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1,224 posts


takochu • 17 February 2014 at 3:54 PM



#creatureideas #creaturesuggestion #usersuggestion


Sakurity eggs have a wood like texture and emit a strong fragrance. Sakurity eggs are very rare and are very popular among ark citizens, for this reason they can go for lots of EC!

The sakurity is a very affectionate pet! Sakurities have been known to play for hours with their owners and never get tired. The more the sakurity plays, the stronger the smell of the blossoms on its fur gets. The sakurity is the only cat that is also a plant. The zen monks of the ark often keep them as pets because their cherry blossoms strengthen zen magic.

334 posts


chihiro_sang • 17 February 2014 at 8:09 PM


1,224 posts

2,305 posts


metaphor • 11 June 2014 at 5:33 AM

It has the qualities of a cave monthly. Not that that's a bad thing! It's definitely something I'd want to own, just not something I'd pay for (personal preference).

1,224 posts


takochu • 11 June 2014 at 10:25 PM



766 posts


lunar • 12 June 2014 at 8:20 PM

@takochu The description is very cute ^^
Why dont you try experimenting with its poses? I'd like to see more sketches that can be part of stages, etc.

1,224 posts


takochu • 12 June 2014 at 8:21 PM


I'll try now that I am off school.
