Ability to sort Your Creatures by closest to evolving, Evolves by ...

in Site Feedback & Ideas

1,216 posts


pet_cemetery • 24 December 2022 at 10:49 AM

In the My Creatures you have the option to sort many ways (A-Z, Z-A, Species A-Z, SpeciesZ-A, stage, frozen, ECT)

So why not by closest to evolution, and Evolves by...? The 'My Creatures' page shows how close creatures are to evolution with a number in parenthesis even for creatures who stages are hidden on the archives.

This would make it easier to keep track of your creatures and know if one you don't want to evolve is getting close.

As it is now, you have to sift through how many pages looking at the number in parenthesis.

1,313 posts


daisycat • 24 December 2022 at 12:36 PM

YES! I always think this when I'm going through my cove checking the numbers on each of them.

I also think a notification would be neat where it says, "Your creature ________ will evolve to the next stage soon!" as a warning when the number is getting close. 😊 Then you see that and can go check and decide if you want to freeze or let it be. Some of mine are already at the stage I want frozen, but not close to evolving yet, so it's not my priority to use CC to freeze them right now.

935 posts


shirothekittehlover • 24 December 2022 at 4:51 PM

Yes to this! There are no creatures I'm looking to freeze at the moment, but I just wanted to keep track of which egg is the closest to hatching...

2,991 posts


heatherm19 • 24 December 2022 at 9:26 PM

YES PLEASE!!! I try to keep a close eye on any to-freeze creatures but this would be so helpful. Also with things like the advent tree where some days include extra views/clicks/etc, it'd be very helpful to have an easy way to check how close creatures are to evolving *before* we visit the tree and get those extra stats.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 24 December 2022 at 11:44 PM

@pet_cemetery This would be a fantastic addition! Would save on so much undue stress. Even when i know there's a creature i want to pause at a certain stage, I sometimes lose track. (and it bites when it's an ultra-limited release that evolves easily.)
