Elemental rp

in Roleplaying

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hashtagnight • 19 May 2015 at 12:50 AM

@starshine_01 @cloudpuff @audrei9

"It seems that they want to get me. I'm sure if I distract them long enough you can make a run to the inside. It feels like somebody in the castle wants to capture me for malicious purposes. Here's the plan: I fly in their sight, then you can try to run towards the entrance. I'll try to hold them off whilst you try to get your friend back. My other friends are in there, too, they are both blue haired demons which I know are currently in captive in the same place your friend is at. Camouflage is also a good idea. If my first plan doesn't work, find a bush, and use it as camo. Sidle towards the entrance. Run, or walk, and you will be notice. Just get down and slowly crawl. I'll make sure none of them sees a moving tree. I'm pretty sure I didn't see anybody guarding the gate, so I don't think we could bribe the air. Does anybody have another plan before we can prepare for the raid?" Chor slowly waits for the others to reply.

Azamie + Mirai:
"I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THIS PLACE, LET ME OUT NOW!!!" Azamie kept on shaking the bars, until they break off due to the cage made out of ice. "FINALLY! I'M FREE!" She kicks the remaining ice bars as she runs towards the exit. "Wait! I don't think you're supposed to-" The warden, who was an ice golem, appears out of the blue captures Azamie and puts her back in her cage, then put the bars back on it. Mirai catches the attention of the warden to ask a question. "Excuse me, but why am I here? This seems sudden and all, but I don't know why am I here. Any ideas?" The warden looked at Mirai as if it was nervous. "You passed out, and we couldn't find a place to make you rest for a while. The heiress shouldn't just rot and die in the open." Heiress? Since when was Mirai the heiress? She doesn't have any memories of her past at all, and she was raised by nobody but her. Was she taken away from her parents as a child? "Heiress? Why am I the heiress now?" The warden opened the door and started talking to Mirai. "You don't remember? The heiress of ice can't remember her past... We can't tell of the past, as dark things occured..." Mirai leaves the dungeon, as she enters the ground floor. "I don't have a clue on what this place is..." She then sees the spirit again, as she becomes influenced by it once more. "Mirai, you are to stay in this castle for the rest of your life!" She was teleported to the top of the castle, more like a tower, as she could feel chains around her wrists. "You are not to escape. Leave and you will face the consequences once more." Mirai could see the night sky as the moon began to set. "Chor... I hope you could save me..."

68 posts


cloudpuff • 23 May 2015 at 10:03 AM

"I think that's a good idea Chor, but are you sure you can hold them off? We don't know how many guards and/or dragons are here..."

I thought about camouflage for a minute more...

"Wait a minute! I have water power. If one of you guys could melt some ice temporarily, I could shape it into armor (with camouflage) before it freezes. Then, when it does, it might provide a little protection, plus we would blend in a little better with the snow! Do you think that would work?"

2 posts


lemon2ade • 23 May 2015 at 3:18 PM

"sounds great, but how do we get all of the-" Chor tried to answer.
Suddenly he was knocked off ouf his feet by a giant yellow bird, its claws raking against his chest

"CHOR!!" kelly screamed, and ran over to Chor. but it was too late. The creature had already done the damage.
Kelly turned towards it with rage in her eyes.

68 posts


cloudpuff • 23 May 2015 at 3:24 PM

@lemon2ade You can only control your characters, please do not use our characters.

That post did not happen! It can't happen based on what has happened so far!

2 posts


lemon2ade • 23 May 2015 at 3:27 PM


68 posts


cloudpuff • 23 May 2015 at 3:32 PM

@lemon2ade That's alright. If you like this role play, you can sign up on the signup thread and use your own character. You might want to read the whole story so you know what we're doing and why. 😸

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 23 May 2015 at 7:52 PM

Ok! I'm not sure how this will end up now... 😋

"I estimated as soon as I arrived to this place, at least 10 or more. I distracted a few with the shadows I created, but I suppose they have faded away. I can try to chase them off by flying, which will give you time to run towards the entrance..." She then looks at the sky, seeing the sky gradually turn red. "...But we're running out of time. I suppose we could do it right no-" Suddenly she heard Mirai screaming. "She sounds like she's in trouble! We need to save our friends!" Chor uses her wings to fly away, trying go find the source of Mirai's voice.

430 posts


starshine_01 • 24 May 2015 at 11:20 AM

@nightmaremoon12 @cloudpuff


Chor had suggested about the raid and Kelly proposed the idea of camouflaging. Kayla thought both was a good idea but she wasn't so sure about Chor sacrificing herself.

Kelly then asked Chor a question Kayla wanted to ask, she asked if Chor could hold them off. Kelly also suggested about melting the ice and using it as an armour and Kayla thought it was a splendid idea.

Just then, Kayla heard someone screaming and Chor flew away. She was left here with Kelly.

"So... What do you think we should do?" Kayla asked her. "It looks like we don't have a choice right now, do we? I guess you can prepare the armour before charging towards the entrance which Chor will try to chase the guards off. Do you need help with preparing the armour for all of us?"

68 posts


cloudpuff • 24 May 2015 at 3:40 PM

"Thanks Kayla," I said, "If you can just bring some sheets of ice or snow, then you guys can melt it and I'll shape it. Flame, how is Tawny doing?"

430 posts


starshine_01 • 25 May 2015 at 9:27 AM

@cloudpuff @nightmaremoon12 @appleblizzard @audrei9


"Welcome," Kayla smiled before heading off to find some ice. She trudged down the path to where they had come from in search for snow and ice.

Soon, a frozen river came into her sight. She cautiously headed towards it and tapped on the ice. It sounded like only the top part is frozen whereas underneath it, it is still a river in liquid form.

She wondered on how to take the ice back to Kelly. In the end, she tried to settle by using the electricity from her fingers to slice a rather huge squared piece of ice and then took the block of ice.

Afterwards, she headed back, occasionally stopping to scoop some snow up onto the block of frozen ice. She hoped that these would be of use, though...

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601 posts


audrei9 • 25 May 2015 at 10:17 PM

@starshine_01 @cloudpuff @nightmaremoon12 @lemon2ade
looks like this roleplay is up and running!!

Okay, I know you're new. Once you click this link, you can follow the instructions. I will know if you posted.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 26 May 2015 at 7:07 AM

@starshine_01 @cloudpuff

Chor + Mirai:
She flew to where the ice dragons are, now making shadow versions of her. These shadows began to fight the ice dragons as Chor managed to find Mirai locked in a spire.
"Mirai! I'm glad you're okay!"
She flew inside the tower as Mirai's red pupils glowed as she started to sidle away from her and into the dark.
"Don't look at me... I'm the daughter of a monstrosity. Please leave..."
Chor looked at her dumbfounded.
"But... Why are you here? You aren't this person-" Mirai scowled at the demon. "I said leave me alone! Do you think hiding memories from me will make me feel better? I am the daughter of the most evil queen of this place, and it isn't helping me change who I am," she said as blades rose from her back, "and I will end everyone's lives!"
Dark blue tears appeared from her eyes, as she tried to stab Chor with the blades.
"Forgive me! Please don't hold a grudge on something small like this!" Chor began to stare at Mirai, then sees a glance of her normal eyes. "What happened to you?! If the real Mirai is there, she wouldn't do anything like this to me! Where is she?!"
Mirai began to explain.
"A spirit offered me a deal. I could have my memories back if I become the heiress of this palace. I realized that going to this place triggered all my past memories, of loss and decay. I wanted to go back, but that will result in my death, and being the heiress, I have to remain in here, not to return to the outside world anymore... In my past, I was once the heiress of this place, then I was kidnapped, where I spent all my life in the underworld, where I was insulted by the others, where in turn they met my powers, and I was left out, never to make any friends. But then I met you, and you were one of the commanders at such a young age, but never wanted to say anything about it, just wanted to be a normal kid. Anyways, I never believed that he would give me my memories back, but I was forced to say yes..." Mirai began to sob as the spirit appeared once more.
((I'm afraid Mirai is no more... And you will vanish from history as well!))
"W-What do you me-"
Shadows appeared from the floor of the spire as it began to wrap Chor, causing her to be semi-intanglible as she began to sink towards an unknown direction.
"Chor! Come back to me... Please..."
The yandere ended up at the dungeon in a cell, looking around.
"Was this the Palace's idea? To make everybody become slaves to this wretched queen? And to also make everybody face her torments for their lives?" I have to get out of here quickly, Chor thought in her head.
She started to use her shadows to make a copy of her, then to let her sink in with the shadows, as she began to quickly run towards the exit, being nothing but a shadow. She then reverted to her normal form as she went to the exit.
"No cage like that will ever make a demon commander like me captive! I know all your tricks and traps..."
She then looks at the spire.
"...And soon yours will be next, Mirai..." Chordata began to look at the sky, seeing little to no dragons in the air. Then she felt like chains are wrapped around her, as she began to slowly lose energy.
"Ugh... I have to find those two..." She began to fly as fast as she can to the two girls trying to find a way. "I need to tell them... I found a way..."
As soon as she made it towards them, she explained all the things inside.
"I was exploring the place before escaping, and I found where the dungeon is at. Go to the right door next to the entrance, then you'll find some stairs. Go down there, and you'll find the dungeon where your friends are... This might also make me leave dear sweet precious Mirai behind..."
She continued explaining the traps, the guards, and how the layout is planned. "I can't try to save the innocent in the dungeon, because the warden will find us, and take us back in the cells. My shadow swap doesn't work well with others... Sorry. Maybe if we work together, we could defeat the warden and save our friends!

Mirai cried, as she began to look out at the horizon, seeing the sun beginning to rise up from the other side.
"The light's harshest rays.
Something that tormented me...
I despise the light..."
Mirai sidled back towards the shadow, sobbing a bit until she was unable to produce more tears. "I hope my dear, sweet precious best friend could save me."

"Chor! What about me?!" Azamie saw Chor sinking to the shadows as her shadows walked away from Azamie. "You're coming back, are you? Please return safely..." She began to lie down on the cold ground as she began to rest. "Eh. I hope my 'commander' will save me and that other guy over there who looks innocent."

430 posts


starshine_01 • 29 May 2015 at 10:37 AM

@nightmaremoon12 @cloudpuff


Kayla soon arrived, carrying some sheets of ice and snow for Kelly. "Here they are," She said.

Just then, Chor came flying back. She said that she had found a way in in order to save our friends. After hearing what she said, Kayla nodded in agreement. "We shall work together, unity makes strength."

"So, maybe we can help Kelly to melt the ice while coming up with a plan to get into the palace...?" Kayla looked around at the others, waiting for their opinions.

580 posts


splashnose • 30 May 2015 at 11:31 PM

Midnight stretched her legs further to cover more ground, testing how fast she could run. She thought about her friend and how she hadn't seen him for a while.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 7 June 2015 at 6:50 AM

@starshine_01 @cloudpuff

"Well, I don't really have the manipulation of heat to melt the ice, but does anybody have anything hot to melt frozen liquids?" Chor slowly stared at the fire, seeing the warmth that it gives out. "We need a plan to enter. We can't just go in front wide open, we have to be secretive, hidden, transparent. We thought about the camo one, but what about another way? We can't just barge in and defeat anything that comes in our way; we could get overpowered easily! Any ideas? Oh, and I'll try to help and do my best to save our friends." Chor felt enthusiastic about helping.


((I should tell you right now; a yandere is someone who is nice on the outside, but insane and obsessive on the inside. They are insane for one thing that they obsess the most. Yanderes could KILL for it. Chor is a yandere for immense power. She could kill for power, leaving anybody who sees her true self dead. Yanderes are mostly female, and in yandere simulator (a 16+ game for blood), you are a yandere who tries to get senpai to notice you and kill your rivals who want senpai to notice them but will have to remain calm around others. Now Chor acts calm around others, but when she finds power that she wants to keep, she WILL kill for it, even if it isn't worth getting. Power is what Chor seeks, and can kill. In anime, they mostly appear in horror ones that look like something harmless. An example is Mirai Nikki, where one of the characters is a pink haired yandere.
A himedere is like a tsundere, but has a princess personality.
A tsundere is someone who is cold hearted, cruel, and mean on the outside, but is nice and friendly on the outside. They will slowly open up to others and start being nicer. A few examples are Viridi from Kid Icarus: Uprising and Misaka Mikoto from the Acceleraildex series.
A deredere is somebody who is 100% nice in and out. They are adorable and affectionate, and sweet like sugar!

I am both tsundere and deredere so expect some rudeness or some niceness. I'm sugar, spice, and everything nice.))

430 posts


starshine_01 • 8 June 2015 at 1:04 PM

@nightmaremoon12 @cloudpuff


Kayla thought that Chor made sense, but she herself cannot seem to think of any idea...

Just then... She had an idea. She wasn't sure if it would work but they have to try it out. And besides, it was freezing!

"Hey, what about two of us go get the attention of the guards that's in our way while the other person dashes in with the camo and rescue our friends? Then maybe the two fighting can try to give the guards a false lead or something," Kayla shrugged to herself before looking at Chor and Kelly.

68 posts


cloudpuff • 8 June 2015 at 1:35 PM

"That sounds like a good idea," I said, "But we don't truly know how far Kuo is being kept in the castle. We definitely should start out with this plan, but then what?

"For now," I finished, "Tawny, how are you doing? Could you and Flame help melt this ice?"

@nightmaremoon12 XD I haven't played yandere simulator but I've seen others play it! It's hilarious! I'm probably technically too young, but who cares XD

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601 posts


audrei9 • 9 June 2015 at 9:51 PM

@cloudpuff @starshine_01 @nightmaremoon12 gonna rest for a while...

68 posts


cloudpuff • 7 July 2015 at 3:56 PM

Ready to start this up again @audrei9 ?


"Tawny," I asked, "You okay? Flame?"
