Wall: flakes

eschla • 19 Jul 2019, 2:54 AM

How much are you looking for the polober?

foxbit • 18 Jul 2019, 9:56 PM

Hi, would a Meerna + 100CC interest you for the Corunis? I can offer up to 150CC instead.

peppermintcowboy • 14 Jul 2019, 1:20 PM

Hi there! Nice to see you again! πŸ˜ƒ Yeah, I've been having a blast since I rejoined EggCave. And there are so many more pets... and excellent features added to the site. 😊 Happy to return!

beta • 12 Jul 2019, 8:39 AM

I know @emo_pattys has a brohu uft 😊

senkou • 12 Jul 2019, 4:28 AM

It's called geometric shadow stone. 😊

senkou • 12 Jul 2019, 1:00 AM

I know @immortalraven has one in her uft stroage so perhaps its ft? But atm I'm not sure whether shes actually trading it or just seeking a stage swap~ no harm asking. πŸ˜‹

decay • 12 Jul 2019, 12:23 AM

Alright c: thank you! I’ll let you know!

decay • 11 Jul 2019, 9:51 PM

Hey! I apologize for never replying! I was a little hesitant to trade.. anyway, I hope you have an amazing day!

cala • 4 Jul 2019, 9:54 AM

hi no I'm not interessede anymore, I have it.But thanks anyway 😊

senkou • 26 Jun 2019, 12:12 AM

My dog was actually with my family before i was born so i didn't get to see him as a puppy, i can't imagine what it'd be like for you with your cat! ☹️ But it's so awesome that both my dog and your cat got to live such a happy and long life, its really been a blessing. ❀️

yogurt • 25 Jun 2019, 10:16 AM

Yea I've been doing so much trading lately haha thank you for your time πŸ˜ƒ

yogurt • 25 Jun 2019, 12:34 AM

Ahh well I already have another trade for a mewjestic so I have to say no sorry. ☹️

senkou • 24 Jun 2019, 8:48 PM

I'm alright thanks! Things are kinda getting boring eggcave wise as i don't have many trades atm, but irl I'm holidaying but dog just passed away.. he was 17. ☹️

yogurt • 24 Jun 2019, 3:24 PM

Hi sorry im not interested in those two creatures but I went through and saw these I liked: Fourbon, orciel, and Mewjestic. Sorry for asking if theyre not UFT 😊

senkou • 24 Jun 2019, 12:20 AM

She actually gave/traded me a bushay for it! Despite the value difference which she was aware of, she said that part of it was a gift. ❀️

senkou • 23 Jun 2019, 9:51 AM

Yeah sorry but she's gone to @chameleon now. ^^ If you're still interested you should go to her. ❀️ How are you btw?

bunnynw • 12 Jun 2019, 8:42 AM


senkou • 10 Jun 2019, 5:37 AM

Yeah same! I only have 100 atm ☹️ And naw thank you so much but I couldn't take that from you. ❀️ Your support already means the world to me!

senkou • 10 Jun 2019, 3:00 AM

Thanks so much for the support, I'm still shaking :0 ❀️ I wish I could hoard em but I'm too poor on cc lol

idol • 1 Jun 2019, 3:58 PM

Yea I haven't been on here much either 😱 I just was thinking how I need to get back into some Kdramas because it's been FOREVER since I have seen any.

wigglytuff • 31 May 2019, 11:12 PM

Ok, thanks! I'm pretty tempted by that offer πŸ˜‹

Have fun on holidays ^*

wigglytuff • 31 May 2019, 10:09 AM

Hello, I'm good! Hbu?

And for my paroxy, I'm not really sure rn ☹️ sorry ^^" but good luck getting one!

senkou • 31 May 2019, 2:54 AM

Which pet were we discussing for? X) and welcome back!! Hope you had a fun break 😊

idol • 14 May 2019, 10:16 AM

Hey! *Hugs* I know trading has been so slow and there aren't many other activities to interest me. :/
This year is my 9th year so I have been on hiatus off and on as well

senkou • 10 Apr 2019, 7:26 PM

woopsie actually the gorri was a gift and requested not to be traded so.. πŸ˜‹ but i can trade the other two for the right offer~ i'm super tentative though as they are my kitties and i love em dearly~ but hopefully we can work something out and yup, feel free to PM when ready πŸ˜‹

senkou • 8 Apr 2019, 7:39 AM

wicculin, fourbon and gorri from your wishlist which are all *kinda* uft.. πŸ˜‹ what kind of offer would you be after 😊

senkou • 8 Apr 2019, 7:38 AM

i'm alright, could be better πŸ˜‹ i'm currently having a cold which is why i have to resort to eggcave and netflix for entertainment instead of enjoying my holiday. wbu? 😊 also about the trade, i'd be most interested in the unipeg! i have a brohu

beta • 5 Apr 2019, 12:41 PM

Please don’t give me one. I’ll buy one if you get extras

beta • 5 Apr 2019, 12:21 PM

Is the krusdot uft? That you just sniped?

corpse • 26 Mar 2019, 2:20 PM

Would you take 160k ec for Haunlupe?