Academy for Superheros

in Roleplaying

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 14 October 2011 at 9:29 PM

Kiana thought about going back to the school to see what it was like. Kiana decided not to.

472 posts


p3flteng • 14 October 2011 at 9:41 PM

leia just rolled her eyes nd slunk away

775 posts


isablah • 15 October 2011 at 7:37 AM

Abby grabbed her bag and looked at the first class on her schedule. Her schedule looked like this:

Period 1: Controling the Dark Side of Your Powers
Period 2: Language Arts/Social Studies
Period 3: Shape-Shifting
Period 4: Shape-Shifting
Period 5: LUNCH
Period 6: Organization
Period 7: Advanced Math/Algebra
Period 8: Sidekick-or-Superhero?

Off to 'Controlling the Dark Side of Your Power'
She walked in and sat down, appreciating the fact that she was ten minutes early.

64 posts


l_kim8435 • 15 October 2011 at 8:44 AM

Name: Raven
Gender: F
Looks: Very dark brown hair that falls to her shoulders. She has purple highlights on her side bangs. She has an average height.
Age: 15
Power: Can manipulate shadows and make them have the effect of fire, (she has to see a shadow to move it.)
Raven looked at her schedule as she got dressed in jeans and a white v-neck with a jacket.
Period 1: Controling the Dark Side of Your Powers
Period 2: Gym
Period 3: Advanced math/algebra
Period 4: Advanced math/algebra
Period 5: LUNCH
Period 6: Organization
Period 7: Language Arts/Social Studies
Period 8: Sidekick-or-Superhero?
She headed to her first class and checked her watch. She was five minutes early and the second one there. Raven took a deep breath and sat in the seat next to the girl.

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 9:32 AM

Leia morphed back and did a double take...she had to be in controlling the dark side of powers class in 1 min. and it was on the other side of the school..."crap"she muttered.she morfed into a cheeta and started to run. when she got to the class, she glided through the door and sat in the back

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 15 October 2011 at 9:43 AM

Kiana growled at a nearby fox.

64 posts


l_kim8435 • 15 October 2011 at 10:42 AM

Five minutes went by slowly. A minute before class started, a flood of students entered the room. Raven tuned out the teacher as he began to speak.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 15 October 2011 at 11:15 AM

@whispers Can I join? 😃

Name: Nicolette [Nikki]

Gender: Female

Looks: Asian with straight, jet-black hair that falls just below her ribs. She has blue highlights. Her eyes are a soft greyish-green color. Nikki is petite, a bit short for her age but not a midget.

Age (10-24): 14

Power*: Psionic links and Psionic energy. She can establish Psionic links with somebody when she has direct eye contact with them. If she has established a Psionic link with somebody, she can drain their Psionic energy, causing either brief memory loss [Example: Like, erase the past ten minutes, NOT their whole lives] or pain. She will also be able to feel their presence if they are near her [Example: Within the same building]. Creating Psionic links do not drain her Psionic energy, but draining somebody else's Psionic energy will consequently drain her own Psionic energy, causing her to have either waves of intense pain, short term memory loss, or extreme fatigue.

8,989 posts


lola622f • 15 October 2011 at 1:59 PM

Jasper pulled out his schedule. It was:

Period 1: Controling the Dark Side of Your Powers
Period 2: Language Arts/Social Studies
Period 3: How to make intense pain
Period 4: How to make intense pain
Period 5: LUNCH
Period 6: Controling your power
Period 7: Free-time
Period 8: Sidekick-or-Superhero?

He groaned as he headed gracefully to class.


She pulled out her schedule. It was designed for her:

Period 1: Controling the Dark Side of Your Powers
Period 2: Language Arts/Social Studies
Period 3: Shape-Shifting
Period 4: Shape-Shifting
Period 5: LUNCH
Period 6: Organization
Period 7: Advanced Math
Period 8: Sidekick-or-Superhero?

She headed to class

7,220 posts


whispers • 15 October 2011 at 4:05 PM

Sure bud!

8,989 posts


lola622f • 15 October 2011 at 4:10 PM

Kirsten walked to her class with nateral grace like always. She was lithe, elegant and stuff like that but it bothered her. She hated it. It was the family's curse. It affected Jasper too.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 15 October 2011 at 6:30 PM

When the fox ran away, Kiana chased it.

775 posts


isablah • 15 October 2011 at 6:40 PM

Abby waited for the rest of the class. A dude with greasy looking hair was in the room, but other than that, NO ONE HAD COME! She couldn't believe her eyes! I mean, the teacher was here, but everyone else- puhshaw!

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 7:16 PM

"fancy seeing u here jasper..." said leia "what did u eat abby too?" she asked innocently,jokingly.almost. * 😊 *

8,989 posts


lola622f • 15 October 2011 at 7:17 PM

" What?!", Jasper asked irritably. He continued walking gracefully to class.

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 7:30 PM

she smiled evily...she would tease him...hmmm..what could she say...she walked quickly to cathch up with him..."hey heard abby luvvvvss ur haair." * 😉 *

8,989 posts


lola622f • 15 October 2011 at 7:39 PM

" Really?", Jasper questioned, he was clearly uniterested.

775 posts


isablah • 15 October 2011 at 7:41 PM

Abby walked into the hallway and just caught Leia saying "Hey, heard Abby luuuuuuuvs your haair."
"What did you just say?" She asked, an unreadable tone in her voice. "Did I just hear that come out of your mouth?" Her face was angry. She couldn't control it. She morphed into her most dangerous form, a panther. She growled, glaring at Leia. She stalked toward her.

8,989 posts


lola622f • 15 October 2011 at 7:44 PM

" You two are stalkers", Jasper muttered. Seeing Kirsten (his sis) following him, it was just more annoying. The she changed route.

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 7:48 PM

she glared at jasper...she morfed into a cheeta and started fickering beetween a wolf a panther and a cheeta , a bur. she raised her uper lip and held her ground staring abby xown. a low growl came out sounding almost like a pur. crap she thought...

775 posts


isablah • 15 October 2011 at 7:49 PM

Abby attacked. She went for the neck, blinded by anger. She would attack everyone who came into her path. She went crazy with rage.

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 8:02 PM

leia made a graceful jump over abby avioding her attack but jasper might get in the way hshe thought abby had been blinded by her rage would it be enough to stop her? leia turned tward abby expressionless

775 posts


isablah • 15 October 2011 at 8:08 PM

Abby, still charging, lept onto Jasper. Her claws ripped his clothes and she went in for the kill. But she stopped, in disbelief. NO! She thought. What am I doing? Hesitation passed through her face, but there was still crazed anger in her eyes.

8,989 posts


lola622f • 15 October 2011 at 8:12 PM

Jasper glanced at Abby, sending agony through Abb'ys body. He turned pale.

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 15 October 2011 at 8:12 PM

Okay! I will be more active now! I swear.

Revenged walked back into the building to class. she heard some loud bickering an suddenly, the faint sound of shapeshifting. A growl rumbled deep in her throat. She silenced herself and peeked around the corner. Two panthers, fighting. She watched, amused as the first panther lept, but the other one dodged. Number one plunged into a guy behind them.

8,989 posts


lola622f • 15 October 2011 at 8:18 PM

Jasper glanced at Abby, sending agony through Abby's body. He turned pale.

Kirsten was walking down the hallway to class. She didn't see anything strange at all. No panthers leaping on his brother.

775 posts


isablah • 15 October 2011 at 8:32 PM

Abby writhed. Pain, agony, shame. She had a vision. She was in a high chair. A woman was feeding her and coughed. "Oh, honey, I hope its not contagious. I should see a doctor about this!" She said. "Hun, let me feed Kisha. You go lay down." A man said. He turned to Abby and said, "Mommy is sick, so don't wake her up, okay?" She looked at him. Mommy? That woman was her mom? Was he her.... her dad? Confusion... Pain... Agony... Screams from her... mothers room echoed through the house. "Opa, Opa, stay with me. You have to stay alive until the medics get here. You have to!" Her... father was sobbing and wailing for the woman... Opa. Kisha, or Abby, waddled into the room. "Momma?" She asked innocently. Her mother looked bad and sadness surged through her. Opa coughed. She coughed for a long time until she grew quiet. No coughing. No breathing. No heartbeat. Nothing. Nothing. Her father sobbed. He picked her up roughly and put her in a stroller. He pushed her to a big building. "TAKE HER!" he says. "TAKE HER!" He roughly pushed her into the desk. She falls and all goes black. Back to reality.
"Oh my god Jasper," she said, her disbelief shining clear. "Oh god." She ran as fast as possible, down the hallways. But she was weak and collapsed only a few steps away...

8,989 posts


lola622f • 15 October 2011 at 8:35 PM

" Sorry", Jasper said. He followed her and help her get up.


472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 8:51 PM

leia beat jasper too her. she morphed into a human and ran to her tears in her eyes she knelt pusheing jasper away silent tears rolling down her face. how could she have moved and let her attack jasper. "so sorry" the words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them.she consentrated and tried to morfh.she felt firey breath in her mouth and knew it had woked. wow theses animal transforming classes were paying off. she rose as a phonix and carried abby to her room where she lay abby down on her bed, mumbled something in her ear and went to get a wet cloth, but not befor locking the door to keep jasper out. he wasnt needed now

8,989 posts


lola622f • 15 October 2011 at 8:56 PM

Jasper scowled. Things are going to get worse. He picked the lock and the door opened. " Don't use a wet cloth or anything", Jasper growled. It was going to make it worse. Just let her lay down for a while.
