure that she was as far away from the others as possible. She didn't want to give anyone the idea that she was going to go though with this, but Ethan was right... she wasn't going to get far on her own.

She didn't care what that guy had planned for them. She couldn't see how they could "reunite the nations" or whatever and she certainly didn't see why they had to. If the Fire Nation could handle the Emperor of Darkness before, they could certainly do it without the help of the other nations... and she certainly didn't need these other people...

Ethan sat near the others. If Autumn wanted time alone, that was her business. He knew better than to push her too far. She was cooperating for now and that was all he would be able to manage.

But he was more worried about what they were up against... The Emperor of Darkness? He didn't want to believe that it was true, but if he were back, it was a lot to ask for them to take him on, even with the other nations behind them.

And he was beginning to wonder if they could handle it. Autumn might not be concerned one way or the other, but he was afraid.

He was very afraid.

~End of Chapter~

@skittlejg @ems @jupiter_hollow @starling @skylark
