AIW~ Descendant's Destiny

in Roleplaying

266 posts


starlight123 • 22 August 2017 at 9:45 PM

Hi everyone! Welcome to the RPG! For those of you who want to know, A.I.W. means Alice in Wonderland! This is the descendants of Alice in Wonderland’s story!

Looking for the Sign-Ups? Well look no further! ~> Sign Ups (Still Open!)

What if Alice decided to come back to Wonderland with her husband, who apparently had the same thing happen to him, and live there for the rest of their lives? And if they had children?
Well, that’s what happened. All the Alice in Wonderland characters had children who are now living in this amazing and mysterious world!
But eventually, something starts terrorizing Wonderland, destroying all the wonder-tastical stuff that this land had to offer. Will the descendants of Alice and her friends be able to save the land that they loved so much?

~ There can be romance, just no… you know… scenes.
~Your character must be between the 1-18 age limit
~No cursing. Saying words like, fudge, or making up some weird Wonderland version of cursing is ok. (Ex: Oh fudgecakes! Or Don’t be such a sandslug! IDK XD)
~No Mary or Gary Sues. You’re character can’t be perfect!
~Try to keep an even amount of boys and girls.

Characters + Users:

@Starlight123 (subscribed)
~Crystal, Age 14, White Knight, F
~Ace, Age 16, Card (Humanized), M

~Victoria, Age 16, Queen of Hearts, F
~Alexis, Age 15, Mad Hatter, F

@Wolfkit (subscribed)
~Twinkle, Age 12, Cheshire Cat, F
~Lucky, Age 12, Cheshire Cat, M

~Rosaline, Age 16, Alice, F
~Karmen, Age 16, Mad Hatter, F
~Cain, Age 18, White Knight, M

~Lex, Age 16, White Rabbit, M

~Sunshine, Age 12, Cheshire Cat, F

It was a peaceful afternoon. The bread and butterflies were hovering over the singing violets and the talking lilies. The rocking horseflies and the dogerpillars were chatting with each other opn a nearby leaf. Everything seemed so peaceful in wonderland.
Crystal opened her book. titled "An Enchanted Unbirthday." It basically listed everyone's name, birthday, what type of things they enjoyed, and what they wanted to be gifted for their unbirthdays. The book constantly changed as people passed away or as their wishes changed. Today was her birthday, so no presents for her today. She'd have to prepare for the surprise unbirthday parties that the Mad Hatter and his children were probably planning.

Ace (Just a quick explanation. His father's a card, his mother is a human. So he's a human with and ace tattoo underneath his left eye, on his right wrist, and on both his ankles.)

Ace watched the cards line up and fight under the Queen of Hearts orders. As a child of one of the cards, he could stay in the palace whenever he felt like it. Today, he just wanted to watch the fighting. Since he was part human, part card, the Queen had gave him a choice that when he turned 18, he could either become a civilian like his mom, or work in her military, like his dad. This was helping him to decide what he wanted to do when he reached 18.
He turned away from the window and began to walk down the palace halls, whistling as he looked at portraits of the past and present Queen of Hearts. One day, Victoria's picture would be on the walls.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 22 August 2017 at 10:05 PM

@starlight123 - Yay, it's starting!

Victoria slumped onto her bed, her red walls burning her eyes. She put her elbows down, leaning over to see if the Queen was anywhere in sight. Victoria jumped out of her bed, eyeing her normal red dress. She sniffed and grabbed a red shirt and a pair of jeans, quickly slipping her flats on as well. She tiptoed over to the door, quietly closing it before opening her window and slipping out. She turned around and closed it, crawling out onto the tree before swinging down on her rope. The dusty ground went up in smoke as she landed and Victoria had to stop a cough. She started down towards the village.
"Now let's go find some for info on the 'Jabberwocky'," she muttered, turning to the white dog that yapped at her. "Hey, Snowy," she murmured, rubbing his ears. The dog barked and trailed after her as she walked towards the village, the castle gleaming behind her.

(Whoops, I forgot to mention Victoria has a dog XD)

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starlight123 • 23 August 2017 at 2:27 PM

Ace [to Victoria] (@stagfire Since Ace is staying in the castle sometimes with Victoria, I just want to clear up that his father's a card, his mother is a human. So he's a human with and ace tattoo underneath his left eye, on his right wrist, and on both his ankles. Oh and something else, he can be pretty mean too.)

Ace turned down the hallway and saw Victoria heading down to the village. He smirked.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? It's a little princess who's about to get her feet all dirty. What a shame she can't be dignified like her mother," he sneered.
Crystal was in the apple orchard behind the Heart's Castle. It was a relaxing place where she hung out with Victoria, Alexis, Lucky, Twinkle, Ace, Rosaline, Lex, Karmen, and Cain.So many wonderful moments were spent here. She sighed, leaning back on a nearby tree. Suddenly, she heard voices coming from the doorway of the castle. She stood up and started running towards the voices. It sounded like Ace and Victoria.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 23 August 2017 at 2:48 PM

@starlight123 (Lol, they're perfect together. I reread your post so I got that already though. Thanks, though)

Victoria looked back at Ace.
"Well, here's a weird little hybrid who's going to abandon a parent. Boo hoo," she flashed back, fake rubbing her eyes. She quickly turned around, trotting towards the village. Hopefully Ace wasn't going to go visit his mother, that was Victoria's first stop. She would have to double back and see if Ace would follow her. Snowy barked suddenly and she whirled around, spotting Crystal. "Hey, Crystal, Ace is feeling super sad today, he's making fun of me," she looked at him,"Which never works."

458 posts


wolfkit • 23 August 2017 at 4:34 PM

I have subscribed

Twinkle eyed a nearby leaf and pounced on it, only to find herself on her back with her tail in her face. She groaned as she got up, "hi Twinkle!" Twinkle jumped at the sound of her name and arched her back, Lucky poked his head out of the hollow log that Twinkle hadn't noticed before, she sighed a breath of relief and sat down Lucky may not magically appear out of thin air like she could but he could appear out of nowhere. "so, what are you doing?" he asked as he stepped on a hollow part of a log which cracked and broke under his weight.

"Gah!" he yelled as his foot went under. He tugged at it but it wouldn't come free, he then bit down on the bark but that just made it worst "a little help here?" he asked Twinkle who was now staring at him as if he was a monster, she smiled apologetically, and scampered off, "I have to um, I have to go see something" she yelled back, but Lucky knew the real reason his mom and dad had warned twinkle not to come near him because, his "unluckiness" might wear off on her and she will be unlucky also. He couldn't really blame her it was what she was taught. "can someone help me please!?!" he yelled at the top of his lungs but he knew it was useless no one would come out into the woods to come looking for him.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 23 August 2017 at 9:58 PM

Alexis sighed, swinging her feet. She froze, hearing a yell. She set her book down, checking to see if Karmen or her dad were watching. She quickly slipped into her shoes, darting down the windy dirt road for the sound of the voice. A little ways down where the Chesire cat usually resided. She spotted a cat struggling by a log. She dashed over, slashing at the wood. The paw quickly became loose and the cat meowed in relief.
"Who are you?" she asked, trying to recognize the cat.

458 posts


wolfkit • 24 August 2017 at 4:27 PM

@stagfire It might not matter right now but he is a cat, I don't think he can change into an animal. So if Cheshire cat fell in love with another cat they would have kittens if Cheshire cat fell in love with a girl then there may be hybrids in the family but twinkle and lucky are ordinary cats just like Cheshire cat, I just wanted to clear that up.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 24 August 2017 at 4:35 PM

@wolfkit - Ahhh, k. So he's a cat right now? I edited it if so.

266 posts


starlight123 • 24 August 2017 at 5:56 PM

Crystal (@stagfire)

Crystal rolled her eyes. "Vicky, you know Ace is always the little "make fun of everyone else" type of guy. Doesn't matter if he's happy or not!"
Crystal then turned to Ace and said," You really should lighten up a little, buddy. You're cloudier than a thunder-storm filled sky."
She turned back to Victoria. "Let's go!"

Ace (Sometimes for Ace, I'll use card abbreviations. Diamonds= D Hearts=H Clubs= C Spades=S [easy enough] The card number will be before the suit abbreviation so the ace of spades would be 1S and the third of hearts would be 3H. Easy enough, right? c: I hope so... this could get very confusing if you didn't read this part... Yeesh... Ace is so confusing... XD ) (BTW Jack's are kinda like the Queen's advisors, the other Queens and Kings are all under the Queen of Heart's control.)

Ace watched the two girls leave and rolled his eyes. "Sandslugs..." he thought. He walked outside to the area where the cards were practicing. The Queen must have saw him out of the corner of her eye, because she threw a spear at him. Luckily, he had caught the spear.
"Well, what are you waiting for? You're up next!" she screamed.
Ace rolled his eyes and stepped into the circle. The other card, the four of diamonds, glared at him. 4D lunged at him, but Ace dodged the attack easily, sliding underneath the card and standing up behind it. He thrust his sword at 4D's back, but the card twisted itself enough so it could temporarily block Ace's hit.
"Low left, high right, midsection,"Ace thought, backing up and attacking according to his plan.

Deleted • 24 August 2017 at 9:54 PM

Sunshine wandered around. Yawn. Where was Lucky? They were told to stay away or his back luck would curse him or something, but she just doesn't care. She went to go see where Twinkle is. At least she was aloud to play around and everything with her.

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stagfire • 24 August 2017 at 10:07 PM


Victoria dashed after Crystal, Snowy at their heels, barking. She took out her journal.
"Hey, wait!" she called and Crystal backed up, looking over her shoulder. "I found some new stuff on our 'Jabberwocky'," she exclaimed and Crystal made an ooing sound. She glanced back, seeing Ace running towards the castle to fight some cards.

458 posts


wolfkit • 25 August 2017 at 4:51 PM

@neko-sama @stagfire

"Hey Sunshine!" Twinkle said as she appeared on a branch, "did you want me?" she smiled as Sunshine jumped at the sound of her voice. Sunshine spun around and glared at her I told you not to do that!" she hissed clearly annoyed that she was caught by surprise by her own sister, a human maybe, but not a daughter of Cheshire cat certainly! Twinkle licked a paw and looked at Sunshine, "you want to play?" she asked.

"thanks!" Lucky panted as he saw his foot come free once more, "my name is Lucky, who are you?" he asked trying to study his savior, "are you the daughter of mad hatter or just a really ugly girl!" he joked, "I got t-to go" he stammered clearly realizing his mistake, because he realized that this girl was the daughter of mad hatter, and he didn't think that she would like to be called ugly. He sped off at amazing speed he sure wish he could disappear just like Twinkle, or at least find somewhere to hide like Sunshine could, but unlike either of them he was fast and he could lose her just as easily, and he could hear her trying to catch up. with another burst of speed he climbed up a tree, and layed down trying to catch his breath.

Deleted • 25 August 2017 at 5:05 PM

Lex's nose twitched. He was casually hopping through the woods since he wasn't on a time crunch at the moment. Reaching the edge of the woods he stared up at the castle that seemed to be towering over him. Wiping his paw quickly over his face, Lex began to hop closer to the castle to find something to do. Looking around he stood on his hind legs and pulled out his watch out of his vest pocket and stared at the time. His eyes widened with irritation. Quickly sprinting towards a store he remembered he was getting fitted for a new vest (Like those vest's under suits XD) and bow tie. "I can't be late, nope. Not an option." Lex continued to repeat that as he dashed past people.

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stagfire • 25 August 2017 at 10:19 PM


Alexis dashed after him, offended. She eventually stopped, losing him. She looked around, discouraged before spotting him in a tree. She put her hands on her hips, one hand rubbing her necklace.
"You know, it's not polite to insult a girl and then run off," she pointed out, smiling. Her shirt flowed softly in the wind and she patiently waited for his answer.

Deleted • 26 August 2017 at 10:19 AM

Sunshine jumped up onto a tree. "Really?" she pawed some leaves of her fur and waited. Hopefully Lucky wasn't here with Twinkle. Lucky was always a bit annoying to her. Besides, she wasn't supposed to be with him, so yep. She leaped down, landing right in front of Twinkle. She slipped in a bit of mud.

458 posts


wolfkit • 27 August 2017 at 2:05 PM

@neko-sama @stagfire

Twinkle swished her tail on the ground, "I completely under stand if you don't want to play?" she said laughing. "do you want to play." she asked again out of uncertainty she often got her facts mixed up.

Lucky smiled cheekily "what do you expect from a cat?" he said this because he knew he and his siblings where the only cats in wonderland (not sure if this is true please correct me if it isn't) and they were all trouble, "but hey! I'll see you around" some time as he slowly got out of the tree and started to walk on the ground. He was trying to act cool but he slipped and fell flat on his face, "just my luck." he complained as he flexed his nose to see if he had bruised it, which he had. He grumbled he hated being unlucky nothing good happened to him and he was always clumsy around someone.

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stagfire • 27 August 2017 at 4:11 PM

@wolfkit @appleblizzard

Alexis laughed, trailing behind him as he stoutly walked off.
"Your nose will probably hurt like bug for a day, but then it'll be fine," she assured him, stopping. She wasn't sure what she would do now. She rubbed her hair, anxious for her father. She sighed, backtracking towards the Mad Hatter's house. A few moments later, she cautiously knocked on the door.
"Pop, it's me," she called through the door, using the brass knocker again.
"Oh, hello, Alexis! I'm glad you're back, I'm just going to have so tea with Alice and Chesire," he informed her and Alexis nodded, confused. He must have something on his mind, he didn't seem worried she'd been gone for a couple of minutes. Well, 3o.
"I hope you enjoy your tea time, I'm just going to be upst-" she started, taking a step forward. The Hatter held her there, shaking his finger.
"No no, Alexis, I saw you talking," he paused, inhaling dramatically."A boy!" he sighed, holding his chest. Alexis examined him.
"How could you tell? We are so far away and he was a cat, nonetheless!" Alexis protested and the Hatter shook his fingers lightly.
"No, no, Alexis. Now, toodles!" he cried kissing her forehead, hurriedly taking a set of tea cups. Chesire floated after him, carrying the pitcher and Alice trailed behind. She turned to Alex, cupping her face with a hand.
"I'll watch over your father, don't worry," Alice assured her and Alexis noded, grateful, as Alice slipped out the door.
"Karmen!" she called as she walked up the steps, slipping off her shoes.

266 posts


starlight123 • 27 August 2017 at 8:22 PM

"Cool," Crystal said, looking at Victoria's notes. "Where do you want to stop at first? I was thinking the Twisty Woods. Dangerous, yet a grest place to learn about the Jabberwocky."

Deleted • 27 August 2017 at 9:33 PM

After getting fitted, Lex left the store feeling relieved. Shoving the clock in his pocket he hopped off to a new destination. He then seen Alice, Mad Hatter, and Cheshire Cat leaving with tea stuff. Checking his time he tapped his foot. "4 minutes and 23 seconds until they're late." Mumbling under his breath he continued on ignoring the time crisis eating at his mind. Looking around Lex sat by a tree and stared off at people coming and going.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 27 August 2017 at 10:36 PM


Victoria nodded.
"First though, I want to see Miss. Q, Ace's mom," she explained, walking through the town."Perhaps pick up some food as well. She's a nice woman," she coughed, looking at Crystal's glance. "Mmm, those lemon tarts are delicious," she murmured, rubbing her palms."That does sound like a good idea though, the Twisty Woods," she called, spreading her fingers, sore from writing so much in her journal.


Alicia wandered through the town, scaring off people. She spotted Lex lounging beside a tree. Well, mostly lounging, his foot was thumping worriedly and he constantly checking his watch.
"Hi, Lex, I hate to bother you, how are you?" she asked, looking around, her brain zoning out. "Oo, flowers," she whispered, touching her scar. She flinched, looking at Lex again.

Deleted • 27 August 2017 at 11:02 PM


Slightly looking up to see who it was that stood before him. "Oh its you, you're no bother at all. I'm doing excellent. Except wondering why people don't carry their own watches. I can instantly notice when someone's late, quite annoying." He thumped his foot on the ground and twitched his nose. "Anyway how are you? Anything more interesting then me worrying about time?" Lex smiled and wiggled his tail ever so slightly. Noticing her flinch he tilt his head and his left ear flopped to the side of his face while the other ear stayed upright. "Are you alright?" He stated as he grabbed his clock. "If we leave now we can make it just in time to have that checked out." Staring at the clock a little longer he finally snapped out of it and looked at her.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 27 August 2017 at 11:22 PM


Alicia shook her head.
"Oh no, it's fine," she assured him, rummaging through her pocket. A moment later, she pulled out a pocket watch."I got one, I figured it would make you happier," she explained, rubbing the rim with her thumb."Although, the cashier ran away from me. I told him to take the change," she shrugged, putting the pocket watch in her pocket again.

Deleted • 28 August 2017 at 12:12 AM


Smiling big now, Lex nodded. "You know how much that raised my spirits." Chuckling he put his own pocket watch away. "Maybe the cashier was just running out of time. Or...just forgot something...possibly?" Lex nodded calmly and swiped at his ear with his paw to have it go upright again.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 28 August 2017 at 11:25 AM


Alicia nodded.
"I'm glad it raised your spirits," she said cheerfully, tilting her head sideways at his suggestion."I highly doubt it, Lex. You know how people act around me here," she pointed out, twiddling her thumbs. "I do get free money a lot though, people just hand it to me," she laughed."It's probably to say, "I'll pay you to stay away from me,"" she chuckled, stretching her hands behind her.
"Well, I'm sure you have to be on time somewhere instead of talking to me... unless you don't," she said, shrugging.

(I'm going to be gone from noon today until Friday or Saturday, sorry I'll be gone and can't rp!)

266 posts


starlight123 • 30 August 2017 at 1:57 AM

@stagfire (When they get to Ace's mom place, we can both play Lia and Ace's mother, if you want too. We'll only play them temporaily of course. C: )


"You want to visit Miss Quintaira, first? Ok...," Crystal replied. Sure Ace's mom was a nice person, but Crystal was positive that Ace's mother was constanly trying to pair him up with one of his "sweet female friends."

And now, here they were, two possible brides for Ace, about to face his mother. Crystal rhymatically knocked on the purple wooden door of the cottage. It was peasantly small, with a straw roof and orange wood as the frame. Apparently, Ace's mother forgot to paint thr frame of the house the same light tan color as the rest of the house.

Crystal held her breath as the door creaked open. A medium sized, peasant looking lady stood at the door way. Her black apron dusted with white flour, her orange skirt stained with something that looked like melted candy. And her ruffled blouse flapped like the wings of a seagull... or a baygull. It was not Ms. Quintaira, but her maid, Lia.

"Oh! What a peasant suprise! Come right in!" Lia squealed.

Ace (can they not leave his mom's house until he gets there, please?)

Ace sighex and wiped the sweat off his brow. He was planning to visit his mother today. He quickly got changed and headed down into the village.

Gender Fluid
2,100 posts


appleblizzard • 30 August 2017 at 5:15 AM

@starlight123 @stagfire @lightningpaws @wolfkit @neko-sama (Sorry for not being online for so long, I was away)

Rosaline was walking around town, her mood exceedingly happy. She greeted the people in the streets with a bright smile and waved at some of the people who she had known for a long time. As she turned the corner, she nearly walked into an old friend of hers. "Karmen!" She grinned and hugged her. "Where are you off to today then?"

"Ah, Rosie, well hello there! I don't quite know, maybe to here, maybe to there, wherever I'd like!" Karmen replied, her grin reaching from ear to ear.

Rosaline shook her head, amazed at Karmen's hyper activity. "Well then, I'm off to a shop that I quite like in town, are you coming with me?"

Karmen shook her head in response and then rushed off to annoy another passer by about whether her hair was 'very curly' or 'really curly'. Rosaline sighed adn continued on her way to the shop that she really liked.

(She's going to Ace's Mum's shop.)

266 posts


starlight123 • 30 August 2017 at 10:20 PM

( @appleblizzard It's ok. School's starting so I understand in-activeness.)
Ace walked down the old dusty road towards his mother's house. He already knew the way by heart. When he reached 18, he planned to ask the Queen if he could work for the military and live with his mother. Maybe one year in service, the next at home. He doubted the Queen would allow him too. Anyways, it was a pleasant thought if she'd actually allowed it.

His mother owned a shop downtown where she usually sold her homemade sweets and cookies. However, she tend to spend more time at home. She would cook or knit or sew or sing, or do whatever she felt like doing in the dusty old rooms. She hardly ever went down to her shop. Lia always had to deliver the freshly baked goods to the shop for his mother. His mother could bake about 10 batches at a time so the trips always had enough food to restock the whole store.

Ace reached his mother's pleasant little cottage and knocked on the door. Whistling as he waited for Lia to open it. The door swung open.

"Oh hello! What a pleasant surprise!" Lia said.

Ace flashed his calling card at Lia. "Mother sent for me a few days ago. I haven't had time to come for a call until now."

"Oh yes, yes, come along now," Lia responded, pushing Ace into the room. "Miss Q? Your son has arrived!"

1,088 posts


stagfire • 1 September 2017 at 5:19 PM

@starlight123 @appleblizzard

Victoria groaned, hearing Lia's voice. Ace was there.
"We're totally screwed," she hissed to Crystal, gritting her teeth."True love," she muttered, watching Miss. Q's glance.
"Well now, maybe Ace will like either of these pairings," Quintaira yelped happily, dancing on her toes. Victoria groaned again. It never went well when Ace was around, Miss. Quintaira didn't talk too much about how they could pair up when he was gone. The other choice was how much she missed him. She jumped in surprise as Lia clattered a tray of tea in front of them.

266 posts


starlight123 • 1 September 2017 at 11:31 PM

Crystal (@stagfire)
Crystal nodded in Victoria's direction, and gave her an intense look, hoping she understood to keep quiet until it was the right time to talk.

Crystal's eyes met Ace's as he examined the room. She saw him quickly mouth "Try to get to the bathroom! I'll make an excuse when you disappear!"

Crystal shook her head an mouthed back "Your mother would never let us talk to her or you again if we did that!"

Ace rolled his eyes and mouthed back "But there's no other way to get out of this situation!"

Crystal shook her head "There's always a loophole."

Miss Q apparently didn't notice the silence conversation, nor did Lia for that matter. Anyways, Ace's mother sat down on her comfy chair and grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

"How pleasant to have all three of you here. Now girls, if you can excuse me, I need to talk to my son. If you don't mind..." Miss Q said, motioning her hand towards the door.

"Oh yes, ok. I understand," Crystal said. She stood up and bowed politly. "Thank you for having us." She quickly left the room, checking to see if Victoria was behind her.

She met Ace's eyes again and he managed a small smile, before turning to face his mother.

"Ace, please sit," his mother said, motioning towards a chair.

"Mother? You have never called for me before. What in all of Wonderland is wrong?" Ace said, still standing.

His mother sighed softly and put a hand to her forehead. "Please, my son. Sit."

Ace still stood.

"What is the matter with you boy? Do as your mother says!" Lia screamed.

"Lia," his mother said, holding up her hand as a symbol to stop. Lia took a step back. "If he wants to stand, let him be."

"Yes m'am," Lia said softly.

His mother stared at him," My, how you've grown!"

Ace scolded,"I rather skip the plesantries, mother. Tell me what's going on!"

His mother sighed softly. "Your great aunt Marg has finally passed away."

Ace kept a straight face, but inside, he was broken. Great Aunt Marg was the only person who seemed to treat him as more then just a possible choice for a soilder, she treated him like a normal boy. He had only met her once, when he was twelve, but he had cared for her very deeply.

He turned away from his mother and stared at the floor.

His mother continued,"She wanted you to have this."

She stood up and took his curled fist in her hand. She opened it and put in his aunt's gift. He didn't look at the fist or the gift. He was deep in thought.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 September 2017 at 9:44 PM


Victoria trudged after Crystal, sighing. She twisted her head, watching as Miss. Q and Ace conversed, their heads bowed. She trotted out, swiftly closing the door behind her. She grabbed three lemon tarts, leaving a few tokens in their place. She handed one to Crystal, delightfully sinking her teeth into it.
"She still makes the best tarts, relationships or not," she pointed out, her fingers crusted.
