Stats on Baiting?

in Site Feedback & Ideas

Do you frequently use the "bait" feature?

1,732 posts


lexicon • 12 October 2023 at 12:34 AM

Hi, just wondering if anyone's gathered any stats on the effectiveness of the new bait feature in the Cave!

I tried it once when I got the new monthly as an option and was successful 1 out of 11 times...which is slightly less than 10%. I cannot for the life of me calculate what the odds would be if I just randomly happened upon a monthly normally going to the Cave but I know that I have pulled as many as 3 monthlies (or sometimes 3 of one random creature) in those 10 tries.

Has anyone tried consistently? Do you find it worth it? I like that there are more uses for items but from the (to be fair) one time I tried it, idk if it's worth it and odds should be increased? I'll give it another go today and see if my luck is any different!

Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences, I haven't seen this being discussed much! 😊

2,934 posts


heatherm19 • 12 October 2023 at 1:08 AM

I figure @minnie298a probably has some stats on this?

Personally it's *never* worked for me. In fact I got into the habit last month of, whenever a monthly was an option for baiting that day and I got that same monthly *without* baiting, I'd name the creature something like 'nobaitneeded' or something. I've only tried the baiting maybe 10-12 times in all, I tried it a few times this month when the Vampiria came up, but nothing.

To me one of the things that makes this feature less than useful, besides being able to get monthlies with regular cave approaches anyways, is the items asked for. Sorry, I'm not going to toss out an expensive item I only have 2 of for a very small chance of a successful baiting. At least when I use items on quests I *get* something in return every time (tokens). If it only asked for items under 2kec, or only asked for the 'common'-rarity items, that could make it a lot less frustrating when it fails, imo.

1,732 posts


lexicon • 12 October 2023 at 1:28 AM


Ah! I was hoping it was just me and people have had better luck! I think the whole point should be to eliminate the "random chance" factor since you are investing in it now. Maybe something like 50% would be more incentive?

Completely agree with feeling like an overall net loss if you have nothing to show for it. Also, if you don't have/can't find the item, you're out of luck for trying again that day ouo

1,743 posts


minnie298a • 12 October 2023 at 1:32 AM

It may be a shock to some, but no I don't.
I was going to, then got some ridiculous thing early on the first day (which were only commons I didn't want and was only experimenting for the experience), and noped out fast on the record keeping. Particularly upon realizing that everyone got offered the same creatures, and they didn't change after a successful bait.

Personally, I don't use it very often. It really has no great pull for me. Plus as it disrupts my new day rhythm it's something I only consider on the later cave approaches. I may have a go with a monthly on offer, but only if I have a bunch of what they are asking for already in my strongroom (and I honestly don't even look half the time). It's worked a couple of times. Took something like 15 or 20 baits before getting my first creature. I feel I'm getting more value in using the items for quests.

As a side note, today has me annoyed and confused. I should have taken a screen shot. I was told that the bait had failed, but I was lucky enough to find a monthly. Which one you ask. Well a Vampiria, AKA the creature I was baiting for!!!

1,732 posts


lexicon • 12 October 2023 at 12:14 PM


Yes, everyone's creatures randomizing each day would be more interesting! And lessen the chances of flooding the market with a particular creature if that is a concern (although I don't think much flooding is happening as is).

For sure, questing is definitely the better use of items. I have gotten rid of some random Trinkets and Bean Sack items that I randomly had which is nice but a lot of people don't collect those for quests so might not even have them in the first place!

OMG that's so interesting!! I actually baited for a Vampiria and got the other monthly one time so I considered that a win lol but that makes me wonder if the mechanics are working as they should be, thanks for sharing! o:
