Wall: flakes

cloudy • 15 Jan 2019, 10:20 AM

Also i have an Oscoa Egg for trade c: mail me if youre interested 😸

yts • 15 Jan 2019, 9:44 AM

What I like most is anaria and unipeg...but I'm really unsure! I just revived it yesterday...

cloudy • 14 Jan 2019, 10:01 AM

Hello! My Yuki might be uft but i'm only looking for a Biwo rn 😸

yts • 14 Jan 2019, 8:51 AM

Hellow 😸 sorry for the noise I was wondering if you could be interested in trading your seralphae for mine at last stage 😊

invisiblefly • 13 Jan 2019, 8:11 AM

Fed all 😊

idol • 11 Jan 2019, 10:49 AM

Sorry I am so slow XD anyway sorry my Yuki is not up for trade ☚ī¸

I don't really have too much @k-pop for trade right now

warghost141 • 11 Jan 2019, 9:24 AM

hi there i am very interested in your pumpkid thanks for the offer would anything from darklunar or misticodust interest you, i currently have 200cc and I am trying to sell my creatures i have one there to make the cc?

senkou • 10 Jan 2019, 4:32 AM

ahh okie 😊

senkou • 10 Jan 2019, 3:42 AM

I just saw your lot, would you do gorri for unipeg? 😱

mejary • 9 Jan 2019, 9:55 PM

Heya owo Sorry it took me so long x.x here's the trade lot owo Trade #917294 Thank you so much ❤ī¸

mairbear • 9 Jan 2019, 9:32 PM

Hiya, not interested in a unipeg, but thanks ^^

idol • 9 Jan 2019, 1:12 PM

what are you looking for?

senkou • 9 Jan 2019, 8:30 AM

Most likely not but throw me an offer 😋

whispers • 8 Jan 2019, 10:37 AM

Fed list back ^^

senkou • 8 Jan 2019, 7:13 AM

unipeg? 😋

idol • 8 Jan 2019, 7:02 AM

Which side? 😊

senkou • 8 Jan 2019, 2:32 AM

Are you interested in a gorri

senkou • 8 Jan 2019, 2:21 AM

Ok,thanks for replying 😋

mejary • 8 Jan 2019, 2:21 AM

Hello owo Sure 😸 But is it possible we could make the trade tomorrow? owo" Sorry for keeping you waiting x.x

senkou • 7 Jan 2019, 11:59 PM

Ahh sorry that would be an over offer on my part... Would a goldox or anything over at @fantasy5 interest you for the uni?

senkou • 7 Jan 2019, 11:46 PM

What for unipwg/ biwo?

karakia • 7 Jan 2019, 10:59 PM

Sorry for my late reply >.< here ~ thank youu

phoxine • 7 Jan 2019, 10:49 AM

Yes I would be willing to offer a volpe

firedawn • 7 Jan 2019, 9:35 AM

Interested in anything of mine for the Unipeg? ^^

rach • 6 Jan 2019, 10:24 AM

I can do Bliz, Kaihon and Corunis for the Garo? If that's ok, I'll set the lot up. 😊

rach • 6 Jan 2019, 9:20 AM

A Garo (Might need to add something) & a Qutten

yts • 6 Jan 2019, 3:54 AM

Thank you for letting me know 😊

yts • 5 Jan 2019, 8:31 AM

sorry for the noise! Are you still interested in trading the orciel? 😊

phoxine • 5 Jan 2019, 6:54 AM


rach • 5 Jan 2019, 2:55 AM

I'm actually low on CC, so I'm kinda looking for a creature trade instead. If that's ok... 😊