Elemental rp

in Roleplaying

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appleblizzard • 5 April 2015 at 4:54 PM

@starshine_01 @cloudpuff @maiden @nightmaremoon12 sorry short post need to go to bed now.


My weak fire led the way towards the Ice Castle. Apart from that, was a torch carried by the others. Some were carrying weapons and others herbs for medical treatment.

I shivered at the thought of not reaching Kuo in time. I headed on but for some reason, I felt something strange. It wasn't Kuo...or something like the hunters and the scent was different. It was coming from up above...

68 posts


cloudpuff • 5 April 2015 at 5:31 PM

I walked on through the darkness. We all followed Tawny with her flame lighting the way.

After about an hour or so, we stopped momentarily to catch our breath. I sat down for minute and heard rustling behind me. By the looks on everyone else's faces, they had heard it, too. I turned around slowly, facing the bush.

A face popped out of the bushes. It was a bunny. I laughed with surprise.

//Excuse me, rabbit\\ I said telepathically, //Do you know if we are heading in the right direction if we were looking for the Ice Castle?\\

//Yes,\\ he replied, //Just watch out for ice dragons. They come out around midnight.\\ He turned to leave, but then added, //Why would you want to go to the Ice Castle anyway?\\

//We have to help a friend...\\ I said carefully. Something about the way he said it made me a little worried...

430 posts


starshine_01 • 6 April 2015 at 6:56 AM

@appleblizzard @cloudpuff


She shuddered when she saw the rabbit. Her eyes begin to take on a fiery red color but immediately vanished into purple.

She cannot help but shiver. It's creepy when you are in the darkness, with nothing but guided lights.

Kayla then noticed that Kelly was telepathically speaking to the rabbit. She glanced anxiously between them. Kelly's face had given away that she was feeling a little worried but so was Tawny's expression.

She gently placed her hand on Kelly's shoulder, cautiously staying away from the rabbit. "What's wrong?"

68 posts


cloudpuff • 6 April 2015 at 2:10 PM

"The rabbit said that there are dragons here," I said, answering Kayla' s question, "The ice dragons come out around midnight."

I looked up and judging by where the moon was, we only had an hour before midnight.

"Guys," I warned, "We may have to fight before we even get to the Ice Castle... Keep your eyes open..."

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audrei9 • 7 April 2015 at 9:02 AM

@cloudpuff @starshine_01 @appleblizzard @maiden @nightmaremoon12 LOL
"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Willow heard herself scream. She fell to her knees by his side, shaking his limp shoulder as hard as she could. "W-wake up.....p-p-please!!"

"Useless things..." sneered a cold, cruel voice. Willow gasped and spun around. At the edge of the clearing there stood a goblin necromancer. His face was withered and grey, and he was leaning on a crooked, black staff, charred with age.

"Emotions are such useless traits, they poison one's inner daemon and prevent us from achieving much in life. I threw mine away when I was just starting my life as a necromancer." snarled the goblin. "It has been such a long time when I last managed to kill a dragon, but I see your friend Onyx seems rather weak and stupid. Perhaps when my pet scorpion has snipped her up, I can sell her to the Wicked Ice Wraiths of the Ice Palace. I'll make a fortune!!"


The necromancer threw back his head and laughed, and pointed to the goblin village in which Onyx had succeeded in pinning the scorpion to the ground and was beating at it with her tail, when suddenly an electric blue portal opened up behind her. Snow and wind rushed out of the swirling light, but Onyx was too occupied in fighting the necromancer's pet to notice.

"ONYX!! BEHIND YO-" shrieked Willow, but it was too late...

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 8 April 2015 at 12:15 AM

i am subbed so dont ping me unless you're going to scene with me. k imma go to the ice castle one way or another

Azamie + Chor:
The yandere wanted to find out where the Ice Castle was. She carried the sleeping heiress as she leaves the house, flying north. It was a bit dark, but as soon as she saw a glowing blue light, she was almost there. Her wings glowed a hot pink color, as she gasped. "Hmm?" It was almost midnight, as the moon slowly rises up. Judging Chor's arrival, it was a few minutes before midnight. Suddenly, ice dragons arrived, flying in the air. She noticed some light below, as the yandere decided to check it out. "Who is it?"

430 posts


starshine_01 • 9 April 2015 at 9:11 AM

nightmaremoon12 [EDIT: Oops, sorry! accidentally pinged you...] @audrei9 @cloudpuff @appleblizzard @maiden


Just as Kelly finished saying her sentence, Kayla saw a sparkle of blue hovering in the sky. Fear and exhaustion clouded her, "Fight? Again?" She mumbled in protest to herself.

She looked around at the rest but they were all staring at the ice dragons. She looked at the weakening flame in Tawny's hands before looking straight ahead.

"We have a choice... We can make a run for the Ice Palace before the dragons spot us, or we can also attract the attention of the dragons and fight them once and for all." Kayla plopped herself on the ground, preparing herself for the fight that is about to come.

"What do you guys think?"

68 posts


cloudpuff • 9 April 2015 at 12:43 PM

I looked up at the ice dragons that seemed to appear out of nowhere. I thought about what Kayla had said.

"I think we should make a run for it. If we hurry, we can get there before they realize we're here. They're not the smartest of dragons," I said, "Tawny, are you up to it? I don't want you to think I'm calling you weak or anything, but I don't want you to be too strained that you hurt yourself."

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 9 April 2015 at 4:44 PM

@starshine_01 ping when needed. 😉


The deredere was still asleep, but how could she fight without free hands? It was midnight, so her power was at its fullest. The yandere created hands made out of shadows behind her, as they began to pulse with dark energy. The hands began to fight the ice dragons, as they gradually become shadow versions of Chor. The shadows created chains out of midair and distracted the ice dragon. "Run! You guys need to run whilst I can hold these dragons up!" The shadows created more chains as more dragons approach. The original one flew towards the palace, her glowing wings making a trail of black, fading away.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 11 April 2015 at 10:17 AM

@cloudpuff @audrei9 @appleblizzard @maiden


She turned to Tawny and awaited for her response. Kelly's words kind of make sense to her but she felt like a coward to run away...

But Kuo was their top priority. They had to get Kuo back as fast as they could to prevent it from getting injured. And besides, she felt too tired to fight again and she wanted to save some energy in case they had to fight again at the Ice Palace.

Hence, she slowly felt herself siding a little with Kelly's suggestion...

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appleblizzard • 11 April 2015 at 10:50 AM

@starshine_01 @cloudpuff sorry I've been ready too much fanfic lately...❤️ it!


"Yes, let's go on." I said. I knew that fighting would mean getting closer to....to...I shook myself again. "We HAVE to go on." I forced.

Taking a breath, I willed the flame to ignite brighter and glow warmer. I mastered it for a minute before it flickered and cracked. Inwardly, I sighed and kicked myself. I needed to get closer to the Ice Castle. Daydreaming, I tried to connect to Kuo but it seemed I wasn't able to in my condition.

Starting forward, I forced myself to speak. "Come on, let's go."

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601 posts


audrei9 • 12 April 2015 at 2:56 AM

@appleblizzard @starshine_01 @nightmaremoon12 @cloudpuff Still waiting for @maiden 's reply....
@madien @maiden @maiden @maiden

351 posts


maiden • 12 April 2015 at 5:11 PM


With my last little energy I jumped up and tried to push Onyx. I was unsuccessful and I and Onyx had been sucked up into the blue portal. I shivered knowing I would pass out again because I used my last energy. I said something "Onyx. Help m..." But passed out into a dead like human. The poison and dark magic would make me evil and turn against all humanity. The cold had some weird effect. I was feeling frozen but when the last wind blew I woke up gasping. "What happened? Where am I?" I said all at once


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audrei9 • 13 April 2015 at 7:53 AM

HAHA THANK YOU!!!@appleblizzard @starshine_01 @nightmaremoon12 @cloudpuff @maiden

"Adam!! What are you doing here? Where are we?" gasped Onyx. Snow and wind was everywhere, and in the distance there seemed to be a castle made of ice. There seemed to be several roads leading towards it, and in the sky there flew a single ice dragon. Onyx's hackles rose as soon as she saw it.

"I have never met a single ice dragon who hated me. They're very nasty creatures. They think they're the best type of dragon in the universe, and they hate everything else."

She breathed a jet of flame at a pile of wood nearby, and told Adam to get warm.

"Frostbite is a terrible thing. You have to keep warm, or it will make your fingers fall off. I'll keep watch for enemies. I hope Willow is alright..."


"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FRIENDS?!?!?!?!!????" Shrieked Willow in panic, pointing an accusing finger at the goblin necromancer. He threw back his head and cackled.
"Why, I've sent them to the Ice Castle of course!! The Ice Dragons shall have a fine meal tonight, and I promised to the Ice Wraiths that I would get them a Volcano Dragon for their next sacrifice. I never knew it would be soooooo easy though..."
He paused for a breath before droning on.
"Dragon blood is a rare thing, and the Ice Wraiths would not lay a finger on their pet Ice Dragons. That is why I'm so happy to have fulfilled my promise. They promised to pay me great riches!! Ah, the gold and jewels I'll get for this..."

Willow felt herself burn with rage. Inside her, she felt something stir, something wild and untamed, something so powerful it could smash a brick wall to bits. She raised her hand. "ENOUGH OF YOUR STUPID TALK!!!!!" she roared, letting go of the curse she had been forging. The magic rocketed out of the palm of her hand and blasted the necromancer's shield in half and knocked him flying right into a tree. A gasp went up from the crowd of goblins.

Shaking, the necromancer turned to face her. His face was bruised and he was bleeding from his nose, but that did nothing to stop him.
"Is that your answer?" he hissed. "Then perhaps you'll learn to be more well mannered when I've turned you into a spider!!"

A bolt of lightening shot out of his outstretched hand, but Willow ducked and instead the spell hit one of the goblin's huts and evaporated. Willow turned and smiled.
"Well, looks like I will not be staying here any longer. Good bye old man, I'm off to the Ice Castle to find my friends!!" called Willow.

She turned and vanished into the woods, the sound of her running footsteps fading away into the distance.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 13 April 2015 at 8:32 AM

@audrei9 @appleblizzard @cloudpuff


Kayla bit her lips nervously and nodded to Tawny. She hoped that she'll pull through this and get Kuo back, safe and sound.

Just then, she noticed the Ice Dragons above them all flying towards the same direction. She craned her neck to get a better look and saw something hidden well in between the trees.

Just then, something over there shimmered in the wind. An ice crystal caught her eye. "Guys... I think the Ice Palace is just... over there. But," She looked up at the Ice Dragons hovering above them and sighed. "But it looks like the Ice Dragons have a similar destination."

She shivered and clutched her hoodie closer to herself, trying to gain heat. They were now quite close to the Ice Palace and the temperature had begun to decrease.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 14 April 2015 at 1:19 AM

I subbed a long time ago, just ping when you're scening next to where my character is or scening with me. 😸
Mirai gets another appearance!

Upon seeing Chor leave, she flew to the Ice Palace, the same time Chor and Azamie left to go to said destination. Her eyes were glowing red, as she made it to the entrance without anything attacking. A blue light appeared, surrounding the demon. An ice spirit emerged from the ground, like a ghost. "You finally came..." Mirai's blank eyes were staring at him, as she finally spoke, in a monotone voice. "Others are arriving... They want Kuo... They want him back..." The sprit's voice got louder. "What? Don't let those intruders get him... We got plans for this... Creature. Drive them off. Don't let them enter..." The spirit teleported Mirai into the entrance front, as she appeared from the ground. She them made blades rise around the entrance, as the gradually spread around the place. "Nobody... Should... Enter..." Her wings appeared, as she started flying. Her wings became red, as her clothing becoming red and black, her hair fading into a dark color.

Chor + Azamie:
As soon as the two arrived, blades were around the palace, as Chor could see Mirai... but she was different. Dark clothes. Red fringe. "Mirai?! What's she doing here?" She began to create more shadows, as they gradually drain her powers. "Attack!" The yandere cried out. She wanted them to attack Mirai, seeing if they could react. The demon used her sound manipulation to imitate a siren's screech, as the shadows faded away. Azamie woke up, seeing an unfamiliar place. "Chor? Where are we...?" She noticed another demon. "I think I'm asleep. Wake me up when... THIS GIRL IS DEAD!" She quickly pounced on Mirai by jumping out of Chor's grasp, then acting like a cat pouncing for catnip. "LET ME AT HER!" She landed at Mirai, until she used the screech again, making Azamie lose her balance, falling to the ground. "Azamie! Why did you do that... Was it to save me...?" Before that, Chor noticed a blade rushing towards her, as Azamie's jumping caused Chor to go down a bit, dodging the shot, just so she could survive. "There was a blade, and she did that all to save me?"

The spirit noticed the heiress knocked on the ground, as it grabs her from the floor, sinking her in the ground, which led her to an ice cage somewhere in the Palace. Mirai grimaced seeing Chor. "So you're still alive trying to reach the Ice Palace, for what reason? No matter. Trespassers must LEAVE!" She started to grab her sword, aiming at Chor. "Shall we do a swordfight?"

Chor and Mirai:
Quickly reacting, she grabbed her twin swords, trying to block everything Mirai shoved at her. "Mirai... I can hear you! Snap out of whatever voodoo you have been controlled!" After a lot of blocks, her flight ran out, as she began to fall. Mirai grinned, as the yandere fell in the ground, trying to reach her twin swords next to each other. Mirai quickly flew where she fell, then slid it away from her, having a devious look in her face. "Looks like you have nothing to attack me with, and the fight is over. Looks like you lose." Mirai quickly grabbed her sword, as she smiled. The yandere began to use her dark manipulation to chain Mirai's blade, hands, and feet, as she pull those chains to a tree far enough so she couldn't reach Chor to kill her. "Mirai... This isn't you at all!" A voice interuppted. "I believe this is who she is." The spirit flew in front of Chor. "You see, Mirai is a demon who is the heiress to this place. She was ordered to look around the land for her childhood years, until she was old enough to return. Looks like Mirai did a good job. You see, she is a bit rebellious, but since she found other demons... We have no idea what to do with them. We could let you live, but on one condition. You have to follow our orders for the rest of your life. Or you could deny your life and just die. What do you say, Chordata?" The yandere's ears were already exploded wh[4000th character]en he said her real name. "I'd rather die than become a slave to this place!" She quickly stood up, grabbing her sword from the side. "And I can handle death one way or another!"


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601 posts


audrei9 • 19 April 2015 at 11:09 PM

@starshine_01 @maiden @appleblizzard @cloudpuff
Okay, so since I'm still waiting for @maiden 's reply, I'll make a reply with Willow because this rp is dying and she isn't with anybody right now. Also, new character! Jakeob, Willow's adoptive brother.
Willow could hear the goblins shouting out curses as she ran. Soon, she had left her pursuers far, far behind. Then as she stopped and leaned against a tree, the hopelessness of her task suddenly dawned on her. She did not know where the Ice Palace was, she had no supplies or weapons to shield herself against the deadly Ice wraiths, and she had no warm clothes to shield against the cold. That was when a swirling, red portal opened in front of her and a dark haired boy leading a horse blacker than midnight stepped out.

"Jakeob! Where did you come from?! Onyx has been kidnapped and there's a goblin necromancer is on the loose!" she gasped.

If Jakeob was looking concerned before, he was now shocked and gasping or words.
Willow slowly nodded, and she slowly went on to tell him about what had happened earlier.

Will finish post later on.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 3 May 2015 at 9:07 AM

@audrei9 @maiden @appleblizzard @cloudpuff
Posting something to stop this topic from dying... :/ Wheww


They continued walking towards the Ice Palace, each of them shivering at the coolness. Personally, Kayla didn't mind breezes but this was just too cold.

Her eyes stayed on the Ice Dragons, hoping that they wouldn't spot her and the rest. She hoped that they would just leave them alone, hoped that they are kind-spirited dragons and would give Tawny Kuo back.

Suddenly, she let out a sneeze. Even the coldness was getting to her. However, she persevered and rubbed her hands together, making electric currents flow through her. She needed all the warmth she could get.

If outside the Ice Palace was already so cold, then what would the temperature be like when they were inside? Freezing? Kayla shivered even more just at the thought.

She felt like she wanted and needed nothing but warmth right now.

68 posts


cloudpuff • 4 May 2015 at 8:23 AM

I saw Kayla shivering. Everyone looked cold and miserable.

'Maybe we should have waited after all...' I thought.

I looked up, eyeing the Ice dragons. I wasn't sure if they didn't know we were there, or just didn't care. Well, if they did know, they certainly weren't worried.

'This...this couldn't possibly be...a trap...right?'

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audrei9 • 7 May 2015 at 10:56 PM

@cloudpuff @starshine_01 Thanks for keeping this rp alive!!
@nightmaremoon12 @maiden @appleblizzard

Jakeob looked flabbergasted. "Oh no.... Onyx is the last dragon around here. She is the reason the humans who live here can feel safe from necromancers and trolls. Without her, we....we...."

Willow sighed and nodded. "Yes, I know. We have to get her back. I'ts gong to be easier with you around, but we'd better get more clothes first. There's not much need to bring supplies, it may only take a few hours at the most, because we can teleport wherever we want."

Jakeob snapped his fingers, and a great big portal appeared next to him.
"I'll hold this open while you fetch some weapons and clothes. Don't forget my sword and spear!"

As Willow disappeared into the portal, the sky began to grow dark as the sun disappeared behind a mountain.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 9 May 2015 at 12:07 PM

@audrei9 @cloudpuff @appleblizzard @maiden


"A trap?" She had overheard what Kelly said and was starting to play with the idea. She bit her frosty cold lips and sighed.

"I hope not." She turned to look back, "But even if it's a trap, I think it's too late to go back now..."

68 posts


cloudpuff • 9 May 2015 at 2:46 PM


Let's keep this going! 😊 😸
I blushed, I hadn't meant for anyone to hear that. I didn't want to worry them.

"Guess your right," I sighed.

I looked up. The dragons were still circling overhead. In the distance, I could see the tip of a spire from the Ice Castle poke over the top of the hill.

"Look," I whispered urgently to the others, "There it is!"

The Ice Castle was an impressive sight! Made up of 8 spires with 10 foot walls between them, it looked more like a fortress than a castle. I had never been to the Ice Castle, but I had stories about it. A queen of strange desires lives there. She is obsessed with figuring out how magic works and if she could somehow make magic for herself.

I glanced over at Tawny. She was shivering like a rabbit cornered by a fox. Flame was trying to help, but even he seemed uncomfortable in this weather.

'Hang on just a little longer Kuo,' I thought, 'We're almost there.'

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 9 May 2015 at 8:20 PM

"And if you can't handle that, I suggest you stay away from Mirai!" The demon's wings appeared out of thin air, appearing as bat wings more than black angel wings. It was larger and began to have a faint glow. Chor then uses her sword to quickly stab the spirit as it fades to a pile of snow. "Is it over, or are you just trying to run away from me?" The spirit reformed, as it turned into an ice dragon. The dragon roared quite loudly, as it lured all the other ice dragons to surround the demon. She then used her shadow/dark manipulation to blind the dragons for a while, as Chor runs towards Kelly, Kayla, Tawny, and the rest as she stops upon approaching them. "Hold on there! The Castle is protected by the dragons! Didn't you see them flying towards the castle upon the roar occuring? I also need help rescuing two friends from there! One has been captured, the other one has been mind controlled and I can't kill her! If you're here to save somebody, let me join... Just for them..." Chor's voice softens as her wings begin to shrivel and vanish. She then falls on the ground like this: [orz, o is head, rz is the body, the r is the arm and hands, the z is the legs.] as she starts to break into tears. "The castle's power... Too strong... To be breached... But it's possible to enter, the dragons are the sentries trying to block any outsiders to enter, but we can find a way..."

"So she escaped... Dragons, guard the castle. We don't want anymore intruders to enter..." Mirai looks as Chor runs away. "And that girl... Don't let her enter at all. Do your best to destroy every single power that she has, until she's fully weakened..." Mirai walks towards the castle's entrance, as she begins to soulessly stare at Azamie. "Is this the reason Chor wanted her? This weakling? She doesn't have any power, what's the use trying to get her back if she's worthless?

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601 posts


audrei9 • 13 May 2015 at 3:16 AM

@nightmaremoon12 @cloudpuff @starshine_01 @appleblizzard @maiden
This roleplay has sunk once, not again!!!

"Are we nearly done yet?" moaned Willow. "I'm sweating. These clothes are really hot."

Jakeob sighed. "You know I can't walk when I have to open a portal, right? And if you're hot, that's good. You won't be cold when we get into the alpine. And please don't throw my sword like that on the ground. I'll need it."

Please post anyone!!

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 13 May 2015 at 4:33 AM


Hurry and post, I want to scene quickly.

She approaches the entrance, her vision becoming blurry with every step she takes. "Where is that queen...? I need her to know we need to have full defense.... On the... Castle..." Mirai passes out after a long time of having her mental state being possessed. Another spirit takes her to a cell where Aza and Kuo were taken, as her clothes become normal once more. She opens her eyes, seeing that she's locked in a cage. Mirai then shakes the bars, trying to get out of this ice prison. "Where am I? Why am I even here? H-Help..." She could feel the cold biting her legs as she felt very anxious and alienated in a cell where there's nobody next to her. "Ugh... How did I get here? All I remember is helping Chor... And now I end up here..." She could see her light blue blood on her hands. "Was I fighting somebody and lost...? I can't remember..." She then hears screams of little girls. "Who's that...?"

"LET ME OUT OF THIS CAGE!!!!!!!" The little girl screamed. She kept on shaking the cage, but nothing worked, despite the cage being made out of ice. "I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE AT ALL! LET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!!!!"

"Huh...? Is anybody... There?"

430 posts


starshine_01 • 13 May 2015 at 5:21 AM

@nightmaremoon12 @audrei9 @cloudpuff @appleblizzard


Kayla immediately looked up upon hearing Kelly's words. She glanced up at the majestic Ice Castle. She was busy admiring it until Chor suddenly ran over and told them about the Ice Castle.

She thought about Chor's words, they made sense. She smiled at her. "I think you can join... And I don't think the others would mind..."

"But like Chor said, if the castle's powers are really too strong, how do we get in?" She questioned herself, rubbing her hands together at the same time to gain heat.

68 posts


cloudpuff • 16 May 2015 at 10:30 AM

I thought about what Chor and Kayla had said. How could we get in with out being noticed?

"How about camouflage?" I said, "It may not help for long, but at least it would get us closer. Or maybe we could find someone willing to help like, someone we could bribe? Does anyone have anything of value? No offense if you don't want to get rid of it though..."

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601 posts


audrei9 • 17 May 2015 at 10:16 PM

@cloudpuff @starshine_01 @nightmaremoon12 @appleblizzard

Onyx growled as threateningly as she could at the ice dragons that were flying closer and closer. She sensed their cruel thoughts echoing in her mind.


As one of them approached, Onyx thrust a jagged blade of pain into it's consciousness. She watched as the dragon writhed and fell, screeching in agony. Telepathy was a good skill to have, it could fell a foe when the body was weak. She smiled to herself and directed her mental spear at the next dragon, except this time instead of sending a spear of pain she reached into the deepest parts of the dragon's mind and started to mock it's past. Helplessness filled the dragon's eyes, but instead of falling to the ground to yelped and turned away, flying back to the ice castle. The next dragons she would blast with fire, and if that didn't work she would attack them with her mind.

Just to show off to them.

Life wasn't hard when you were one of the most powerful dragons in the land.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 18 May 2015 at 9:10 AM

@audrei9 @cloudpuff @nightmaremoon12 @appleblizzard @maiden


"Camouflage?" Kayla repeated. "Hmm... That's quite a good idea. But what should we camouflage into?"

She about it for a moment. It's either camouflage or bribe. But if we really did bribe, what should we bribe with?

Kayla didn't think she has any valuable items with her, hence she decided to think about camouflaging.

"Perhaps we can camouflage as one of the Ice Dragons or something..." But she trailed off upon thinking about how to camouflage as the Ice Dragon.

Take their skin and wrap them around themselves? She shuddered. It sounded quite cruel but it's not like they had a choice anymore. But still... Maybe, just maybe, there was another way. Maybe they just hadn't thought of it yet...

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601 posts


audrei9 • 18 May 2015 at 9:48 PM

LOL you can just get Onyx to scare away the dragons. She won't be too hard to find, she's totally black and very, very, VERY big. @cloudpuff @nightmaremoon12 @appleblizzard
