cove clearout - csps, older monthlies, le's, names, dead creatures and more!

in Trading & Auctions

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 18 January 2021 at 7:32 PM

hello!! i haven't been active in awhile, and i have a bunch of creatures on @encalop for trade for cc/ec (i would prefer cc)!! the prices listed below are all from budgie's pricing guide, but i'm pretty flexible with values ((: (personally, i feel that some creatures are overpriced).
a few csp creatures on my main are also for trade, but i'd prefer creatures for those! i'm just curious to see what offers there are!
note: none of these creatures are re-releases ((:

csps (tentative)
1x Aliambe
1x Pipared
1x Electrock
1x Leoaquar
1x Waurolrus
limited editions
1x Cirthark | 200 - 400 cc
1x Tific | 400 - 500 cc
1x Twobot |200 - 300 cc
older cave monthlies
1x Demga | 500k ec
1x Motjaa | 50 - 100 cc
1x Pami | 300 - 400 cc
1x Irel | 100 - 200 cc
1x Kinka | 200 cc
1x Pogknot | 100 - 200 cc
cave monthlies
1x Bzzt | 300 - 500k ec
1x Compewt | 50 - 100 cc
8x Mournstrom | 250k ec
6x Sockey | ~55k ec
1x Bruxa | 35k ec
4x Whirlz | ~ 100k ec
2x Cihikob | ~ 60k ec
2x Wregeon | 100k ec
3x Kyootie | ~ 300 - 400k ec (1x sold)
1x Crypto | ~350k ec
1x Clowver | ~ 65k ec
1x Stobow | ~ 75k ec (1x sold)
1x Cozi | 100 - 200k ec
1x Lumisage | 200 - 300k ec
3x Onnekas | ~ 100k ec
3x Flagrafly | 200 - 300k ec
1x Florette | 45k ec
2x Clickroach | 250 - 500k ec
3x Gansokoro | 100k - 200k ec
1x Globear | 100k ec
3x Pekva | ~ 40k ec (1x sold)
1x Piraneer | ~ 100k ec
4x Mefisto | 200 - 300k ec
3x Gilyon | 300k ec
5x Giramint | ~ 65k ec
4x Goldshard | ~ 55k ec
6x Harpette | ~ 30k ec
5x Kernell | 250 - 350k ec
1x Swanice | ~ 75k ec (1x sold)
1x Eirephant | 200 - 300k ec
5x Lumisage | 200 - 300k ec
2x Tamsi | 50 - 100 cc
1x Yastara | 75K - 150k ec
1x Renbogi | 200k ec
2x Tokaroz | 50 - 100k ec
5x Tortell | ~ 75k ec
1x Nulli | 600k ec
2x Mossoroo | ~ 110k ec
2x Icestrom | ~ 50k ec
1x Impkin | ~ 50k ec
2x Postork | 100k ec
1x Quadwing | 200 - 300k ec
3x Doro
2x Nibinne
1x Arcweom | 100 - 200 cc
2x Arkchie | ~ 50k ec
3x Clast | 650k ec
1x Unusith | 100 - 200 cc
2x Cosmiathan | 200 cc (1x sold)
1x Cobranch | 550k ec
1x Zalaeth | ~ 150 cc
1x Specouro | 200 cc
3x Rhoull | ~ 300k ec
2x Ruum | ~ 270k ec
1x Doomwalker | 50k ec
1x Succutelent | ~ 220k ec
5x Dropalla | ~ 45k ec
3x Suiina | > 250k ec
3x Erduri | 150 cc
1x Froplet | ~ 100k ec
7x Hoddel | ~ 40k ec
2x Innu | ~ 280k ec
3x Mothman | ~ 40k ec
2x Logaster | 50k ec <
2x Snainle | 250k ec <
1x Ceryneean
4x Holoton
4x Mull
2x Nubbe
1x Chimera | 50 - 150 cc
1x Diablos | ~ 150k ec
2x Kujak | 5k ec
1x Coinster | 150 - 250k ec
2x Elge | 250 - 350k ec
1x Diminuaith | 50k ec
6x Dragfer | 30 - 80k ec
2x Meriton | ~ 100k ec (1x sold)
2x Jubaleen | > 200k ec
1x Ocktin | 500k ec
3x Shengxiao | 90k ec
star commons
1x Yeep | 30k ec
1x Suckerlop | 30k ec
1x Savarab | 30k ec
dead creatures
if you would like one of these creatures, please include 200cc for the resurrection stone!!
1x Eartha
1x Kampos
4x Kaihon
2x Horsca
1x Feggle
1x Taigrin
1x Diablos
1x Sorien
1x Zubflug
1x Krampus
1x Chirpish
1x Larsonic
i also have many names on both @encalop and @aquamarine , they're mostly real words, harry potter spells and some sport player names ((:

852 posts


athanasia • 18 January 2021 at 9:47 PM

I would like to buy a Swanice and Bruxa, how does 110k EC sound?

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 19 January 2021 at 5:28 AM

sounds good!! here is the lot!!
also @orderedchaos or any other mod: i accidentally put this topic under the wrong thread (it should be in trading and auctions), would it be possible to switch it?? thank you, and sorry!!

852 posts


athanasia • 19 January 2021 at 10:26 AM

Offered 😊

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 19 January 2021 at 6:20 PM

thank you, i accepted ((: have a good day!!

852 posts


athanasia • 19 January 2021 at 6:22 PM

You too!

330 posts


jaywesome • 19 January 2021 at 7:53 PM

@leafmelody I would love a Bruxa and Kyootie - that would be 440k ec right? 😸

126 posts


songbird • 19 January 2021 at 9:04 PM


Heyo what would you be seeking for your Electrock? Pure cc?

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 19 January 2021 at 9:17 PM

hello! i just realised that i only had one bruxa uft, i must've counted wrong, sorry about that!! but the kyootie is available, that 400k sounds good!! here is the lot, sorry again ^^;
hello! for the electrock, i would prefer creature offers over cc, what creatures could you offer?? thank you ((:

192 posts


vanley • 19 January 2021 at 9:38 PM

Do you have any specific creatures you're looking for when it comes to the Electrock?

1,719 posts


lexicon • 19 January 2021 at 9:39 PM


hii~❤️ nice seeing you online!! 😊

i am also interested in the lil bab electrock! i have some creatures here Trade #971787 and potentially a few from my main uft (a scorbis)

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 19 January 2021 at 9:59 PM

hey!! i would prefer wishlist creatures, but to be honest, my wishlist is a little outdated, and there are many more creatures i would've added ^^;
i skimmed your cove, and your Folaurum caught my eye, although it's not a high priority for me, and i doubt it's uft :'o
hey!! nice to see you online as well ((: none of the creatures in the lot interested me, but on your main, i'd be interested in your sylvern, spookcat and felindle, although i'd have to add a lot for all of them and i doubt they're for trade as well ^^;

192 posts


vanley • 19 January 2021 at 10:04 PM


Yeah, the Folaurum was a gift, she and Trubel(my Cloverli) are the only ones I'm not planning on trading any time soon. Though if you're interested in anything else, I'd be open to that and I can add 3kcc to the creature offer of you're still interested in cc 😊

1,719 posts


lexicon • 19 January 2021 at 10:10 PM

@leafmelody understandable, no worries! is there anything else in @syntax that you might be interested in? if not, good luck on your trades~ ❤️

1,539 posts


5eggs79 • 19 January 2021 at 10:42 PM


Hello. I might be interested in some names you have, particularly some of your athlete names like Biles, Raonic and Kerber. I'm also interested in the name Netball. I was wondering if these might be for trade/sale and if so, if you have an estimate on how much you are looking for them?

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 19 January 2021 at 11:14 PM

ah thank you for letting me know!! i'll see, but for now, i'm not too interested in cc for the electrock ^^; thank you anyways though!! have a great day ((:
nothing caught my eye, sorry )): thank you anyways!! good luck to you too, and have a great day ((:
hey!! yes, a few of those names are uft, do you have a list of which ones would you be interested in?? some of them i'd like to keep, but others are for trade ((: as for the price, what would you be willing to offer?? i've never really traded names before so i wouldn't know, but i might have a look and see what other people usually sell for ((:

1,539 posts


5eggs79 • 19 January 2021 at 11:54 PM


Biles, Raonic, Kerber, and Netball are the ones I'm interested in.

Name prices tend to vary, and I've never bought athlete names before, but I can start by offering 50cc each for Biles, Raonic and Kerber and 250k ec for Netball.

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 20 January 2021 at 12:19 AM

50cc each sounds good, here is the lot!! for now, i'm not going to trade the name netball though, sorry ^^;

1,539 posts


5eggs79 • 20 January 2021 at 12:26 AM


That's okay! Offered, thank you!

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 20 January 2021 at 12:27 AM

thank you, i accepted!! ((: have a great day, and enjoy the names!!

852 posts


athanasia • 20 January 2021 at 6:11 PM

I would like to buy a Meriton 😃

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 20 January 2021 at 7:06 PM

sure!! here is the lot ((: thank you!!

852 posts


athanasia • 20 January 2021 at 7:57 PM

Offered 😊

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 20 January 2021 at 8:17 PM

i accepted, thank you so much and have a great day!! ((:

852 posts


athanasia • 20 January 2021 at 8:20 PM

You too!

4,265 posts


izziebee1017 • 22 January 2021 at 7:21 PM

Hey! 😃 What gender and stage is the Leo? ❤️

Also, I'm interested in the names Cosca, Alafia, Azerenka, Igna. 😊 What price can I get for those four?

2,491 posts


leafmelody • 23 January 2021 at 3:07 AM

hey!! the leoaquar is in the first stage, you can see it here ((:
as for the names, i'm willing to trade cosca, but alafia, azerenka and igna are more tentative! i've only ever traded names once, so i'm not too sure about values :')) how much would you like to offer?? i've seen names go for 300k-500k ec, so that's what i'm going by!!

488 posts


smailly • 23 January 2021 at 10:10 AM

Hi there, would you take 500k for the name Veg? I am also kinda interested in Brazilian, Hungarian, Alohomora and Zalea, could you give me approximate value for each of them? 😊
Thank you!

4,265 posts


izziebee1017 • 23 January 2021 at 10:16 AM

nevermind on the leo, i'm looking for a female unfortunately. 😊 as for the names, i've only ever see names go for that high that are real life words or names. for cosca, i'd offer probably 45k ❤️

266 posts


miraeggs • 24 January 2021 at 11:34 AM

@leafmelody Hi, I'm interested in a Pekva(any gender) and a Florette(female if possible), 85k EC sounds okay? 😸
