Collection UFT

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468 posts


hippy • 14 June 2019 at 12:23 PM

I am opening @baby for UFT. Know the prices, know the value. I will not even respond to any lowball offers. I will not respond to 'foot-in-the-door' tactics or 'anything in my cove' offers. Actually offer me something. For the most part, my interest in creatures is pretty transparent. I like colorful, weird, wacky creatures. The older, the better. Any lowball offers will immediately be blocked, all side accounts, and I will not respond ever. I understand haggling, but if you're coming at me with three 2018 CSPs for 1 2012 CSPs, please leave me alone. I am not going to give you that deal you're hoping for. I'm just trying to be fair on both ends. All creatures are UFT, I will not accept pure CC.

I REPEAT, I REPEAT, I DO NOT WANT ANY RECENT CSPs (2017-current). I DO NOT WANT A COMBINATION OF RECENT CSPs. If you do have something in your collection that is of equal trade and you are giving me these lowball offers because you want a valuable creature, but don't want to give anything valuable, just trade fodder, you will not get a respond. PM me for crazier creatures like the Armnae because I would like to keep most trade PMs private due to security concerns. Thank you!

UFT - @baby
UFT - @hipsterism

Edit // I am getting rid of @baby so I can downsize, just get my dreamies, then go on hibernation. The Othgog is no longer UFT due to ridiculous offers.
And if you have a hard time grasping this. Imagine you trading with someone. Put yourselves in their shoes and ask 'would I be happy getting what I'm giving them?'. If the answer is no or some excuse about 'how everyone is different/different creatures/different tastes, you got some character defects you might need to work on.

2,214 posts


thedarkarcher • 14 June 2019 at 2:27 PM

@hippy Hello would you be interested in an Amma for your Hulae plus something (not sure on budgies values but there is a large gap between the dates so im not sure lol) ?
