Site Trivia question (NO ANSWERS please! Just a general question!)

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heatherm19 • 7 November 2022 at 10:06 PM

*ahem* Sharing Site Trivia answers is against the rules, so please DO NOT POST TRIVIA ANSWERS here!

I just have a general 'what's your method?' question. When the Site Trivia for the day is one of those 'I'm the only creature weighing (something)' questions, how do you go about finding that out? Is there any way to easily see that sort of stat on multiple creatures? I've looked around everywhere I can think of but I haven't yet found a way to get that sort of answer without just literally going through every single Archive entry (I usually give up eventually and skip that day).

I've tried different tactics within the Archive, such as looking up the weight conversion (American here, have no clue about kgs) and then going through the archive and checking creatures that may reasonably be around that weight (if the weight is closer to a whale or a dog, for example). I think I've only gotten lucky once with that method. Also done similar but with habitats, usually only if the number given is extremely big (check outer space, ocean, etc).

I'm just wondering if there is some easier or filter-able way that I just haven't figured out yet.

1,508 posts


wonder404exe • 7 November 2022 at 10:21 PM

@heatherm19 i usually search like example “81639kg eggcave” if that helps 😁 no need to look through anything ur self the internet does it for you! Most of the time its the first one that pops up!

Search up on ur browser not eggcave site

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 7 November 2022 at 10:33 PM

what wonder404exe said.

Though some people may be inclined to type all ~ 1000 creatures into a spreadsheet and use that. (Not all search engines have all the answers. One time I had to think back to one that was popular in the early 2000's and it took me 20 minutes to get the answer since none of the well known ones had it.)

and other times it plain simply comes down to it being a favorite creature and knowing their stats 😋 (That's happened to me like... twice in 1.5 years.)

Funny you should mention the kg/American thing. being on this site this long has started to give me a general sense at least of what the lb equiv would be. (It still perplexes me that everything else on the site is American... so why aren't the weights?! lol. Like it's fine, just... odd.)

2,938 posts


heatherm19 • 7 November 2022 at 11:12 PM

..... I can't believe I never thought of that. Omg. Thanks you two! 😊

1,744 posts


minnie298a • 8 November 2022 at 1:53 AM

Personally I go "I ain't got time for that", put in true as the answer and move on forfeiting the ec for the day. I only put in an answer so I get the notification for the next day. Do it with the blurry pictures ones as well if I can't guess in 2 or 3 goes.
