Creature suggestions: The Glaice (stained glass snake) and The Hennai (Henna elephant)

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

Do you like these creatures? (Multiple answers allowed.)

869 posts


netherling • 4 November 2014 at 2:54 PM

Since both of the creatures were on the same page it was easier to combine their posts lol. #creaturesuggestion Uploads/KINDLE_CAMERA_1414937770000_zpsf57117c5.jpg.html

About Glaise eggs:
Glaise eggs are translucent with a hard, glass like surface similar to a stained glass window. When held up to the sun it's colors shine bright and you can see the creature moving inside. Many stained glass windows in Ark are styled after Glaise eggs.

More: Glaises are very vain creatures. They often spend time admiring their reflections on lake surfaces. However, a Glaise will is very loyal and sweet to its owner. Glaises live off of pieces of glass, which add to the shine and hardness of their skin.

About Hennai eggs: Hennai eggs have a warm, leathery surface and leave behind an inky floral print when touched. No Hennai eggs are the same, and the more flower prints they have, the more rare. Hennai eggs are very heavy and are usually not attempted to be moved.

More: Hennai stay small, around three feet tall, for life. They are incredibly playful and curious, much like a baby. They enjoy bathing but often dye the water brown when the the water washes over their inky marks. Hennai are very protective of their owners and will defend then no matter what. They love being outdoors and live off of fruit and leaves of small trees.

2,534 posts


ida92 • 4 November 2014 at 2:55 PM

They both sound interesting, but I would like to see the drawing. 😃

869 posts


netherling • 4 November 2014 at 2:57 PM

@Ida92 I just put it up, I forgot I hadn't lol

2,534 posts


ida92 • 4 November 2014 at 2:57 PM

@ami_utsukushii I can see now! They are both very nice, especially the Glaise. 😃 I like snakes. 😃

869 posts


netherling • 4 November 2014 at 3:04 PM

@Ida92 thanks ^^
