Seed Donation bin?

in Site Feedback & Ideas

Seed Bin, Yea or Nay? (Multiple answers allowed.)

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 8 October 2022 at 4:09 AM

It's been said we can't exchange Seeds between friends to curb cheating (I still don't get how that's any different than the Valentine's exchange.)

But I remember last year how frustrating it is to have just a few stray seeds left over that were just going to go to waste, while there were people out there in the "11th hour" struggling to get enough seeds to get that desired travel or creature. And people that had earned more than they needed and were buying up stuff just to hand out.

Why not have something where we can donate our extra seeds, and they can be doled out randomly?
Not like the Donation Center where people click on an item knowing what they're getting. I'd rather it be a random event (but then what it it landed on someone who was done collecting, ) so in lieu of that, either a raffle, or the amount was disguised and they could only pick every five minutes. The boxes would only generate after so many seeds had been reached. (So the minimum someone would get would be 20? Seeds. Maximum I'm thinking could be set to 100.)

It could open in the last day (or three ?) of October.

What do you all think? Good idea, bad idea? Would you use it (giving or take?)

2,140 posts


cranberrycat1 • 8 October 2022 at 8:42 AM

I can normally get the creatures I want by the end of Halloween so I’d probably donate but this is a really great idea it would really help the people who don’t have much time to collect seeds

21 posts


lunar_eclipse • 8 October 2022 at 2:13 PM

What if it was like stock? We buy EC shares, and then at the end of each year all of the seeds we didn't use go to a Seed bank, and then all of the users who bought EC shares last year and were active in the past 3 weeks get their share of the Seeds based on how much stock they bought last year and how many Seeds there are. The maximum share you can buy should probably be about 100,000 EC like in the lottery.

2,941 posts


heatherm19 • 10 October 2022 at 3:45 AM

I posted a suggestion to be able to transfer seeds between (verified) main/side accounts, but this could also help. Being able to donate the seeds gathered from my sides would make other users happy and would put the seeds to good use instead of just being wasted because we can't play the fair on sides. (I'm assuming we'd be able to use the 'bin' from our sides?)

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 12 October 2022 at 10:41 PM

@cranberrycat1 😊
As a new player I couldn't get Seeds fast enough to catch up on all the creatures I had been wanting... But this year... Well, It's almost going to feel stingy if I don't buy up a creature or two for someone else.
I'd rather be able to hand out a bunch of little Seed packages, so more people have a chance of getting that just out of reach creature.
*snerk* Just had the mental image of from childhood of trick-or-treating and there being that one old guy that lived out in the boonies, who handed out salted pumpkin seeds. And no one really liked eating them -they weren't even the good homemade ones, but the dry store bought ones-, but the parents took the kids there anyhow to see the decorations and hot cider.

@lunar_eclipse sounds like a separate idea altogether. Not a bad one. A little complicated, but it is probably easier in practice.
And it sounds more like a "how-could-I-benefit" idea, and mine is in the spirit of "how-do-I-help others". I want there to be an immediate contributing to players who are new or didn't have the time to play.

I think staff might not want lines to be blurred on the side account thing, but personally I think that contributing seeds to the Bin from sides should be an exception. (There's next to no way to cheat from this. I mean sure someone could contribute a bunch of 100/Max Seeds packages and then try to scoop up as many as they can from their main... but I've seen how fast free stuff flies on this site. lol. And I don't see Seeds as much different that EC tbh.)

21 posts


lunar_eclipse • 13 October 2022 at 4:57 PM

@snowywinter You're right... ok, so I love your idea. My question is how is the site going to distinguish inactive players from people who are new or didn't have time to play? Because honestly by now there are more players that have quit the game than players who are still on here.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 13 October 2022 at 9:43 PM

Well, Thank you ^^
I know this is going to sound jaded, but in my idea for the Seed Bin, there wasn't any inclination of the site filtering out who could and couldn't use it. Pretty sure there are going to be greedy people taking from it too that will just turn around and sell off the creatures for high prices.
Just like some that use to stalk the Adoption Center and auction them off. (Instead of leaving the creatures for new players or those that wanted the creatures but didn't have any of those species.)
Could an algorithm be created to have certain filters in place? Sure... but it's highly unlikely. And many elements of the game are meant for everyone. *shrug* It is what it is.

And if you're talking about the new player idea being implemented on your stock idea... Maybe new players get a 33% of the average earned of the previous year's earnings. A one time freebie. Anyone who joined Nov 1st or later. (I'd like to see Oct 27th or later, but I think it would be easier on the site's coding to deal with it as a Nov 1 start date.)
Still contemplating how it would work out since the site is still doing *something* at the start of the new season. (There's glitches a-plenty as the Fair acts like it's active from the year before, and anything earned in the first 1/2 hour to hours ends up getting wiped. Early birds don't get the worm in the case. Happened last year and this year. I think that would need to get fixed before they could implement something that runs off using those figures.)
