Stop people asking for returns

in Help & Questions

2,200 posts


thedarkarcher • 10 February 2019 at 1:58 PM


I wanted to make a forum about users that write in a creatures profile asking them to return the creature when you quit or if the creature is lost. I really don't get how this should be allowed on eggcave when a trade is complete surely asking and writing in someones profile for it back is unfair. In eggcaves rules it says once a trade is complete its complete so why should this change if someones quitting. Im not sure on where eggcave stands on this and if this is actually not allowed or not its just i see it often that im unsure.

5,402 posts


Orderedchaos • 10 February 2019 at 2:28 PM

Once a trade is completed that's it its done. If someone quits they are not obligated in any way to return a creature to former owner, that creature is yours and you can do whatever you want with it even keep on your account after you quit.

We in no way enforce any of these "if you quite return to X" statements. They mean absolutly nothing in terms of the rules as they currently stands. Anyone putting such statements in a creature's profile is pretty much making a wish, one that is not supported in anyway by Egg Cave.
