Academy for Superheros

in Roleplaying

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 15 October 2011 at 10:54 PM

Do you think the hunt is a good idea?
*looks up at the 18th post on this page*
If it happens, it should be tomorrow. (in the RP)

Whoops! Repost! 😋
(I was only trying to edit 😋)

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 10:56 PM

haha lol yea that would b good

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 15 October 2011 at 10:59 PM

*skips to tomorrow*
It's up to you to find out about the hunt 😋 Kiana's out in the wilderness 😊
(btw, you don't know it's a person)

As the sun rose over the trees, Kiana woke up. Kiana was hungry. Kiana caught and ate a squirrel.

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 10:59 PM

ahhhhhggrrrr...theres no people on!!!!!wtf

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 15 October 2011 at 11:03 PM

Just post what happens! I wanna know how it's going to happen!
*reconsiders* Actually, I have a better idea - I'll unsubscribe. DON'T ping me! When the hunt gets somewhat near me, ping me then. And then I will come back and resubscribe and we will continue from there 😊
So then I won't know your strategies/tactics/etc.

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 11:04 PM

kool...but how do i ping!

7,220 posts


whispers • 15 October 2011 at 11:05 PM

I'm like, kinda quitting my own RP xD Im kinda left out, so you guys can continue on 😃

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 11:05 PM

r u kidding join in tom.

775 posts


isablah • 15 October 2011 at 11:07 PM

Abby read the note. It warmed her heart to know Leia never meant for any of this to happen.... But it had. She awoke to the moonlight at 5:00 am. She slipped out of bed and put on a dress. This time, she was sure it wouldn't suffocate her. It was from the 1700s, or so it looked to be, and probably was. She walked out and worked on her makeup as quietly as possible.

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 15 October 2011 at 11:08 PM

@P3flteng put @ in front of a username

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 11:10 PM

"abby" leia whispered "you need to borrow some of my clothing if you want to impress the best, nothing against that...thing 😊"

775 posts


isablah • 15 October 2011 at 11:13 PM

Abby jumped and a small squeak escaped her mouth. Then a giggle. Then a laugh but she quickly covered her mouth to muffle it. "I like it, but the last time I wore this I almost suffocated so.... I will look in my closet for alternatives."

472 posts


p3flteng • 15 October 2011 at 11:17 PM

liea cracked a smile.."look jasper's cute,but not my type, and feel free to go through my closet" "luckly jasper is unbeilevibally oblivious so he doesnt notice the look on your face when you see him"

7,220 posts


whispers • 15 October 2011 at 11:22 PM

Yash i am quitting xD

775 posts


isablah • 15 October 2011 at 11:22 PM

"Leia!" Abby giggled and smiled. "He is totally my type... And oblivious!" She looked through her own closet and picked out some short shorts with a blouse. "This good?" The blouse had flower print on it with a huge star on it. Abby didn't have a lot of choices...

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 15 October 2011 at 11:40 PM

find out about the hunt!
Remember, everyone is hunting.

I will now unsubscribe.

8,989 posts


lola622f • 16 October 2011 at 8:20 AM

Jasper headed back to class. The teachers demanded him why he was late, but they backed away when he threatened them. The day passed in a blur. Anyways Jasper went to sleep.

472 posts


p3flteng • 16 October 2011 at 8:39 AM

leia looked her over with a critical eye."the clothes are okay..but come here and let me do your make up" she walked over to abbys dressing table and pulled something out of the open drawer. she lightly brushed on a light pink toned eyeshadow and painted on a lipgloss that set her eyes up. she added a little mascara and swept a blush across her cheek bones.
"I can do your hair if you want."

775 posts


isablah • 16 October 2011 at 8:45 AM

"Sure! Side swept? What do you think?" Abby looked over herself. She thought she looked pretty good!

472 posts


p3flteng • 16 October 2011 at 8:50 AM

"... oh! I know low side ponytail, with a peice of the pony tail braided with out a holder, and your bangs swept to the other side!" leia said she grabbed the hairspray and started working. while she was working she asked
"so your really into jasper huh?"

775 posts


isablah • 16 October 2011 at 8:55 AM

"well, I guess. I don't usually involve myself with boys. I've never had a boyfriend." Abby thought about it. she had had many stares, but been like Jasper about it, 'Get away from me' more than 'Oh, hey dude!' She used to have tons of friends, but now she had two and a side ponytail. She wished her life had taken a different direction...

8,989 posts


lola622f • 16 October 2011 at 9:31 AM

Kirsten got lost in the woods. Killing Kirsten for now.

775 posts


isablah • 16 October 2011 at 9:42 AM

@p3flteng I am continuing to once your done.

Once Leia was done, Abby looked a herself in the mirror. The shorts were a nice contrast, being dark. She didn't dare touch her hair. Locks and locks hung to her side.

8,989 posts


lola622f • 16 October 2011 at 9:46 AM

@isablah is your charrie done??!! I'm waking up Jasper now! I'm kinda wierd sometimes when someone tells me to make Jasper do something.

@lola622f appeared and woke Jasper up. " Better get ready", she said to Abby, right before the question was out then she disappeared in a puff of smoke. Jasper heard all of it but he acted asleep.

775 posts


isablah • 16 October 2011 at 10:09 AM

"I never tryed to impress anyone but foster parents before. All they want is for me to dress nice, make them look good, and not inspire any trouble." Abby said sadly. "No one really cared what I wore other than them."

8,989 posts


lola622f • 16 October 2011 at 10:14 AM

Jasper got out of bed. " No offense but I don't care what you wear either", Jasper said," You already look nice in normal clothes"

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 16 October 2011 at 10:15 AM

...I came back here because I was bored...and waiting to be pinged here

Could you maybe go to an assembly-type thing? Where you are informed of the hunt today?

775 posts


isablah • 16 October 2011 at 10:29 AM

@cqpkytty We will have that later in the morning... okay?

Abby jumped and squeaked. Again. "Is this National Sneak-Up-on-Abby Day?" She smiled and almost looked into jaspers eyes, but quickly turned away. "I guess I've gotten too used to impressing parents.... I haven't worn regular clothes in a while. How much did you hear?"

8,989 posts


lola622f • 16 October 2011 at 10:31 AM

" Alot", Jasper grinned. This place was getting better. @isablah

775 posts


isablah • 16 October 2011 at 10:39 AM

Abby blushed. "Oh no. You don't care right? I um... uh..." *facepalm*
