Fox Costume (Mimic Stage 3) should say Cat Costume

in Problems & Bugs

1,310 posts


daisycat • 26 November 2023 at 6:55 PM

This trinket travel looks more like a cat to me rather than a fox. It has a thin, cat-like tail, whiskers, and a mouse friend (not that foxes don't have whiskers, but you know, cats). And the black cat thing kinda goes with the creepiness theme of the Mimic.

Fox Costume (Mimic Stage 3)
"This fox costume could help make your Mimic look... more cute. Is that really even possible?"

Not a huge issue of course, just noticed because I was looking to buy one.

That said, if you have this trinket and would like to sell, please set up a trade or place it in your shop for 10k EC and let me know! ^^ Edit: Finally found one for sale in the shop!

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 28 November 2023 at 11:10 PM

I was wondering about the mouse thing, but i hope it doesn't change. It always makes me smile when i run across it saying "Fox Costume" I was so bouncy the first time I seen it.

(One year for Halloween i even went as one of the back-up dancers from 'What Does the Fox Say?' a.k.a. 'The Fox')

2,415 posts


ida92 • 29 November 2023 at 2:35 AM

@daisycat I agree, it does look like a cat. I know that foxes can be black, but they always have fluffy tails (more or less). This look totally like a cat tail.

It's not a big issue though. ^^
