Hungriest first!

in Site Feedback & Ideas

1,646 posts


alraune3 • 24 April 2023 at 1:54 PM

I don't know if anyone might have suggested something like that already: I would very much like to have an option that when feeding friends' coves, I could select beforehand that the respective cove would be shown to me in "hungriest first" order (like the "least happy" option in "your creatures") and then I could feed in that order. This would hopefully save some creatures from starvation.

2,552 posts


dragrawr • 24 April 2023 at 2:03 PM

This would be really nice !! But since it’s alphabetical it would hard to allow users to feed like that. Like we cant feed in just cove lists, for example.

2,934 posts


heatherm19 • 24 April 2023 at 2:56 PM

YES!! Especially with larger coves, sometimes I don't have time to feed everyone but I want to make sure no one is in the red. (I'd also love more options on how to feed in general, like being able to just feed a list without having to open each creature separately...)

1,646 posts


alraune3 • 24 April 2023 at 3:00 PM

Yes, that's right. Being able to feed in just cove lists would be cool, too. I just thought that after 14 years of alphabetical order, maybe some helpful new features could be created. "Hungriest first" would be my preferred option.😊

That's exactly why I would find such a feature extremely useful.😊

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 24 April 2023 at 11:29 PM

I've been asking for a feature like that every so often for our own coves (seems easy enough to add something like that to the sorting options,*) but it would be AMAZING if there was a way to view others' coves that way too!

(*moot point once someone get a Leaf of Vaka, but I still think it would be a really useful option for those that don't. It would make sorting for the Feed/Hungry! tabs so much easier.)

(definitely would help me when figuring out which eggs to signal boost when trying to help raise happiness - in the coves I'm trying to help rescue.)

Even people that take care of their coves and get several feeders a day sometimes have trouble with that one egg... you know the one. It's like a bottomless pit of a teenager that's always hungry. (Sometimes it's a glitch/bug that is even ticket worthy... but even when it's not the case, this type of sorting would be useful in both keeping creatures happy, or concluding if there's a problem.)

- - -

20 May 23

Just went to test out the star feature sorting, and just realized the hungriest/happiest options have been added too! When the heck did that happen?! Was there ever an announcement?

New edit for anyone that read this: I was having a derp moment. Disregard.
