The user to post below me gets....

in Forum Games

Is this a good game?

1,853 posts


purgatory • 9 December 2016 at 9:15 PM

This is a simple giving game.

Please give something sensible and that is not typically useless. Creatures are alowed (excludes cave commons unless for a hoarder). Be polite and kind, PLEASE do not scam anyone! If you get, you give, not keep then disappear with an excuse like, "I forgot! Oh no I ______ that thing away, sorry!". If you're giving EC, it has to be over 5k. Please specify what you're giving away, not just saying, "The user that posted below gets a travel". Please specify the item/travel/creature/amount of EC, like, "The user that posted below me gets a Lavender Lake travel"

You have to say, "Received!" when you post/reply to the post before you if you want that item. When you post, you MUST give something, not just get and go.

I'll start, the user below me gets 7k ec

1,568 posts


firedawn • 10 December 2016 at 7:36 AM


Thank you! Do I create a lot for you to offer the EC on? If so, here it is: Lot #703476

I hope I'm doing this right..

The user below me gets a Watching Gingerbread Man (Soutenue Stage 1) travel.

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 19 January 2017 at 5:06 PM

The user below me gets an ultra rare item.
Lot #57993
