Writers Portal Stories

in Chit-Chat

Should we add the mod sheet pretty soon?

1,088 posts


stagfire • 18 July 2017 at 8:23 AM


Ah, fantastic! (Dragons!). The little descriptions at the top are pretty cool but I might suggest that you add more detail to describe everything. Of course, you don't have to, this forum is very free-write, but it's just advice.


Awesome! I love the separate line when 'you' figures out they're in Ark. I can't wait to see more!

Deleted • 18 July 2017 at 11:01 AM


I kind of don't like the idea of the cat, so I'll make him a human.
(Editing stage.)

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 18 July 2017 at 8:54 PM

((The story is written like this because it's like an audio recording of some sorts. It's mostly inspired by 17776's storytelling. The different typing style is to differenciate the characters.))
((This is also posted on two separate forums.))
((Is it okay if I put the prologue and first chapter together? They were too short to begin with, so...))


Prologue and Chapter 1

While I still haven't been able get in contact with my last few friends, I already felt like I've made new ones, yet I never found a single person as I journeyed ahead. Then again, I'm in the middle of nowhere. I don't think there's going to be anyone here for ages.
I can't stop; not for one bit. They're still after me. If I slow down, even for a little bit, then I'm done for. I stand out from the nothingness around me. Lights flicker from the sky. I'm part of that flickering light, although I'm shining extremely dim.
I wonder if anybody can



someone there

Of course. Who are you?

no time to explain but you need to follow my location


like i said no time to explain
here ill give you the details of my location
please hurry theres no time left

Wait, what's going on?
Hello? Hey, are you there?


I'll try again.
Hey, can you hear me?
Drat. Nothing.
And there won't be anything for a long time.
Heh. I wasn't used to that message coming out from nowhere.
But I guess it's really urgent. There's no reason for me to ignore it. After all, I'm just in the middle of nowhere. I have no location to head.
I *have* to get these things out of my tail.

[sounds of large crackling noises in the background, followed by a loud explosion.]

That should keep them at bay.
Now, where was I?

sorry for suddenly leaving like that

You're back.

yes but only for a short time
i had to escape my hiding spot because i was almost captured
are you going to my location
same as before

I'm just starting. I had to get some group off my tail.

ok good
anyways you really need to hurry
i cant contact anyone else here and its driving me mad
youre literally my only hope around this area

I understand. I'll be there as soon as possible.

good to know that theres some THEYRE HERE GOTTA GO BYE

Mysterious person? Are you there?
Who was this "they" that are chasing them?
I really can't tell, and I seriously don't want to think right now.
No matter how hard I'm trying, these guys won't ever leave me alone.
And this person will contact me again, right?
...Time to head towards this person's destination. If I can just bolt to their location, then I could easily leave these followers in the dust.
Here goes.


1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 18 July 2017 at 9:31 PM


I like how they "text" this conversation.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 19 July 2017 at 5:35 PM


Interesting, I like it. A little confused on who's talking, maybe put things like Me: (whatever you're saying) and Mysterious Person: (whatever) That's just my opinion. Awesome!

(Yes, I don't mind you connected the Prologue and Chapter 1)

Deleted • 19 July 2017 at 7:22 PM


The descriptions are supposed to reveal themselves as the story goes on.
Not really an amazing part, but it stays with the plot I planned.



Mikuri: A shy female paper dragon. She is rather fond of Spark.
Koru: A stubborn male leaf dragon. He is hard to calm down.
Spark: A blonde trainee in magic studying who's very interested in dragons. He seems to like his comforts.

Part 2: The Hunters
Spark pulled out his camera, pillow, and another pillow. He fastened the pillows to his backpack and pulled Mikuri and Koru along. "I knew they would come," he muttered as he turned into a bird, pecking them to get them to focus.
Koru flew around. "What's going on?" he looked down. There were hunters with Sleep Potion and large nets chasing after him. They were also after Mikuri.
They all flew away from the hunters. Spark transformed back and sat on a cloud. "Do you see? You're not supposed to be here. You are going to put everybody in danger. I'm going to get you back where you came from."
Spark turned into a bird again. Mikuri punched his tail for pecking him. Spark got upset. "When I get you back, you are going to owe me a toasted marshmallow." he smirked as they tried to punch him again.
Mikuri saw the hunters were gone, but she still wanted to leave this area. Her wings hurt. "Come on, lets go."


2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 19 July 2017 at 8:24 PM

@stagfire ((It's inspired by 17776, which doesn't add in the person who is saying as a prefix it on certain devices. It's also to hide the character's identities before they're truly introduced.
At this point someone would say to colorcode the speakers. The forums in which I posted this in doesn't use colorcodes, but how about you? Should I use colorcodes? I feel like it should make the different but I don't know.))


Chapter 2

[sounds of heavy breathing could be heard]

[sigh] I made it. Ugh, my head hurts. I'm not used to that kind of travel at all.
All I can see outside is nothing but a thick smog covering my window.
I'm just going to wait until

are you there now

Yes, I am.

i think i can see your ship

You really think so?
There's nothing but this neverending smog where I am now.
Also, who are you? I never got a chance to know your name.

everybody calls me kite
i was never called anything when i was young
so everybody decided "hey why not name this dude kite" and it just stuck
so yeah im kite
how about you

We can answer that question later. Right now you can tell me what's going on, but first, we need to get you out of this mess.
Get on my ship. I'll teleport you in.

[slight whirring sound]

i didnt realize that would be a fast teleportation

Me neither.
You'll get used to it.
So... First things first.
Why do you need my help?

well have you heard of these strange creatures that are appearing around the neighboring area


well darn
so they just suddenly appeared out of nowhere like some kind of disease that has been sealed in ice for years or so
we tried everything to stop them but there hasnt been any luck
they keep on shaking off our attacks like it was nothing
and clearly theres something that's not right here i mean they should all be dead when we attacked

Do you know how it might have happened suddenly?
There's no way that they just appeared out of the blue. Surely there's a source.

man we tried everything
and im really getting tired of fighting
its really terrible we cant even kill them and ive seen nothing but carnage from ourside
its terrible

its really really terrible


terrible terrible terrible terrible

Get a hold of yourself. You can't solve your problems by having this breakdown.
It's going to be okay.
We're going to make sure none of this kind of carnage will happen again.
We just need to strategize.

yeah youre right
anyways i still havent gotten your name yet

Is it necessary?

i told you my name it should be
besides its just rude to leave anyone hanging

Alright. It's Claire.
Now, Kite.


Got anyone who can help us?
The more, the merrier.

i wish i did but everyone is dead
all my friends are literally dead and i cant do anything about it
i never had any true friends to begin with so whats the point

You got me now.
We're friends, and friends need to stick together.


We need to leave this place.
This ship's not going to withstand the scratching of the creatures outside any longer.
Hold on tight, Kite.


1,088 posts


stagfire • 19 July 2017 at 8:49 PM


Cool, thanks for pointing that out

Wonderful so far! I can't wait for more.



Okay, well then, yes, I suggest doing color codes, if you'd like. I think I could tell who was who better this time around.

349 posts


fairy_tail • 2 August 2017 at 4:40 PM

Today is my birthday, so I'm going to grace you all with a new chapter! 😸 Hope you like it!

- #Mmrs #Mmrspg4


At the sound of the angry shout, he cringed. That was the end of his fun – his time to himself did not last as long as he wished, but at least he managed to snatch a few minutes.

“Freixo!” The voice repeated, this time louder, more impatient, and angrier.

Sighing, he turned and called back. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”

Bounding away from the cliff he stood on, Freixo turned to look at the forest that stood on the edge of the horizon one last time. He then walked the dirt path headed straight for the glittering castle that stood shining with the light of the setting sun.

“Slacking off as usual,” was the greeting Freixo was given upon entering the gates of the abode. “Why am I not surprised.”

Inwardly flinching at the comment, the fox slowly walked up to the speaker, craning his head to meet the face of the African forest elephant that glared down at him.

“I wasn’t slacking off, father.” He protested weakly.

“Then what,” his father boomed, causing him to flinch again. “Pray tell, were you doing out of the castle when you should have been going over your lessons in the library?”

Freixo stood as tall as he could but barely made it to his father’s knee, even with his head turned upwards. “I finished all my lessons,” he explained. “So I decided to go take a walk.”

His father scoffed and the sound echoed across the empty chamber. “That’s exactly what slacking off is!” he said with a shake of his head. “You wasted that time with your head in the clouds – again – instead of using it productively and studying more of your lessons. It never hurts to be advanced in them.”

“But I had been studying from sunrise to sunset!” Freixo protested. “I needed to take a break – I was completely saturated with information already.”

The elephant opened his mouth to make a retort before he was cut off.

“There’s no use in arguing with him, Sefu.” A cold voice, reminiscent of ice, chipped in.

Freixo felt himself shrink slightly as he saw a polar bear stroll into the chamber, her ice-blue eyes narrowed at him. He watched as she took her place beside his father on the throne next to him.

After adjusting herself on her seat, she turned her hard gaze on Freixo once again. “We both know that he’s nothing but a useless slab of flesh – lazy, stupid, and too much of a dreamer.” She continued with a scowl.

His mother’s words stung – they always did – more than his father’s. Freixo bowed his head and stared at his paws, frustration and anger beginning to well up inside him.

“If only you were more like your brother,” his mother jabbed. “More disciplined, responsible, and hardworking – now that’s something I could only dream of you being.”

Sucking in a deep breath, Freixo lifted his head and replied quickly and with finality. “Good night.” He then turned and exited without another word.

Freixo let loose a low growl as he scored another gouge into the wooden wall in front of him. It was already covered in scratches and slashes from all the previous times he clawed at it in anger – this time was no different.

“It’s not fair!” he cried out to no one in particular. “I study just as hard as Maurice! Just because I like to have fun doesn’t make me lazy or unaccomplished.” At this, he banged his head against the wall, panting.

A knock on his door caused him to snap his head up in alarm. Had his parents heard him? He took a shaky breath and swung open the door. He was greeted with the sight of his brother standing in the doorway, a frown on his beak.

The snowy owl let himself in, pushing the fox out of the way with a shove of his wing. Once inside, he turned and crossed his wings, tapping his talons impatiently. “What have you done this time?” he demanded.

“I – I –” Freixo stammered. “What?”

Maurice sighed impatiently. “Mother and father are upset again. What did you do?”

Freixo bristled at his brother’s statement. “I can’t believe that just because they’re upset, you automatically put the cause as being my doing!” he cried.

“Face it,” Maurice growled. “More than half the time, that’s the case. So spit it out, what did you do?”

“Nothing!” Freixo replied angrily, throwing his paws up in the air. “I just went out for a walk after studying my lessons – all day, mind you – and father started throwing a fit about how I was slacking off and mother joined in and started complaining about how I’m not like you!” He ground out the last word particularly bitterly before he turned to glare at the ground.

“Maybe if you did what they asked you to do more often instead of being stubborn and doing things your own way, they’d be less angry with you all the time.” Maurice scoffed.

Freixo ground his teeth together. “I do,” he snarled. “They just don’t acknowledge it! All they ever do is just sit around and complain that I’m being lazy because no matter what I do, I can never measure up to you!” He took a step towards his brother. “You’re the perfect one – the one who does no wrong, the one who doesn’t make mistakes – and I’m the one who is the bumbling idiot who can’t even measure up to his brother’s shadow!”

Maurice narrowed his eyes and pushed Freixo back. “Well, at least you’re not the one who’s pressured to be perfect all the time.” He growled lowly. “You think it’s easy having to keep this up?”

Flattening his ears, Freixo said nothing. He never knew his brother felt that way.

“We all have our demons to face – it just depends on whether you can battle them or not.” Maurice spat out before leaving the room and slamming the door as he left.

Freixo sat in silence afterwards, staring at the ground as Maurice’s words echoed in his mind.

He wasn’t sure when he drifted off, but when he woke, he was lying on the ground at an awkward angle. His back was curved strangely, front paws curled towards his chest, hind paws splayed. Stretching until his back cracked, he yawned before checking the clock. It read two o’clock in the morning.

With his stomach grumbling – he missed dinner after all – Freixo slowly crept out of his room into the dimly lit hallway. By this time, all the lamps had been blown out and only the faint moonlight leaking from the glass windows provided any illumination.

Making his way down the winding marble staircase, Freixo took care to move slowly lest he trip and wake everyone in the castle. He remembered that he had bought a basket of cinnamon rolls from the town’s bakery the previous day and his mouth watered at the thought. Said bakery made the finest, most delicious cinnamon rolls he had ever tasted and he couldn’t wait to finally eat them after the stressful day he had.

Reaching the doorway to the dining hall, he slowly peered in. He knew no one would be there, but it never hurt to check. He was greeted with the sight of the empty room, moonlight pouring in the large windows, illuminating the long wooden table that sat at the center. Creeping towards it, Freixo quickly spotted the basket and eagerly grabbed it.

The excited smile on his face quickly turned into an anguished frown as he saw the basket was empty. He wiped his paw along the basket’s base and noted that some cinnamon powder stuck to it, meaning that this was indeed the same basket that contained his rolls. But where had his treats gone? Indeed, not a trace remained of the six pastries within the basket.

Crestfallen, he managed to find a stale baguette and poured himself a mug of milk as he ate his meager meal. His hope to fix his mood spiraled down and he felt even worse than before he had drifted off to sleep. Dusting his paws of crumbs, he downed the last of his milk before he dejectedly made his way up the stairs once again.

Upon reaching the top, he began a slow walk down the hall towards the bathroom for his bath. He wasn’t able to eat what he wanted, but he could at least take a nice warm dip in the tub, right?

As he passed by Maurice’s room, Freixo noted that it was silent – as usual. His brother never made a peep as he slept. His parents’ room was next and he was surprised to hear hushed whispers coming from inside – normally, they were asleep at this time. Sticking his ear to the door, he strained to listen to what they had to say.

“Do you think Freixo found out about the cinnamon rolls yet?” he heard his father say.

His mother scoffed. “That idiot? Of course not.”

“He’s going to look for them tomorrow,” his father muttered. “If not tonight then tomorrow – and what am I supposed to tell him? That his uncle ate it all? He’d throw a fit.”

Freixo could practically hear his mother rolling her eyes at her next statement. “Don’t be silly. Why tell him the truth? Just run and buy a fresh basket of the pastry before he wakes up and place it on the dinner table. He’s too stupid to realize that it’s not the same basket anyway.”

He heard enough. Pushing himself away from the door, he ran as quietly as he could into the bathroom and closed the door behind him before slumping down against it. He knew what his parents thought of him, but even going so far as to deceive him like this? He felt sick to his stomach.

Standing up, he began to pump hot water into the wooden tub. His parents’ conversation ringing in his head all the while.

Laying on his bed, Freixo found that he could no longer sleep. After overhearing his parents, all his exhaustion just seemed to melt away, replaced by a feeling of numbing coldness. He was tired of this – the constant belittling, the comparisons to Maurice, the disappointment and disapproval as they looked at him.

He always felt as if his family would be better off without him. They certainly acted like they didn’t need him – after all, they always called him useless and lazy. If he left, they’d have one less mouth to feed and one less nuisance to worry about. They wouldn’t have their little scapegoat anymore, no one to pin the blame on when something went wrong.

Freixo felt himself smile as he finally began to drift off to slumber. That’s it, he thought to himself. I’ll just run away.

Genetics doesn't apply in this world, so yes, an elephant and a polar bear can have an owl and a fox for children.😋

This chapter gives us a little bit on insight into Freixo's past. Who knows what else this fox has gone through?

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 August 2017 at 4:56 PM


Fantastic, a new chapter! Happy birthday as well! ❤️

This chapter is so awesome. (How DARE they steal the cinnamon rolls). Genetics are great 😃

Things, he's gone through things 😊

Gender Fluid
2,100 posts


appleblizzard • 13 August 2017 at 10:04 AM


#Exialita #Exialitapg1


The sky was painted a soft, deep blue colour and the stars glistened on the horizon like millions of diamonds, twinkling happily and watching over the peaceful Earth. The grass down below was soft and swayed as it danced to the calm music of the passing breeze. On a grassy meadow far from any village or town, two young children chased each other as their happy laughter filled the peaceful atmosphere of the air.

The first of the two children was 9 years old with pale skin, short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with a tint of red in them under which were two purple markings under each eye in the form of tiger stripes. He wore dark trousers, a grey top with long sleeves, black shoes and around his neck was a necklace with a flask in which there were many shiny black gems. He would have been a perfectly normal young boy if it hadn't been for the tall horns which grew out of his head, much like a reindeer's, and the long silky tail with a flufy end which swayed in the wind as he ran away from the second child.

The boy's companion was a five year old girl who's happy giggles were louder than any other sound in the meadow and whose golden eyes twinkled with happiness. She had short white hair which hung in waves, pale skin and wore knee-high black boots with a short light blue dress with white ribbons and long sleeves which barely showed her fingers. Around her neck also hung a necklace with a flask, but the gems inside were white and seemed to glow with different shades of pink, blue, orange and white. She also was a demon, for on her head were short horns and a tail with an arrow on the end were visible, also accompanied by a short red line on each of her cheeks under the eye.

The two children ran in circles, the girl trying to catch the boy desperately as she laughed through gasps of air. "Jack..." She shouted to him, smiling weakly as her pace decreased. "I can't catch you, wait up!" The boy merely laughed in response and continued to run away from her, looking back to see how far away she was.

The girl stopped to take a breather but as soon as she did, the wind changed. It began to howl and it's previous dance became wild and vicious. The grass darkened and became spiky, and the stars seemed to fade away, leaving the Earth in darkness. The girl looked up as she noticed the change and saw Jack running towards teh forest that surrounded the meadow. Panic welled up inside her and she was unable to utter a single sound as she began to run after him, knowing that they had been warned not to go anywhere near the forests. Her words were caught up in her throat as she tried to stop her friend, but it was too late. What was previously a game for the girl became a fight, a desperate fight to catch up to him.

Jack ran further and further until the thick dark green of the forest concealed his figure completely. The girl stopped, tears falling down her cheeks as she looked in all directions, calling his name in a croaky voice. The wind howled louder and louder, and the little girl covered her ears and squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she loudly shouted his name above the noise.

The noise stopped.

The girl slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She saw none of the forest, none of the meadow that she was in previously. She was standing in a feild, her surroundings dull and looked as though they had been drained of colour and life. She focused in front of her once again and saw a stone a little while away from her. She wiped her tears in order to see clearer and lowering her arms, dread filled her. She wasn't able to stop herself from coming closer and closer though she was terrified to see the truth. As she stood right in front of the stone, all feeling left her for an entire minute.

It was a gravestone.

...Jack's gravestone.

Tears began to fall uncontrollably from her golden eyes as she fell to her knees and her hand lightly touched the name etched into the stone. She curled up in a ball as she heard a whisper close to her and covered her ears but the whispering continued, becoming louder and louder.

"I'll always be with you...I'll always be with you...I'll always be with you!" His voice resounded around her, tearing her little heart apart as she coughed out 'stop' over and over...

The whole image dissolved into tiny particles and became pitch black.

In a town far far away from the meadow, and the forest, and the graveyard, a girl awoke from her dream, opened her eyes suddenly and sat up, tears running down her face like tiny waterfalls and a wild look in her golden eyes. Her black hair, which faded into white at the tips, masked her face as she put her head in her hands and sobbed for another minute. "Liar...," She muttered quietly to no one in particular. "You're such a liar, Jack. You aren't here now, are you? Liar..." She choked out between sobs, lying back down in her bed and hiding her eyes from view using her arm as she knew she wouldn't be able to get any more sleep that night.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 13 August 2017 at 10:55 AM


I love it! So suspenseful and I can't wait to hear more, and the way you wrote it is amazing ❤️

349 posts


fairy_tail • 13 August 2017 at 1:52 PM


Thank you! ❤️

*throws genetics out window*

The cinnamon roll incident is just one of many. This poor fox constantly had his food eaten from under his nose while growing up.☹️

Yes. Many things. *shifty eyes*

I might post another chapter soon.😊

1,088 posts


stagfire • 13 August 2017 at 4:27 PM


You're very welcome! 😊


That's mean. I wonder if that's what my brother feels like....(I eat his food before he can all the time)....EH, he deserves it! XD

*very shifty eyes*

Cool, I should probably do one as well, I've been busy.(WITH NOT MUCH)

442 posts


wolfkit • 25 September 2017 at 5:43 PM

@stagfire could you change my story description to say that Something exciting will happen that will change her life because I don't think I will stick with my original plot line.

Also here is the first part of #bluecrystals


1,088 posts


stagfire • 6 December 2017 at 9:02 PM


Ah, thanks, *edited*

Wonderful writing, can't wait to hear more!

I'm so sorry for my delay in a response

442 posts


wolfkit • 26 December 2017 at 3:34 PM

@stagfire it's okay, I almost forgot about this...

1,088 posts


stagfire • 26 December 2017 at 10:50 PM


Heh, yes, it isn't getting too much love atm XD

442 posts


wolfkit • 28 December 2017 at 10:36 AM

@stagfire it happens, even the best topics soon shut down

1,088 posts


stagfire • 28 December 2017 at 9:13 PM



1,736 posts


jello • 29 December 2017 at 12:14 AM

@stagfire forgot about this for about 8 months. Finished Part two just now.

unlogic in the fullest (episode 1)

1,088 posts


stagfire • 29 December 2017 at 9:28 AM

@jello Lol, that's okay XD

Lol the story so far!! I hope you post more 😊
