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in Forum Games

203 posts


lordwinnie • 28 February 2019 at 8:18 PM

You know, this is it. This is my latest roleplay! Love you my Sister!

20 posts


odera_paseni • 19 March 2019 at 9:39 AM

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are shy and amazing creatures.

4 posts


zombietiger1 • 4 April 2019 at 9:16 PM

Ruby-Female-vampire-senior-crush/SO Bear uwu-tags: Bear

I was rp in a different website

146 posts


sunshineunicorn • 4 April 2019 at 11:39 PM

I Am bored anyone want to start a new role play I can join?

True and actually last thing copied. Not planned

141 posts


stormwarden • 5 April 2019 at 12:43 AM


i was looking at creatures i think?

1,243 posts


senkou • 5 April 2019 at 1:37 AM

My feeding contest. Feel free to join, you can win pretty rare pets 😊

1,883 posts


chaotictreat • 7 April 2019 at 1:39 AM


1,491 posts


froot • 7 April 2019 at 2:08 AM

1,883 posts


chaotictreat • 7 April 2019 at 2:47 AM

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 7 April 2019 at 11:17 AM

The winged rabbit sniffed my hands and hoped another step closer. I gently threw the bit of my sandwich towards it and it jerked back. “No, little one. It’s alright. I won’t hurt you, I promise.” I smiled at it.
It looked up at me with large, black eyes and something seemed to tingle in the air between us. It walked forward and grabbed the bread off the ground in front of me. It looked up at me again, its nose twitching. It walked toward me and sat on my right foot.
I looked down on it in surprise as it made itself comfortable. I ruffled my golden wings and hesitantly picked it up. It looked up at me once, then returned to its snuggle. I smiled down at it, cradling it in my arms. It suddenly moved, shifting its wings out of my embrace.
“Argon?” A female voice called from down the tunnel Okra had disappeared down.
“We better go see what Euca wants.” I whispered to the bunny. I held it gently but firmly as I walked toward Euca’s voice.
Eucalyptus came walking out of the tunnel, them stopped suddenly at the sight of the rabbit. “Argon, where did you find that?” She said softly.
“It was hopping through the room… Why? Is something wrong with it?” I looked down at the white rabbit. It seemed completely harmless.
“No, there’s nothing wrong with it. That’s the thing. That rabbit is a breed of rabbit the world thought was extinct! Nobody has seen one for years! I wish I knew why its fur was white, though. It’s always black with white tipped wings. Not the other way around.” Euca looked excited. “You need to show it to Xenon. He’d like to see it” Euca turned to walk back down the tunnel. “Come on.” She said as she walked away.
I stood in silence, holding the bunny so tightly, it let out a sharp squeak. “Sorry…” It seemed to glare at me, them shoved its face in my arms. I followed Euca down the long corridor.
When I reached the others, she was jabbering on to Varlot about the rabbit I’d found. After some examination, I had discovered it was a girl. I grinned at how bored he looked, like he would willingly die at any moment. I walked over to them, snorting to get their attention.
“It’s a girl. So call her she now. And we can’t spend forever calling her, ‘The rabbit’, So I figured I’d ask your opinions on a name.” I scratched the bunny’s head and a foot thumped in my arms.
“Call her Miss Figgybloomers,” Varlot suggested. “or Fredericka Alexandrite the Seventieth.”
“No, Varlot, She’s incredibly rare. You need to give her an actual name. Like Tula, or Blossom. I suppose Fig would work… or Peach.” Euca argued.
“Exactly. She’s rare, so you need to five her a name that identifies. A name that nobody else would think of!” Varlot said happily. “Call her Moochie or Rainbow Sparkles. Girls like those names, but can I remind you that there are more boys than girls here?” He pointed out.
“Ugh. Varlot, you can’t name them something like that. You may as well just name her-“
“I’ll name her.” I said, butting into the argument. “I was more thinking Hollie.” I said, looking down at the bunny. “Holly comes with sharp ends, and so does this rabbit. She’s not just a pretty sight. She’s a fighter. A fighter nobody suspects until they’re the last ones standing. Holly is also poisonous, by the way.” I petted the bunny’s soft ears.
“That settles that.” Varlot said, walking off like he owned the place.
I rolled my eyes, holding Hollie a bit tighter. “What’s his problem?” I asked Euca.
“Nothing, That’s just Varlot.” She replied. “Now let’s go see Xenon.” Euca turned and walked down the tunnel toward the kid’s office.

I'm writing a book, and this isn't even the beginning... 😊

1,883 posts


chaotictreat • 9 April 2019 at 4:21 AM

Edward Scissorhands

@wingedfox Wow... Can I read it when you're done???

1,243 posts


senkou • 9 April 2019 at 7:06 AM

You pay the shopkeeper 533,128 EC and receive your Mystery Egg.

3 minutes pass as you wait for the egg to hatch. It rumbles and shakes a bit...
YOU TAKE YOUR MYSTERY EGG SUCCESSFULLY!!! You're overwhelmed with excitement as you gaze upon your brand-new baby egg. You immediately have feelings of love and care for your creature. You notice that it's a Tidnab and can't wait for it to grow up.

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 9 April 2019 at 8:48 PM

@chaotictreat You can read it now. I just post more when I finish more. 😊

1,883 posts


chaotictreat • 12 April 2019 at 12:13 AM

@wingedfox How?

Nice UwU

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 12 April 2019 at 10:29 AM

@chaotictreat I can send it to you in a PM. Or you could join another PM with the story. I've got two going. There's no comments by anyone other than me.

Clapping is just hitting yourself because you like something.

1,883 posts


chaotictreat • 17 April 2019 at 4:45 AM

@wingedfox Okay so... I don't know, PM me I guess?

Please tell me you have Cavecash pleeeeeasee

(A bunch of my creatures died ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ )

3,446 posts


chaoschild • 19 April 2019 at 1:44 PM

Turning point

@chaotictreat I'll PM you now. 😊

1,883 posts


chaotictreat • 20 April 2019 at 1:36 AM

I had the laughing/crying emoji copied but it won't show up...

2 posts


picklekitten • 20 April 2019 at 5:00 PM


0 posts


osprey • 22 April 2019 at 7:05 AM

Why was I copying my story? I'm 11 btw so it isn't great...
I was dozing peacefully in Elise’s arms when it happened. The carriage was bumping along the road as we travelled home from Aunt Victoria’s house and the night was a cold and dark one. Nevertheless,the driver steered the horses on through the driving rain.
“Not long ‘til we’re home now, Mr Ponasby!” He called out cheerfully. Mr Ponsaby, Elise’s father, is a bold fellow. Perhaps that is why he opted to travel home tonight- Aunt advised against it. She has heard of the roads for miles around, and knows them to be treacherous in rain and darkness.

With a sudden jolt, we careered off the road. I can only suppose that a horse took fright at the lightning and bolted, but I heard only the sound of smashing glass and screaming as I was torn from Elise and forced out the window. A sharp pain shot through my leg and then-

Then nothing.

Some hours later, I awoke in a bush. Blood and water matted my silver fur and my body was adorned with shards of glass. Worst of all, my leg was cut and there was not a single part of my form that did not ache royally. But where was I? Where was the coach? I limped to the road. No trace of the night’s disaster but shards of glass and metal. Thankfully, there were no… other things, but I was still in the middle of nowhere. Only, it seemed, one thing to do.
Walk back home. Yes, walk. Well, maybe hitch, but Elise’s parents say that is a behavior dreadfully common and not at all suitable for respectable creatures like myself. Sipping from a puddle, I returned to the hedge and began to walk. I could at least deduce which direction we had been travelling in, so I set off that way.

A few days later, I was in bad shape, my ribs showing through my filthy coat. It was fortunate, then, that I came upon Wickswood, the small market town that Elise had briefly visited with me some months before. After considerable searching, I found beneath a fishmonger’s stall a questionable-looking sardine and pounced on it hungrily. Usually, I would have turned my nose up and merely awaited my salmon, but it was obvious that that was not a viable option. Dragging my find with me, I trotted into an alley to eat.
“‘Ere, who are you?”
The voice roused me from my contented stupor and I jerked my head round, terrified of what I was to see; there, blocking the light, was a fierce-looking but small black dog. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that he was in fact only a little taller than myself and was covered in wounds. One of his ears was torn half to pieces and one eye was brown, the other yellow. Overall, it made for an appearance that was both odd, alarming and- in an odd sort of way- almost beautiful.
“I- I’m Smoky and I’m-” The terrier cut me off.
“Smoky, eh? Nice name. I’m Wilbur, pleasure to meet you. Now, where are you goin’? Nobody stays ‘ere long- that is, unless they’ve no other choice.” Here Wilbur paused, and looked at me hard.
“-I’m trying to find my owner, Elise Morgan. There was a crash a few nights ago and we got separated. She can’t be-” I couldn’t say it. Wilbur gave me a sympathetic look.
“ ‘salright, Smoky. I know how it feels: my owner chucked me out ‘cos of my eyes and then the dog-baiters got me. That’s how I got these-” He indicated the numerous scars on his hind legs and head- “but it doesn’t really matter now, ‘cos I escaped. You know what? I’d be more than ‘appy to ‘elp you.”
Needless to say, I agreed.

Within a few minutes, Wilbur and I were out of the market and into the winding backstreets. I shifted closer to him as his ears flattened.
“Thing is, round ‘ere, you ‘ave to look tough,” he muttered. A moment later, he was proved right as three large dogs cornered us.
“Well, well. Who’s you goin’ out with? A CAT?” The first and largest dog grinned nastily.
“Look, you three. Just leave the cat and me alone and nobody gets hurt, includin’ us. That sound like a deal?” Wilbur took up a protective stance, shielding me with his body. THe first dog paused in mock thoughtfulness.
“Nah. C’mon, lads, let’s get ‘em.”
“Smoky, RUN! Left then right then right again, then stay where you are-!” I was horror-struck, rooted to the spot. Surely he wasn’t going to take on these three? For all his bravery, he was still barely bigger than Elise’ baby doll.
“GO!” Wilbur cried. I took one last fleeting glance at the brave little terrier, then took off and ran away from that place, left then right then right again, fleeing. The route spat me out into the bright sunlight just outside the town, and I scrambled into a thicket by the roadside where I am ashamed to say that after a moment all thoughts of Wilbur left my head and I passed out. I awoke some time later to a black nose nudging me. It was him!
“You alright? Thank goodness. Now, we ‘ave to move on…”

I cannot clearly recall the next week. We simply walked and walked and walked along the road, until at last I spotted ahead a familiar church. Could it be-?
It was.
“We’re nearly there!” I mewed. That’s Cotswold church, I’m sure of it!”
Wilbur smiled sadly. “That’s good. You’ll be home…”
Then I realised. Wilbur was a stray, and we were friends, and now I was leaving.
“I’m sure Elise would let you stay, Wilbur- do you want to?” His face lit up.
“ D’you really mean it?”
At that, he barked with joy.
At long, long last, we arrived at the Manor House. I looked at Wilbur one last time and saw that he was as tense as I. Raising my paw, I made to knock-

But just then the door was flung open and Elise stepped out with her mother. They stared at us, confused. Then Elise cried out:
“Smoky!” And caught me into her arms. Her mother, meanwhile, was looking at Wilbur.
“Do you have a home, little dog? I don’t think so. Well, do you want to live here?” Wilbur leapt up and barked happily. Elise’s mother laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He shot me a secret, delighted smile. I shot one back. I was home, and he’d found one- the best possible ending or each of us.

1,318 posts


raccoon • 22 April 2019 at 10:21 AM


3,446 posts


chaoschild • 22 April 2019 at 10:53 AM

@osprey Aww... That's adorable! I love it!


2,235 posts


beta • 22 April 2019 at 11:00 AM

@osprey remember to put a period after an abbreviation such as Mr.

When responding to a wall post make sure u post on others walls

189 posts


wizard • 22 April 2019 at 11:43 AM


(I don't even know)

2,235 posts


beta • 22 April 2019 at 11:51 AM

@wizard it’s a side account for someone 😋

Ya yeet

0 posts


osprey • 22 April 2019 at 3:27 PM

thanks for the advice!

1,783 posts


skyfall4 • 22 April 2019 at 4:52 PM

Seeking a Biocycle born on Earth Day. Can add/separate! PM me to haggle! Thanks ❤️ (please contact main @skyfall4)

Well. Exactly what is says xD *still looking for one*

108 posts


taiyeun9 • 22 April 2019 at 7:54 PM

-Rhee was a hostile anti-communist=wanted to completely get rid of communism-needed US military support​

-US was worried that if korea was taken over by communism the surrounding countries would turn communism​
-stability in Europe would be affected=UN intervention

1,883 posts


chaotictreat • 23 April 2019 at 5:14 AM

@osprey I love ittttt 😃 ❤️

0 posts


osprey • 23 April 2019 at 5:21 AM

Thanks @chaotictreat!
