Elemental rp

in Roleplaying

68 posts


cloudpuff • 24 March 2015 at 7:19 PM

BTW: In the passed time, I "learned" everyone's names.
I had decided to stay with Kayla, for the time being at least. What was left of the group had split up looking for the little cat, who I learned, was named Kuo. Tawny had gone with Flame, I had gone with Kayla, and to be honest, I lost track after that. I'm not super good with names. We decided that, if any of us found Kuo, we make a "signal beam" with our various powers, Tawny - fire, me - water, etc.

Kayla was nice. She had probably saved my life at least once and offered a chance for me to help (even though I didn't) instead of taking all the glory herself.

I was getting a little worried about Tawny though. She seemed to be getting weaker and weaker the more time that passed. I hope she didn't overdo it and end up hurting herself even more...

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audrei9 • 24 March 2015 at 9:55 PM

@maiden @nightmaremoon12
Onyx picked up Adam in her talons just as the first goblin came running at him with's it's dagger. As the rest of the goblins started firing their slingshots, thousands of rocks bounced harmlessly off Onyx's wings. She opened fire on the goblins, and as the fire blasted away one of their houses, the goblins shrieked and ran for cover.

That was, until a black robed goblin strode out of the burning village and raised an ugly staff above his head, chanting a spell.

Suddenly, the gigantic scorpion burst out of the trees, waving it's gigantic claws at Onyx. She circled higher, out of reach of the deadly stinger and claws. Soon, the goblin's slings began falling short of their mark and both of the beings were too far away to reach. Below, the goblins screamed and cursed their anger.
Black robed goblin + gigantic scorpion = necromancer and pet? You decide, my friends! I just hope that the goblin cannot fly. Oh, and Onyx has not flown away yet, she is just above the village, out of the goblin's reach. And she is holding Adam so that he is safe as well. Do not know what to do for now, so I will start an entry on Willow.
Willow ran through the woods, her breath coming in heavy gasps and pants. The skeleton warrior seemed to not have been slowed at all by the gusts of wind she had been throwing in it's face, so she ran on. With a flick of her hand, she summoned up a gust of wind, blowing her forward a few paces and putting yet more distance between her and her attacker. That was when an arrow zoomed past her shoulder and planted itself in a rock several meters away.

Willow's panic increased as she realized that her wind power was no use against her assassin, the skeleton warrior was just too strong.
//Onyx..HELP ME!!! WHERE ARE YOU ONYX?!??!!// Willow thought in desperation, mentally screaming out her words.

351 posts


maiden • 24 March 2015 at 10:13 PM

I tapped Onyx with a then I flew off. I flew towards the scream. "Who's there? Are you okay?" Adam asked. Another arrow zoomed but not at him. It was headed straight towards the girl. The flickering arrow came over and I had counter attacked it. The arrow had then went soaring the other way towards the attacker. Another one came and he pushed WIllow out of the way. As he pushed he transformed back to human. "How am I going to save you now?" All I had thought of was picking up the girl and running to the goblin village. It was safer then getting attacked by a arrow launching skeleton man. Than again there is a dark Necromancer and a pet sitting there trying to attack Onyx as well as some arrow slinging looting goblins. So what was the point? He ran toward the village pushing any arrows with a gush of wind.

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appleblizzard • 25 March 2015 at 3:16 AM

@audrei9 @cloudpuff

Tawny Brave:

I sensed that our bond was stretching further and I felt the same kind of pain I had when I had fainted. Only this time, I pushed myself. I decided I'd rather risk my life and act as though I was fine then show everyone I was weak and not go along at all.

I stood up off the tree and jumped down, hastily wiping my wet face. "I'm going to find Kuo." I stated. I looked around myself at all of the half-creatures (no offence) surrounding me. They were either smiling encouragingly or staring in shock at me.

Flame flew down from the tree and said, "I'm helping."

I nodded and began to search for the scent of the hunters to see where their village was. By the second, the bond stretched, my heart ached and the color drained from my face. I was exhausted and I knew it but I turned away from the others and hid myself, carrying on with the search.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 25 March 2015 at 5:11 AM

@appleblizzard @cloudpuff @nightmaremoon12


Flame had flew down to offer help for Tawny and Chor had gone off to fight off the scorpions. Kelly stayed with Kayla. She saw Kelly's worried look and was tempted to ask why. However, she figured that it was something to do with Tawny.

She had nowhere to go, nothing to do anyways. So... why not offer some help for Tawny?

She ran up to Tawny. "Do you need some help? I have nowhere to go, nothing to do anyway... I can help you find Kuo back." *Even though I'm not a fan of animals* She silently thought but didn't say it out loud.

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appleblizzard • 25 March 2015 at 5:42 AM

@starshine_01 @maiden @audrei9 @cloudpuff


Kayla asked me if I wanted help. Even as she said it, an apprehensive expression crossed her face and her eyes shimmered scarlet for a minute. I nodded at her and smiled, I wondered if the others would help but they barely knew us.

The bond stretched further and I felt a strong yank onto my soul. As if it was being extracted, my soul rummaged around and my heart pulsed quickly in panic. I raised my hand to grasp the place where my heart was.

As soon as it had started, it stopped. I let my hand fall and breathed in deeply. I tried to get to Kuo but most of my energy was sapped away from the battle earlier and the bond that was tearing with unease.

Looking out towards the horizon, I just hoped Kuo was okay.

68 posts


cloudpuff • 25 March 2015 at 8:18 AM

I looked at Kayla, admirably. Even though she barely knew Tawny (we all did actually) she was determined to help.

I looked at Kayla and back at Tawny.

"I'll help too," I said, "Maybe I can ask the wild animals which way Kuo went."

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601 posts


audrei9 • 25 March 2015 at 7:37 PM

@maiden @appleblizzard @starshine_01 @cloudpuff
"Thank you" gasped Willow. "You saved my life!! That skeleton warrior was falling behind now, waving it's bow in rage. Then it tripped over a rock and fell apart with a sickening crunch of bones and armor. Willow heaved a sigh of relief as she realised that her assassin was no more.

Onyx rammed her claws into the side of the giant scorpion, unleashing a stream of snot green blood. It was a foolish thing to do, attacking a foe three times her size up close, but she could think of no other thing to do. Fire did not harm it, and the scorpion was harder to attack from above. She ignored the goblins, although they were getting very annoying and were climbing all over her like ants, they were not her main problem.

With a screech of fury, the necromancer's pet scorpion had pinned her to the ground and was pinching at one of her wings. Onyx raked her talons along it's soft underbelly, drawing more of it's sickly green blood. The scorpion shrieked in pain and pulled away from her, leaving her free to attack once more.

351 posts


maiden • 25 March 2015 at 8:21 PM

"I guess it's my daily thing." He sighed and then he looked around and used the wind powers he had to distract the scorpion pet. While Onyx fought off the Dark Necromancer. He had let a swing off a hand and the gush of wind blew towards the pet. But the dark necromancer had a shield over him and the gush went straight up.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 29 March 2015 at 3:33 AM

@appleblizzard @cloudpuff @maiden
Topic dying out...?


She smiled pleasantly at Kelly, glad that she was willing to help too. After several minutes while she worked on asking the wild animals, Kayla asked her, "Any news of Kuo?"

Just then, she noticed Tawny looking a bit exhausted and worried as well. It was as if her energy had been sapped away. *Perhaps the earlier battle had tired her out.* She thought to herself.

She walked towards Tawny. "Don't worry, Kuo would be alright. We will help to save it," She tried to console her.

68 posts


cloudpuff • 29 March 2015 at 3:44 PM

Don't let this die!

P.S. Willow, Adam, and Onyx should be heading in roughly the same direction, but not quite as fast.
"I asked a deer and the deer said that they had headed north toward the Ice Castle," I said.

Their were murmurs of worry and surprise throughout the group. I have to admit, I really didn't know much about the Ice Castle, but I knew it had to be bad.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 29 March 2015 at 4:37 PM

gonna make this short cuz school

Chor plus cameo character ( not really ):
The yandere and himedere noticed the goblins as they both gasp. Chor drops the himedere to the ground, as the two began to fight. "What was your name again, heiress?"

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601 posts


audrei9 • 29 March 2015 at 10:07 PM

@maiden @nightmaremoon12 @cloudpuff @starshine_01 @appleblizzard

The scorpion turned it's head and screeched it's anger as Adam attacked it. While the scorpion was distracted, Onyx clamped her jaws around it's spiky claw and sank her teeth into it's tough flesh. The taste of blood filled her mouth.

Turning it's attention back to it's wounded arm, the scorpion screeched and lashed out it's tail at Onyx. She did not let go. The scorpion then used it's other claw to rip her wing. Onyx howled, but bit harder than ever before, ripping and tearing at the scorpion's wound.

The ground was soaking at the scorpion's blood at it gushed out of the scorpion's arm. Then with a final pull, there was the sound of ripping flesh as Onyx tore down her teeth and chewed the scorpion's arm clean off.
There was a great thud and a shriek of pain as the scorpion's bloody arm hit the ground.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 30 March 2015 at 6:15 AM

@cloudpuff @nightmaremoon12 @audrei9 @appleblizzard @maiden


"Ice castle?" She murmured to herself. She had never heard of that place, much less been to it before. She shuddered just by thinking about Kuo being stranded over there even though she had never really been a fan of animals.

"Well, let's go then! Err," She turned to Kelly. "Where is that place located at again?"

Deep in her heart, Kayla hoped terribly that they wouldn't have to fight again. She hoped that they would just peacefully give Tawny back Kuo. However, she knew that it wouldn't happen.

68 posts


cloudpuff • 30 March 2015 at 8:17 AM

"The Ice Castle is about a day's travel from here due North," Kelly said, "If we leave first thing tomorrow, we'd be there by the next sunrise. If we leave tonight, we'd have to travel at night which could be dangerous, but we'd arrive at the next nightfall which might give us the element of surprise."

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appleblizzard • 30 March 2015 at 8:52 AM


I listened to the conversations and marveled at the help that these creatures were willing to give me. Ice castle...something rang a bell...but what was it...I recalled something about a hidden...something...oh well.

I was ready to go, rearing to save Kuo and get her back before I lost her and myself. I needed to get to her.


Terrified, I was brought to the chief of the village, hunters all around the outside of the house. I gulped, stared up at the giant of a man and hoped with every inch of me that Tawny would come for me. Me, I could survive the stretch of the bond but her...I wasn't so sure.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 30 March 2015 at 6:49 PM

[guys, a summary pls? i missed a lot of things, and last time i was rping was at the goblin town, then talking the Ice Castle. Was there something I missed?]


"It's Azamie, how did you know that I'm the heiress? Are you a demon, too?" Chor smiled. "Yeah, you could say that." Ths yandere carries the heiress, taking her north, somewhere far away.
"Are you sure you can't fly?" Aza nodded. "I never had the power to fly, not one bit. Seeing you can fly makes me a bit happy." The heiress looks down at the ground, seeing trees and a few clearings, and also some lakes. "It might take a day or a few just to find a village or settlement to stay for a while, knowing this is the time hunters arrive." Chor explains to her for a bit, hoping she could comprehend everything so she could know.
"Going north is where it gets a bit colder, meaning the towns and villages will have some snow. If it gets really cold, you can get frostbite! Did anyone manage to pack 'fire manipulation?' We will use that to remain warm. I heard that there's this 'myth' ice castle that I was taught when I was younger, hoping to act like a human and such. I really think the castle exists, but there was no evidence up until today. Going back to the topic of snow, freezing is one dangerous thing that could happen, actually. Since you could die easily there, it's dangerous to go without fire or anything to melt the ice and snow."
The heiress grasps a lot of what Chor is explaining. Ice castle? More like a myth. But what if it's real? The himedere hopes that the settlements are creature-friendly.


430 posts


starshine_01 • 31 March 2015 at 9:23 AM

@nightmaremoon12 Err... How do I start? Okay, basically, it's like Tawny's pet, Kuo, goes missing and Kelly uses her communication skills to find out that it is captured (by the hunters) at the Ice Palace. Hence, we are heading towards there to get Kuo back. And as for Adam and Onyx (and Willow?), they are fighting off the scorpions while heading towards the Ice Palace (to meet us).
~Hope this helps~ @appleblizzard @cloudpuff @audrei9 @maiden


"Well..." She said, standing up and brushing all of the dust off her. "So, we head towards North, for the Ice Palace now...?" She peered at everyone.

"Unless you'd like to wait till night where there would be an element of surprise. But I think it would be safer to set off now as I don't think Tawny can last long without Kuo (no offense ^^")."

"But we can also go at night if you want," Kayla shrugs before offering a smile. "It's up to you guys," She said softly.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 31 March 2015 at 11:07 PM

Chor + Azamie:

The two stop at a settlement in the snowy area. It was a bit cold, but the demons managed it. The place had various creatures living in it, so it was safe. "Scorpious Town? Seems like a weird name." The himedere was confused. This place was like a resting point, and it's at a clearing, so anybody flying could find it easily.

They approached a small house, having two beds. It was empty. The whole place didn't have anybody living in it yet. "This seems like a great place to rest for a while!" The himedere smiled, as she went on a bed, smiling for a bed. "Yeah. It seems so..." Chor remained nocturnal for her. It would be a bit dangerous to let somebody in whilst they were asleep.

68 posts


cloudpuff • 1 April 2015 at 6:42 PM

"I don't have a preference, either could be the best option. I think we should let Tawny decide. It is her pet after all.." Kelly said, "Besides, we should probably decide soon."

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601 posts


audrei9 • 1 April 2015 at 10:12 PM

@cloudpuff @nightmaremoon12 @starshine_01 @appleblizzard waiting for @maiden 's reply. Can't think of anything to do.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 2 April 2015 at 8:19 AM

@nightmaremoon12 @cloudpuff @audrei9 @appleblizzard @maiden


Kayla nodded at Kelly's words in silence. They do make sense after all. Besides, it was Kuo that was captured. Everyone was quiet as they awaited Tawny's reply.

She wondered if Tawny was okay. She just had this panicky feeling that Tawny seems weaker without Kuo, though...

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appleblizzard • 2 April 2015 at 9:33 AM

@starshine_01 @cloudpuff @audrei9 @nightmaremoon12 Still a little confused about the Ice Palace thing...😸


I thought about this carefully. I wasn't keen of going now, but later might be a problem. I looked up to the sky, thinking. I remembered what happened once when I was separated from Kuo for too long when I was a child back in the human village...I shuddered in fright. "Let's go at night. It will give us time to...prepare for it."

I looked around at everyone before adding, "I'm going to go for a walk, I know my way back here." I started walking away, into the forest taking every step now was a challenge but I knew that too much had happened.

When I was sure that no one was following me by sky or land, I sat down against a tree and sighed heavily. //Kuo...Kuo? Can you hear me?\\ I tried desperately. Nothing. I tried again, this time I closed my eyes and concentrated on the deeper force of connection, the one that sometimes enabled me to see through the eyes of another. //Kuo...\\


I was kept in a small type of tent, coloured by the tribe so that it stood out. Two hunters stood at the entrance to guard me and prevent my escape. Suddenly, I heard a very soft voice, unmistakably familiar. //Kuo...Kuo? Can you hear me?\\

Was it Tawny? Was she here? No, she couldn't be...the bond wasn't healing...so where-?

//Kuo...\\ Now it was louder and clearer.

//Tawny? Tawny where are you?\\ I asked silently. I then saw an image, it seemed to be a forest and Tawny leaning against a tree. She looked very weak and her expression was pained. She opened her eyes and we met in this world, the world of Conneti, a special place only connected people could meet to feel each others presence and see them. Their movements happened in their minds but their conversations and emotions were true.

//Kuo...thank goodness.\\ Tawny opened her eyes as I bounced up to her and licked her face. //What happened? Where are you? What do they plan to do?\\

//I don't know.\\ I replied plainly. //The Cheif wants me to share something with the village but he seems very strict. They've put me in my own tent but it's guarded with hunters. I don't know what they want but it's something me and you share.\\

//Could it be the...\\ she began with a concentrated look on her face. //Oh, Kuo! I can't stand this. The others, they want to help but I...I'm scared, Kuo!\\

//What are you afraid of?\\ I asked her even though I perfectly well knew what was going on about.

//The way they know me now...\\ she sought for words but gave up and started again. //If they see...that...what will they do?\\

I shook my head. //Stay at bay for now. I know they want to help but if we strain this bond further...you know THAT will happen.\\

She nodded. Her skin paled and she looked ready to faint. //Hey.\\ She looked at me again. I smiled at her. //Stay strong, Tawny.\\

//I will.\\

With that, the connection became too much and I was forced out of Conneti to where reality was. I hoped she would be okay.


Dropping the connection, I returned to reality where the sky was darkening as the sunset turned the blue sky into a mix of purple pink and orange.

The bond wasn't ripping but even now, the strain wasn't easy to overcome. I lent against the rough bark and closed my eyes, almost instantly falling asleep.


Tawny walked away and I set about flying to and from home to get bandages and medication for the half-creatures gathered here. The sky darkened and Tawny still hadn't returned from her "walk".

I looked around at all the people who were bringing herbs or helping the others. I decided to go and check on her. I flew overhead and spotted her beside a tree. She was sleeping, s peaceful expression spread across her face.

I flew back down, hoping that whatever was bothering her wouldn't get in the way and that Kuo could be brought back quickly.


Everyone was busy. Some flying, some walking others resting. This was partly my fault but now I couldn't turn back. I came over to a few people who were heavily injured and hovered my hands over the wounds when my magic healed them.

It was the least I could do. Tawny went for a walk looking extremely out of place. I couldn't blame her - she was apart from her soulmate after all and it wasn't something someone could easily handle. Belgium trotted over and I grew a few plants for him to eat.

Flame returned and came over to me, busying himself with gathering the herbs I had grown earlier. "Hey." he said. "Lady Kikya, they called you?"

"Kikya is fine." I replied. "How is your friend?"

"Resting. Her wound healed pretty quickly." he said. After a while, he asked seriously, "What do you intend to do now?"

I thought about this. The village was an option but..."I would like to accompany you. If that isn't a problem. I have extensive abilities with a bow and arrow and my healing magic cures most wounds. The herbs I grow can be brewed to make medicines and I am quite good at putting up barriers."

He nodded. "That would mean giving up your old life."

"I never really had an old life to be honest." I replied. "I was born an angel from two humans. That kind of means I was dead from the start...never alive right from the beginning. Raised in that village, no one knew but it wasn't great, concealing, constantly running, hiding. There was no place for me so I came to the hunters and decided to hunt down...creatures unlike you and your friends. I was strongly against that right from the beginning. Only today did I realize how important that was to me."

I busied myself with growing more herbs again and after a while, Flame returned to the others. Belgium nudged me and I gave him a pat, growing a mini apple tree for him to satisfy his hunger and my own. I then gathered the other apples and brought them back to the group in a crate. I set them down and looked from one creature to the other. I was guilty but I somehow wanted to gain their trust.

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601 posts


audrei9 • 3 April 2015 at 7:51 AM

@appleblizzard @starshine_01 @cloudpuff @nightmaremoon12 @maiden @audrei9 LOL pinged myself. Also, does anyone want to join and subscribe to this roleplay?
I'm still waiting for @maiden 's reply.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 3 April 2015 at 8:19 PM


I'm waiting for daylight in the RP or somebody scening with Azamie and Chordata. Will roleplay for fun.

@appleblizzard @starshine_01 @cloudpuff @maiden

351 posts


maiden • 3 April 2015 at 8:24 PM

@audrei9 Sorry Was busy

Adam felt like a doomsday bomb. He went for the dark necromancer. Wind but nothing seem to work. He felt a tingle inside as if the dark necromancer had been using his power to send it back as dark power. Destroying every bit of his weak human body. He sent another wave but as he did, he passed out.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 4 April 2015 at 11:56 AM

@cloudpuff @appleblizzard @audrei9 @nightmaremoon12 @maiden


Tawny had decided to wait for the night and the rest of them had agreed. It was her pet, after all. After that, Flame had provided medication for all of us while Tawny went for a walk.

Soon, darkness fell and they were all rearing to go. Kayla had plenty of rest and her whole body buzzed with electricity, fully energized.

She smiled after picking her bag up, ready to go. "Let's go!"

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appleblizzard • 4 April 2015 at 1:16 PM

@starshine_01 @nightmaremoon12 @audrei9 @cloudpuff


Everyone was ready now, nightfall was ascending on us. I left Kikya to herself and flew up into the air to find Tawny. Spotting her still sleeping, I flew over to her and gently woke her up.

"Tawny, let's go. Everyone's ready now." I said.


Flame woke me up and headed back to the others by foot, walking with me. "Did you find out where Kuo was?"

"Well...I don't know what they intend to do but she's well guarded, wherever she is." I replied. I held up the palm of my hand and with a little difficulty, I summoned up a flame. I groaned at the feeble fire.

It was difficult to summon up magic in the state I was but as we headed back, the flame grew a little. //That must mean Kuo is in that direction and the bond is healing...\\


I turned to Flame as he spoke. "Are feeling alright? You look kinda pale and...well..." he gestured to the magic.

I sighed, smiled with effort and replied, "I am fine." I forced the words knowing that it wasn't as fine as I hoped to be. "I'll be fine when we find Kuo. I just hope..." I remembered the...thing. Shuddering, I carried on, more to myself than to Flame. "No, it won't happen."

"What won't?"

"Nothing, nothing...nothing much." I said. I wanted to tell him but I didn't know how to phrase it so instead I said, "Look, Flame. I'm not a very safe half-human for you to know. I would prefer to do this alone."

"You know we won't let you so give up." he chuckled. "Wait...what's wrong?"

"Um...oh look we're back!" I cried hoping to distract him. This only made him wear a puzzled face but he didn't question me further.

//God, I really should get away from them. I don't want to hurt them...\\ I thought silently.

68 posts


cloudpuff • 5 April 2015 at 8:51 AM

Sorry, I haven't been posting much. I've been a a field trip with my school group since Wednesday. 😸
Night had finally fallen and I was ready for this. Something to give my life a new meaning.

I gathered up a few of the herbs and apples lying around and put them in my bag. They might be useful later, though I'm pretty sure I'm not the only who would think of that...

Tawny and Flame appeared and Tawny had a small flame in her hand. She looked pretty bad. The flame grew ever so slightly when she turned in one direction...the direction of the Ice Castle.

'Well, that proves that theory,' I thought, 'Kuo is definitely somewhere in or around the Ice Castle.'

430 posts


starshine_01 • 5 April 2015 at 10:01 AM

@appleblizzard @cloudpuff


Everyone was back and was all prepared, all ready to go. We headed in the direction of North, with Tawny's flame in her hands to make sure we were going in the right direction.

Tawny's flame looked quite weak, though. Kayla wondered if Kuo could last long in the Ice Palace.

But she kept the thought to herself and continued trudging on, on the way to the Ice Palace. The sky was dark and the only source of light was Tawny's fire in her hand and the torchlight everyone was carrying.

An owl hooted nearby and she nearly dropped her torchlight in shock. She shuddered when she realized it was an animal and rushed up to catch up with the rest, sticking close to them as she begin to be a little afraid.
