Radioactive ||RP Thread||

in Roleplaying

2,347 posts


featherstar_stormclan • 16 September 2015 at 10:37 PM


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No one expected this to happen. The sudden turn of events that left humanity on shambles and separated into two groups each striving to survive in this new messed up world. But it did, the sun attacked us-massive flares scorching the ice caps and large parts of land, the oceans rebelled and the ground split wide open devouring anyone who was near the gaping maw that opened up inside of it.

But none of that was compared to the devastation that came forth from the nuclear power plants set up at various places around the world, those exploded from the trauma, and as it turned out very few survived after all the chemicals ran rampant in the world. Most were able to retreat to safe locations throughout the world, and the largest by far seemed to be in the heart of Canada. It was here that a select group of people was discovered, a small group of people mind you, who were able to walk through the chemical gas clouds, the scorched earth, and places where nuclear damage did too much and killed anyone who stepped foot there. The settlement dubbed these people as Radioactives, as that was what they were in a sense.

{About the Radioactives}

Radioactives are humans capable of breathing in the gas clouds left behind by the nuclear plant explosions, and walk the lands infested with it. For all reasons they look human, have the same features, same hair, and blood. But their eyes are what mark them as different. Every Radioactives eyes glow bright, even in the darkest of points. And each has an ability to manipulate a given element linked with their eye color.

There are three types of Radioactive known to us at this moment in time:

~Chi’karda, those who changed in the midst of the nuclear fallout. They are the most powerful and dangerous, having proper and full control over their given element and a type of kinetic ability.

~Requiem, those who changed after the nuclear fallout. They are powerful, but not as powerful as the Chi’karda, the Requiem only being able to manipulate elements. Those who are Requiem must have died before hand, and will awaken as a Radioactive after their “death”.

~Chi, those who like the Requiem Radioactive changed after the nuclear fallout. They too must die to be awakened at Radioactive, but unlike the Requiem the Chi have power only in a kinetic ability.

{List of Abilities}

Elemental Powers
~Air/Wind: The ability to create and control the air around oneself, to fly, manipulate wind, transform into a gas cloud and create blasts of air.
~Earth: The ability to create and control minerals, earth, metal, and turn oneself into rocks or earth itself.
~Fire: The ability to create and control fire, to melt things, to light oneself on fire without harm, and turn oneself into flames.
~Water: The ability to create and control liquid, gas and frozen water, to breathe underwater, absorb water and turn oneself into water.
~Darkness: The ability to manipulate darkness and shadows, to become a shadow, see in the dark, and to create shadows.
~Lightning: The ability to manipulate and create lightning, power things, and withstand electrical shock.
~Light: The ability to create and manipulate light, to become light beams, glow in the dark, and create powerful beams of light.

Kinetic Powers
~Aciukinesis: manipulate sharpness
~Acoustokinesis: manipulate sound
~Bibliokinesis: manipulate books
~Captukinesis: manipulate size
~Celerakinesis: manipulate speed
~Chaetokinesis: manipulate hair
~Clauditikinesis: manipulate locks
~Hypnokinesis: induce sleep
~Nixukinesis: manipulate pressure
~Nosokinesis: manipulate disease
~Technokinesis: manipulate technology
~Telekinesis: move objects with your mind
~Thermokinesis: manipulate temperature
~Vitakinesis: manipulate health


~Be literate, so have proper spelling and grammar.
~Post at least three lines to keep the role-play going, nothing is more muse killing that having someone just respond with, “Okay” in response to your well written post beforehand.
~Have fun and be polite and courteous to others, and keep OOC to a minimum on the actual Role-Play thread.
~No Mary-Sue’s or God-Mods. No one likes overpowered characters, just leave them out.
~You are allowed one, and only one Chi’Karda Radioactive.
~You may have a max of four characters.
~Keep genders even. I cannot stress this rule enough, we can’t have twelve females and only two males. Not happening.
~All EggCave rules apply.
~You must be active, and if you are going to be inactive, please tell me a few days in advance.
~I have a right to kick you out if you disobey any of these rules. I will give you two strikes, after that you’re out. No re-signing up, no jumping back in, no anything.
~If you have read and understood the rules put your character's birth date, but only month and day, in other.


Ceil Pascal||17 Years||Male||His bright blue eyes can't see anything. Instead, he relies on sound, and has mastered it completely, to the point where he can almost get away with not telling anyone he is blind. His skin color is that of what is expected by a person who lives by the beach, with a darker tone to otherwise light skin. His blonde hair falls in short curls around his ears, and he stands at 5'9". Shorts and a tank with flipflops are his way of life, no matter the weather.||Requiem-Water||Chill, for the most part. His heart is open to any and all survivors, and is an easy guy to talk to and open up. His friends, when they were still alive, said he had an effect on people similar to alcohol; making people forget and loosen up||

Sammy "Sam"||18 Years||Female||She is rather short, at 5'2, and has long, curly white hair and very pale skin (albino). Tends to look rather childish to people, and wears a baggy dark red hoodie and baggy shorts (various colors, whatever she wanted to wear that day). Her eyes are a deep black with a green colored glow||Chi'Karda-Shadow Nosokinesis||She tends to flip around and seems very crazy to others sometimes. can go from childish to very serious to downright psychopathic, although sometimes she settles on one for a while. It is very hard to gain and keep her loyalty. Has some form of mental damage from watching her family die.||

Cynthia||12 Years||Female||Black hair, usually her bangs cover her eye so you don't see them often. Dark brown eyes, almost black. Usually found wearing long pants or sleeves. 5'4||Requiem-Shadow||She may seems quiet, emotionless, but if you are trusted enough for her not to act shy, and a little girl that means she trusts you enough to show her emotions about half or fully. Isn't athlete, more of a artist type||

Merissa Liard||19 Years||Female||Merissa has a long, wild, curly, fiery red mane of hair, blue eyes, pale skin and a slim, athletic build||Requiem-Light||Headstrong and willful, Merissa is not one to be pressured by society or others to be anything except who she wants to be or do anything she doesn't want to do. She is tomboyish (she is in no way sophisticated or refined) and enjoys going for jogs and hunting through the rumble for potentially useful items. She is adventurous and free-spirited and this leads her to take many risks. Unfortunately she is also impulsive and this occasionally puts herself and/or others in harm's way||

Connor Diciano||15 Years||Male||Connor has short black hair, green eyes, pale skin, slim and is 4.4 foot tall.||Requiem-Water||Connor keeps to himself, he does not start a conversation. He enjoys going to the library to read and is not interested in sports.||

Alyss Ravenhallow||16 Years||Female||Alyss is about six foot four and has dirty blond hair cut to her jawline. Her hair is thick, very wavy-curly and frizzy, it varies between falling into thick curls or into thick waves on varying days.
She has very pale skin and her face is covered in freckles, in addition she has brightly glowing blue-gray eyes.
She typically wears black, blue and orange muscle shirts, with a pair of jean shorts of jeans depending on weather. In addition she wears a short black chained necklace bearing a double ouroboros on it.||Chi'Karda-Fire, Telekinesis||Alyss is more of a recluse, she prefers to stay to herself and avoids social situations with multiple people. When spoken to she can seem a bit sarcastic, sassy and even just the slightest bit rude, but she always has people's best intentions at heart.
It is hard to befriend her and as such those she calls friends she is dead loyal to.||

Cole Ravenhallow||16 Years||Male||Cole is about five foot eight with short but messy auburn hair. He has brightly glowing green eyes and pale skin.
He wears a simple shirt with a light and breathable, black colored sweater over it and jeans.||Chi-Thermokinesis||Cole is excitable and bubbly, he is more friendly than his sister and tends to make friends more often than her||


{We may now begin, it is just after Sunrise in the Canadian Settlement, it has been a month since the devastation and the settlement is working on earning supplies.}

Alyss awoke to the gentle shaking of hands on her arm and looked up to see her brother standing over her. He smiled at her with a huge yawn, his eyes mildly illuminating his facial features and a small area of the then, and he proceeded to fall face first upon his bed next to her as the girl sat up.

"They need you to go out with some of the others and go gather supplies, not sure who else you need, but other humans are finding them." he said curling up as he drifted to sleep.

Alyss sighed, her brother had guarded the camp over night, but he still owed her more of a description on what she was to do. Rolling her eyes she headed out of the camp, watching as the out door area slowly brightened with sunlight.

Deleted • 17 September 2015 at 6:01 PM

Cynthia was still young, but she was told that she had to find supplies for the camp. She was very tired so didn't talk much in the morning so she stayed silent. Cynthia wondered where she was suppose to be going first, but she decided to go outside and wait for the other unknown strangers she was suppose to be with or something like that she was told. Cynthia hated to be in a bright place so she covered her eyes and didn't use the elemental power she had. She saw another girl and just tried to stay out of sight.

3,201 posts


ushafuse • 18 September 2015 at 6:05 AM

@featherstar_stormclan @niale@chocolatechip @madsceinced @mila-titan
Connor woke up, he rubbed his eyes drowsily. He shook the rheum on his hand off. His mouth was dry. He looked at the cup of water he left overnight and drank it. I can never have the nice water I had anymore, he thought. He went outside, but he did not want to go scavenge for supplies, he was too tired to go anywhere. He looked at the other Radioactives, he had nobody to talk to anymore, he was too shy to make any other friends.

Deleted • 18 September 2015 at 7:53 PM

Cynthia saw a boy and wondered if those two are Radioactives. She tried to hide even more. She didn't want to meet anyone all she wanted to do was get this over with. He's short for a boy. Cynthia thought to herself. She was still unsure of what to do and the other people she seen so far are older than her which made her even more scared.

3,201 posts


ushafuse • 19 September 2015 at 3:40 AM

@featherstar_stormclan @niale@chocolatechip @madsceinced @mila-titan
Connor saw a girl trying to hide from the others. He followed her and she seemed a little scared. "Erm, hello.. Are you one of the Radioactives?" This time he had to do something, or he would totally have no friends at all. At least that was better than being alone. She looks young.., Connor thought. Definitely younger than me.

Deleted • 19 September 2015 at 10:58 AM

She was surprised to see someone to talk to. Cynthia tried to do her fake voice and replied to the boy. "Hello, umm. Yes, are you sir a Radioactive?" Cynthia didn't know what to do now. "If you are do you know what we are suppose to do?" She asked him quietly and still doing the fake voice.


2,347 posts


featherstar_stormclan • 19 September 2015 at 2:28 PM

@niale @ushafuse @chocolatechip @madscienced @mila-titan

Alyss looked up at the duo of people that had recently appeared. "Would you guys be the ones that have been sent to go and help me scavenge for supplies?" She called out as she turned towards them.

They would need to leave soon before everything got too hot anywhere else.

Deleted • 19 September 2015 at 2:34 PM

"I am. Though I'm not sure about him." Cynthia replied to the girl as she turned around to see her. She was still doing the fake innocent voice because the two were strangers to her. "When do we start though ma'm?" Cynthia asked the older girl quietly.


241 posts


madscienced • 19 September 2015 at 4:11 PM

@niale @chocolatechip @featherstar_stormclan @mila-titan @ushafuse sorry if im late to start, didn't know it started yet. 😊

Sam walked up to the group. "Sorry, am I late? oh well, can't change it now." she said, grinning. "So, when are we leaving? Where are we going? Will we be back soon?" she rushed out, seeming pretty hyper for some reason.

Deleted • 19 September 2015 at 5:01 PM

Cynthia was very surprised to see another person that is very hyper. She stayed silent not answering the questions because she didn't know the answer. She felt there was a lot people around her. She just wanted to turn invisible scared of more people. Still trying to hide from the others

3,201 posts


ushafuse • 20 September 2015 at 2:08 AM

@featherstar_stormclan @niale @chocolatechip @madsceinced @mila-titan

"Yes, I am. I think we should start now. I don't want to wait any longer." Connor replied. He saw another girl that was older than him. Connor tried to hide a little, he didn't want to be in the centre of attention, after being quiet for quite a while.

Deleted • 20 September 2015 at 2:28 AM

Cynthia was the youngest so far of what she saw of the group of people. "Um do you both of you want to start right now?" She asked both of the older girls quietly still keeping up with the fake voice. Me and him both same. Wanting to hide and get this over with Cynthia thought to herself.

2,347 posts


featherstar_stormclan • 22 September 2015 at 12:19 AM

@madscienced @niale @ushafuse @mila-titan @chocolatechip

"Alright then, I do believe that's everyone we need. So let's head out, we should be able to find things across old fiends, there was a river there. Hopefully there's still something from it remaining." Alyss said before she headed off out of the camp, waiting for the group to follow her.

I'm not meant to be a leader, how am I supposed to lead these people? she thought despairingly, as she faced away from where they would arrive. Hoping desperately her face didn't betray her emotions.

241 posts


madscienced • 22 September 2015 at 2:57 PM

@featherstar_stormclan @niale @ushafuse @mila_titan @chocolatechip

"Alright!" she replyed, before running off towards the direction, full pelt. She didn't even know why she was rushing. 'Wait, what if we have to make a turn?!' she thought to herself, and stopped, looking back and forward, turning her head quickly. 'Should I just walk? Wait, even if i get lost, ill have headed on in one direction, so i should be fine, right?' she continued, stopping and freezing.

Deleted • 22 September 2015 at 5:52 PM

Cynthia quietly walked behind them trying to not be noticed as much as possible. She was wondering where they were suppose to go that has the most resources and supplies for the camp. Cynthia was wondering what the others name were so she asked them."I was wondering what are your names?" She asked them quietly in the fake voice still.

3,201 posts


ushafuse • 23 September 2015 at 5:41 AM

@featherstar_stormclan @niale @chocolatechip @madsceinced @mila-titan

"I'm Connor, Connor Diciano." he said as he tried to catch up with the others, unsure if they are just wandering around or going to somewhere specific. He looked around, the place looked totally destroyed, he really didn't like it very much.

Deleted • 23 September 2015 at 7:20 PM

"My name is Cynthia. Nice to meet you all." Cynthia greeted them politely and the voice is still fake though. She looked around carefully to see if anything they might can use or take if needed. Cynthia decided it was a waste of time to talk all she needed was their names to call them with so she stayed quiet the rest of the time. Unless she needs to answer a question or need to say something.
