Repositioning Creature Headshots

in Site Feedback & Ideas

1,568 posts


firedawn • 6 December 2018 at 5:50 AM

Like the title says, perhaps there could be a way to reposition Creature Headshots, like we were able to in V2? Maybe just to move it around so that the displayed creature would look centered/nicer. Thank you!

2,158 posts


prairie • 6 December 2018 at 10:03 AM

Yeah, I kinda miss that. 😋 (Like alot.) It was one of the things I missed most about V2.
I will say that I love that they are circle icons though. 😃 But I'd love it even more if you could have an option to do a headshot in the circle or do full body.
It makes the profile picture more personalized too.

4,845 posts


newlife • 6 December 2018 at 10:37 AM

Yep, I agree! Sometimes the full body image is rather inflattering. But more than that, it gives each user a bit of character. I can get two different users mixed up now if they have the same creature with the same background, so I always have to look at the name. With the customized headshot, I could easily tell who was who, even if their creatures looked the exact same.

1,568 posts


firedawn • 9 December 2018 at 1:28 AM

@prairie Same! I think the circle icons are quite nice, but yeah, sometimes creatures get cut off and it only shows half, etc, and it just doesn't look as nice as it would if it were repositioned. Those options sound amazing ^^ and it would definitely be alot more personalised!

@newlife Agreed. And yes, it would give every user their own character! ^^ Someone might showcase their creature's name for example if they're a name collector while others might have a tiny Blobbart and show the SoB xD It would be a lot easier to differentiate.
