Simple way to see how many of a certain species we have

in Site Feedback & Ideas

2,934 posts


heatherm19 • 23 August 2023 at 5:26 AM

This has actually been bugging me for awhile. I wasn't sure whether to add it to an existing 'filtering' topic, but it is a little different, so...

To my knowledge, there is currently no way to see/show how many of a species you actually have, when looking at Your Creatures. When you search for a specific species name, the result-number only shows the number of creatures on the first page (ie, "Searching for tasma in your Cove... 24 results found" um no I have *way* more than 24!!). Honestly this kind of seems like a pretty basic thing in a pet-collecting game, I'm kind of surprised this isn't possible here.

Can we please have some way to see how many of a species we have? Something simple and easy to see and get to, maybe just some additional text... (Quick mockup just for visual reference: )

(While typing this out I thought of one round-about way that we have now, if you make a new cove list and 'quick add' one specific species then scroll down to the bottom, you should see the sorting numbers and be able to see what the last number is... But that's not exactly a great work-around and only works if you don't already have the limited number of lists...)

1,127 posts


musical_slytherclaw • 23 August 2023 at 8:34 AM

I would find this really helpful! great suggestion 😊

1,179 posts


ahgirltc • 23 August 2023 at 9:30 AM

Great idea, would like to see it implemented 😊
