
in Chit-Chat

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 30 August 2011 at 9:56 PM

O, you need editor?

I edit:

Do not copy/seal stuff on our site without permission.


5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 9:58 PM


What? o.o

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 30 August 2011 at 9:59 PM

@crooton1 It's not SEAL stuff, yooh silleh leetle cricket. It is STEAL.


5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 10:02 PM


I know that! 😋

1,903 posts


petpet55 • 30 August 2011 at 10:02 PM


I usually sketch out with some random color, then do black outlines and then paint it all by hand xD You can press Ctrl together with + on Num pad to make your brush even bigger 😃 - is to make em small again ;D I knew how to make a eraser delete just a certain color but I totally forgot how to.


Aww, I browsed through all 4 ^^
I love Rumpus ❤️ It's the cutest thing I ever saw xD I'm not into cute stuff but that's just.. Un-passable xD
The chess fellas are awesome as well, Ian should release all of em so you can collect whole set or some ^^ ( a bit modifying on your idea but still) And Tigreff is awesome ^^ It's like Cerberus but a Tigerus? xD

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 10:04 PM


I didn't really think about the Cerberus when I was making it. 😋

1,903 posts


petpet55 • 30 August 2011 at 10:05 PM


Haha, it's okay not really accusing you off stealing any ideas ^^

I'm just a mythology nerd ^^

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 30 August 2011 at 10:06 PM

the art is kinda... mediocre XD no offense...

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 10:07 PM




I know.
But we are slowly improving it. 😊

3,225 posts


pipkitten • 30 August 2011 at 10:09 PM

@Petpet55: I didn't know you could adjust your brush like that on Paint! Ha, shows how much I know, eh? 😋
Now I'm tempted to do my 4,000 pageviews celebration drawing for dA using Paint...

1,903 posts


petpet55 • 30 August 2011 at 10:11 PM


😃 Aw it's fine I read it off some dA tutorial like ages ago ^^ I am long therm dA stalker but always was very shy to join xD
That would be pure awesome 😃

3,225 posts


pipkitten • 30 August 2011 at 10:16 PM

@Petpet55: Lol, I'm thinking I might have to go on a Paint tips/tricks/tutorial search! Then I can be a Paint master! ...and in the process forget how to use Photoshop. XD
I'm definitely going to do this now. But first, I shall sketch!! 😃 *grabs paper and pencil*

916 posts


darcy_vasquez • 30 August 2011 at 10:20 PM

Awesome page!!

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 30 August 2011 at 10:23 PM

@crooton1 if you want, I can draw some stuff for you ^^

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 10:28 PM


You might want to ask HarryPotter.

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 30 August 2011 at 10:30 PM

@crooton1 kay 😋
@harrypotter123698 hey 😃 do you need help with the art? I noticed it was done in MS paint or something 😋

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 10:31 PM


But I am his *Staff* so he might get me to draw them. XP

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 30 August 2011 at 10:31 PM

@crooton1 haha... XD ok....

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 10:32 PM


Un-payed staff. *Cough* XD

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 30 August 2011 at 10:35 PM

@crooton1 XD but really, check out my deviantart to see what me art's like:

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 10:37 PM


I've seen, it's great. 😊

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 30 August 2011 at 10:42 PM

@crooton1 yeeeeeeehhh XD thanks. but I actually pinged the wrong person. i was supposed to ping @harrypotter123698 to see it.

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 10:43 PM


I'm pretty sure he wants to keep it private, with little staff. 😊
Good luck convincing him. 😉

188 posts


ptheq • 30 August 2011 at 11:27 PM


Is their AnYthing you have to pay for at all? because that stuff always erks me

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 11:29 PM


Well yes, but many creatures are free. 😉
Also they are priced very cheap.

$4 = 5 Mammal Pack
$1 = 1 Mammal

188 posts


ptheq • 30 August 2011 at 11:43 PM


Can you trade for them? or do you have to pay to get them. did you create it?

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 30 August 2011 at 11:50 PM


That feature will be implemented soon. 😉

696 posts


lillia • 31 August 2011 at 12:22 AM


checking out teh site 😸

hehe xD i joined youu ❤️

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 31 August 2011 at 1:21 AM


Yay! ❤️

73 posts


elysian • 31 August 2011 at 8:50 AM

@crooton1 - FFF I had the best constructive critisism ever but then -

Oops! Please take a look at the following:

The Post field can not exceed 1500 characters in length.

And the site didn't even save my post for me in the reply field! WHY?


My crit was; Get better art, if you want to sell stuff for cash shop monies, you better take a look at the competition (Eggcave). If this site is serious (I doubt it is right now) you need stuff for people to do. You adopt a pet thing, now what?

I know you're the moderator, but this does seem like someone's badly thought out hobby... I'm sorry to be so harsh but my patience is dead after writing that post only to have it deleted. Hngghhhhh. sob. Cry.
