Tim's not keeping them 100% happy?

in Problems & Bugs

62 posts


tehuti88 • 28 November 2020 at 3:46 PM

Nothing hugely important, but it seems a bit misleading. I fed my cove, then put them all in Tim's shop. Screencaps taken seconds apart pretty much explain it. :/


Why did 1% happiness immediately disappear...?

I think this also happened with a pet I abandoned recently. (Side note, I dislike abandoning, but nobody wants to trade or pay for recurring event pets, so I figure it's a good way for me to get space and somebody gets a free pet.) I first fed it and put it in Tim's shop like I always do, got it to 100% happiness. Shortly after, it was adopted by another user, but its happiness dropped back down to like 92% or whatever it had been previously. Do pets get pulled from Tim's shop and lose the happiness they got there if they're rehomed during that 24-hour period?

Even if that's so, I'm not sure what explains the disappearing 1% for my own cove. :/ While waiting for Tim's page to finish reloading (takes a while with such a big cove), I'd opened up another tab on the site, could that have somehow done it...? Tim's page DID say my cove was at 100% when it finished loading, yet I was at 99% in the new tab. I refreshed Tim's page to see what would happen, and the result is what you see in the second pic above.

5,405 posts


Orderedchaos • 28 November 2020 at 4:17 PM

It is possible that you caught the moment when a creature's happiness decreased right before Tim's bumped it back to 100. It is also possible that your cache didn't update correctly. (this can sometimes happen with creature images) If this happens again try clearing your browser's cache and see if that fixes the problem.
